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MyPyramid Healthy Child Care Ohio Nutrition. MyPyramid Lecture Discussion Activity Summary and Questions Evaluations.

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Presentation on theme: "MyPyramid Healthy Child Care Ohio Nutrition. MyPyramid Lecture Discussion Activity Summary and Questions Evaluations."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyPyramid Healthy Child Care Ohio Nutrition

2 MyPyramid Lecture Discussion Activity Summary and Questions Evaluations

3 Objectives Describe Variety, Proportionality, Moderation, Activity as framework to MyPyramid Obtain estimated caloric needs for individuals based on gender, age, and activity level Explain the relationship between calories in and calories out Recognize serving sizes for each food group

4 The New Food Pyramid

5 Variety Color Choose foods from each food group daily

6 Proportionality Eat more of some and less of others Fruits, vegetables, whole grain and low-fat dairy products Saturated and trans fats, added sugar and salt, cholesterol, alcohol

7 Moderation Least amount of saturated and trans fats, added sugar and salt

8 Physical Activity Daily! Purposeful extra movement Goal: strive for 30 minutes most days

9 Caloric Needs What is a calorie? Levels of activity –Sedentary –Moderately active –Active

10 Calorie Level Gender Age Activity Level

11 Results & Worksheet Serving Size Recommendation for food groups Be physically active

12 MyPyramid for Kids

13 Grains Ounces vs. servings Make ½ your grains whole grains

14 What is a whole grain? Grain is not refined Look for “whole” on ingredient list Terms for Not whole grain: refined, enriched, fortified

15 Vegetables Dark green Orange Dried beans and peas Starchy Measured in Cups

16 Fruit Aim for variety Measured in Cups Easy on fruit juices Why?

17 Milk, Yogurt, Cheese Low-fat or Fat-free Measured in Cups 1 cup milk equivalent to 1 cup yogurt, 1.5 ounces of natural cheese, 2 ounces processed cheese

18 Meat and Beans Low-fat or lean Variety from nuts, seeds, beans, poultry, fish, meat, eggs Measured in Ounces

19 Fats & Oils Fats from nuts, seeds, fish, and vegetable oils Low-fat, fat-free, and lean meats and milk products Limits solid fats Avoid trans fats

20 Sugars & Sweets Choose/prepare foods and beverages with little added sugar or caloric sweeteners High fructose corn syrup, other syrups, sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, brown sugar, honey, molasses, fruit juice concentrates, raw sugar

21 Salt Choose/prepare foods with little salt Food label Less than 2300mg daily

22 Activity Fill in Worksheet Ask Questions!

23 Evaluations and Questions Thank You!

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