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4/25/13 Name 3 things that can influence your food choices. (What you eat, when you eat or how much you eat.) vs.vs.

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Presentation on theme: "4/25/13 Name 3 things that can influence your food choices. (What you eat, when you eat or how much you eat.) vs.vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/25/13 Name 3 things that can influence your food choices. (What you eat, when you eat or how much you eat.) vs.vs.

2 Why do people eat? Think of a food that you ate in the last 24 hours. Write it down. – –Why did you choose to eat? – –Why did you choose that particular food? Write your answers.

3 Do you usually eat because you are hungry or because you have an appetite? Hunger is the natural physical drive that protects you from starvation. Appetite is a psychological desire rather than a need to eat.

4 With the person sitting next to you, list 5 emotions that sometimes cause people to eat. What is “mindless” eating? Give an example. Are these reactions hunger or appetite?

5 Food & Your Environment Family & CultureFamily & Culture FriendsFriends Time & MoneyTime & Money AdvertisingAdvertising With the person sitting next to you come up with 2 ways that each of these influence your eating behaviors.

6 ANYBODY HAVE AN APPETITE YET? What’s for lunch today? Cheeseburger on a bun or BBQ Chicken on roll Scalloped potatoes, Orange glazed carrots, Assorted fruit juice, Fresh Kiwi Nutritional Value: 725 calories, 22.064g fat, 35.45g protein

7 What does your ideal meal include? Is this different from what you think is a healthy meal? How?

8 Check this out! k k k k

9 Good Nutrition = Healthy Body = Lifelong Health Reduces Risks of: StrokeCardiovascular Disease OsteoporosisCancersDiabetes

10 Osteoporosis oaepPms0I&feature=channel oaepPms0I&feature=channel oaepPms0I&feature=channel oaepPms0I&feature=channel

11 Nutrition is the process by which the body takes in and uses food. Calories or (Kcal) Kilocalories, are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body.

12 Nutrients are the substance in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself and to supply you with energy.

13 The 6 Essential Nutrients fulfill 3 main functions for the body. Provide Energy Build and repair body tissue Regulate Body Processes

14 The 6 Essential Nutrients are CarbohydratesProteinsFatsVitaminsMineralsWater

15 6 Essential Nutrients Chart

16 Are the major source of energy for the body.Are the major source of energy for the body. Fiber –indigestible complex carbohydrates. Fiber –indigestible complex carbohydrates. Helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes Most carbohydrates come from plants.Most carbohydrates come from plants.

17 Carb’s, cont. Starches and sugars found in foods are the main source of carbohydrates in the body.Starches and sugars found in foods are the main source of carbohydrates in the body. 2 Types Simple carbohydrates are sugars. Complex carbohydrates are starches. Which is which?

18 Proteins help build and maintain body cells and tissues. Proteins can be found in animal products and plants. As Americans we eat too many proteins. Are made up of amino acids.

19 Fats are a type of lipid, a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water. Fats are the most concentrated form of food energy. Fats are the most efficient way for the body to store energy.

20 Fats add texture and flavor to food. Fats are necessary for growth and healthy skin. In excess fats can lead to heart disease and cancer.

21 Polysaturated fat is a healthier fat to consume. It lowers blood cholesterol levels. Monosaturated fat has no effect on the blood cholesterol level.

22 Saturated fat is found in animal products, elevates blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fatty compound in the blood that is also found in deposits on the walls of arteries. High cholesterol levels can lead to clogged arteries, heart disease and stroke.

23 Q.O.D. : 4/29/13 Why is it so important to watch what you eat/carefully make your food selection?Why is it so important to watch what you eat/carefully make your food selection?

24 Review 3 main functions of the 6 essential nutrients are:3 main functions of the 6 essential nutrients are: –Provide Energy –Build and repair body tissue –Regulate Body Processes 6 essentials nutrients are: ___?6 essentials nutrients are: ___?

25 Saturated fat is found in animal products, elevates blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fatty compound in the blood that is also found in deposits on the walls of arteries. High cholesterol levels can lead to clogged arteries, heart disease and stroke.

26 Vitamins are compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients.

27 2 Types of Vitamins Fat-soluble vitamins are transported and stored by the body’s fat cells and liverare transported and stored by the body’s fat cells and liver stored in the body for longer periods of time, sometimes monthsstored in the body for longer periods of time, sometimes months examples Vitamin A, D, E, & Kexamples Vitamin A, D, E, & K

28 2 Types of Vitamins, cont. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and pass easily into the blooddissolve in water and pass easily into the blood body does not store these so a person need to replenish regularlybody does not store these so a person need to replenish regularly examples are Vitamin C & B- complexesexamples are Vitamin C & B- complexes

29 Minerals are substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth and for regulating many vital body processes.

30 The body’s most abundant mineral is calcium. Not enough calcium in the body can lead to osteoporosis. Examples: Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Iron,

31 Water serves as transportation for other nutrients. It helps rid the body of wastes and control body temperature. Dehydration is when your body lacks enough water to function properly. Without water your body will NOT function.

32 Activity Directions With your learning partner. One partner does across answers, the other does down. When you have finished your part of the puzzle, you may share your answers with your partner. All of the information was discussed in class. You may use your notes in case you need help with the information. Complete for homework if you do not finish in class.

33 Video?? Do we have time?Do we have time? –“Lighten up”

34 Absent 4/30 – Textbook scavenger hunt and puzzle4/30 – Textbook scavenger hunt and puzzle

35 LEQ -5/1/2013 Can a healthy meal be consumed at a fast food restaurant?

36 Set of recommendations for healthful eating and active living. Grouped into 3 areas known as the ABC’s of good health

37 Following the guidelines can help lower your risk of the following diseases. Heart disease Diabetes High cholesterol Obesity High blood pressure

38 A from ABC’s deals with fitness goals. In order to improve or maintain fitness; Aim for a healthy weight. Be physically active each day.

39 B from ABC’s deals with building a healthy eating plan. Make your food choices carefully. Choose a variety of grain products, especially whole grains. Choose a variety of fruit and vegetables daily. Keep food safe to eat.

40 C from ABC’s involves making sensible food choices. Choose a diet that; Is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. Includes beverages and foods that do not contain a lot of sugar. Consists of food that has less salt.

41 Dietary Guidelines Get most out of what you eat by eating nutrient dense foods. Nutrient-dense: foods that have a high ratio of nutrients to calories. Ex. Carrot vs. Potato Chip Even if you are eating right you can still become overweight. Don’t forget to AIM FOR FITNESS.

42 Pretend that we have permission to eat our lunch today at either McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King or Kentucky Fried Chicken. What restaurant would you choose? List what you would order, list all the items and their size.

43 Reasons why fast food restaurants are popular. TimeConvenienceTaste

44 Problems with eating too many fast food meals. Expensive Do not provide energy High in fat, calories, sodium Can cause obesity and disease

45 Diet Related Health Problems Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Obesity Diabetes Diabetes


47 RDA = Recommended Daily Allowances This is the amount of nutrients needed each day by most healthy people.

48 Percent Daily Values are percentages that are based on the RDA. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calories per day diet. Each day a person should consume; Less than 65 grams of fat Less than 2400 mg of sodium Less than 300 mg of cholesterol

49 5/2/13 Why is it important to determine healthy alternatives when eating at restaurants?Why is it important to determine healthy alternatives when eating at restaurants?





54 Smoking Fry “Taste” – 57330816/the-flavorists-tweaking-tastes-and- creating- cravings/?tag=contentMain;contentBody 57330816/the-flavorists-tweaking-tastes-and- creating- cravings/?tag=contentMain;contentBody

55 Hints for… Eating right when eating out. Pay attention to your portion size.Pay attention to your portion size. –Split meals or take home leftovers. How are the foods prepared.How are the foods prepared. –Fried = high in fat! –Grilled, baked or broiled is good. Add fresh fruits or veggies.Add fresh fruits or veggies. –Use the salad bar or order a salad or extra veggies with your meal.

56 More Hints for… Eating right when eating out. Go easy on TOPPINGS!Go easy on TOPPINGS! –Avoid high fat sauces, mayonnaise, butter and sour cream. –Ask for toppings on the side or use ones that are lower in fat like ketchup and mustards. DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!!DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!! –Choose water instead.


58 Besides excessive weight and eating disorders, what other health problems are associated with food? We get essential information from food labels. Do you ever look at food labels? What do you look for?

59 Poor Jared… Jared is allergic to nuts. If he eats anything that contains nuts, his face swells up and he has to be taken to the hospital. He’s learned to read food labels carefully to make sure nothing he eats has nuts in it. His friend Lauren has invited him to her house for dinner with her family. He’d like to say yes, but he knows that if anything they serve has nuts in it, he could be in serious trouble.

60 How can Jared protect his safety & his friend’s feelings at the same time? Why can’t Jared just avoid any nuts he might find in the foods, rather than make such a big deal?

61 The name of the food product.The name of the food product. The amount of food in the package.The amount of food in the package. The name and address of the company that makes, packages, or distributes the product.The name and address of the company that makes, packages, or distributes the product. The ingredients in the food.The ingredients in the food. The nutritional facts panel.The nutritional facts panel.






67 Activity Instructions In groups of 3.In groups of 3. Pick 4 meals from 4 different fast food restaurants.Pick 4 meals from 4 different fast food restaurants. Complete one worksheet for each restaurant.Complete one worksheet for each restaurant. Each meal must include a main dish, a side dish, a beverage and a dessert.Each meal must include a main dish, a side dish, a beverage and a dessert. Using the nutritional guides, please list the nutrients for each item and then total them.Using the nutritional guides, please list the nutrients for each item and then total them. What items could you choose as a healthier alternative?What items could you choose as a healthier alternative?

68 Fast Food Choices Restaurant ___________Group # ______ Speaker _______

69 Fast Food Resources

70 Do you think you incorporate foods from all food groups into your diet? Explain why or why not May 3, 2013

71 BMI is a measure of your body in relation to your height. BMI Formula ( first convert height to inches and weight to lbs) W (lbs)/ H (inch) H (inch) H (inch) BMI (Body Mass Index) X 703

72 Other ways of calculating BMI BMI ChartChart 2BMI ChartChart 2BMI Chart 2BMI Chart 2 BMI Calculator / Body Fat AnalyzerBMI Calculator / Body Fat Analyzer Bod PodBod Pod – feature=related feature=related feature=related Hydrostatic WeighingHydrostatic Weighing – &feature=related &feature=related &feature=related

73 Women BMR = 655+ (4.35 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age) Men BMR = 655+ (6.23 x weight in lbs) + (12.7 x height) – (6.8 x age) First Find Your BMR (Basil Metabolic Rate)

74 If you are Sedentary (little or no exercise) = BMR x 1.2 If you are lightly active or sports 1-3 days/week) = BMR x 1.375 If you are moderately active exercise/sports 3-5 days/week)= BMR x 1.55 If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) = BMR x 1.725 Multiply BMR by your Activity Level. Choose one from below.

75 To Remain the same weight. Eat the amount of calories from your formula and maintain that level of exercise. It is safe to lose or gain weight by only one lb per week. One lb is = 3500 kcal How many calories a day is that? 500 calories a day! How many calories less a day should you eat to lose 1 lb/ week? How many to gain

76 May 6 th, 2013 AbsentAbsent SuperSize MeSuperSize Me

77 May 7 th, 2013 Supersize meSupersize me Fast food activityFast food activity

78 May 8 th, 2013 What is your favorite food group? Explain why.What is your favorite food group? Explain why.

79 Michael Phelps’ Diet – u14 u14

80 Food Guide Pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. What is on the food pyramid? serving sizes pictures of foods types of foods A serving size is a measurement of food.

81 Review Based on what you remember about the food guide pyramid… What is an example of a food you like from each part of the pyramid?

82 The Old Pyramid

83 The New Pyramid (2009)

84 MyPlate

85 Introducing the New Food Icon: MyPlate LIE LIE LIE LIE


87 Nutrients Carbohydrates Vitamins ProteinsMinerals Food Examples BagelRiceCheerios SpaghettiBreadCrackers Make ½ of your grains whole.

88 1 serving = 1 ounce of ready to eat cereal ½ cup of cooked cereal, rice or pasta 1 slice of bread

89 Nutrients Carbohydrates Vitamins WaterMinerals Food Examples CarrotsBroccoli PeasLettuce Vary your veggies. Mix different types each day.

90 1 serving = 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables ¾ cup of vegetable juice ½ cup of cooked or raw vegetables

91 Nutrients VitaminsMinerals Water Food Examples ApplesOranges BananasGrapes Eat a variety of fresh fruits. Fresh fruit high in fiber is better than fruit juice.

92 1 serving = 1 medium apple, banana, orange or pear ¾ cup of fruit juice ½ cup of cooked, canned or chopped fruit

93 Nutrients VitaminsMinerals Protein Food Examples American CheeseGlass of Milk Blueberry Yogurt Eat Calcium rich foods. Teens should drink 2 cups a day of lowfat milk.

94 1 serving = 1 ½ ounces of natural cheese (Cheddar) 2 ounces of processed cheese (American) 1 cup of yogurt 1 cup of milk

95 Deli Counter Survival Guide -deli-counter-survival- guide?article=1&page=1 -deli-counter-survival- guide?article=1&page=1

96 Meat, poultry, fish Nutrients VitaminsMinerals ProteinFats Food Examples SteakBeansTurkey SalmonPeasNuts Go lean with protein. Grill, bake or broil… DO NOT FRY!

97 1 serving = 2-3 ounces of meat, poultry or fish 1 ounce = 1 egg ½ cup of cooked dry beans 2 tablespoons of peanut butter 1/3 cups of nuts Meat, poultry, fish

98 Limit foods that are high in fat – especially saturated fats and trans fats. Limit foods with salt and added sugars. It’s ok to enjoy a snack from this category every once in a while. Make sure you are burning those calories with physical activity.

99 MyPlate Activity Log on to the computerLog on to the computer http://www.choosemyplate.govhttp://www.choosemyplate.gov Scroll down the page and click “SuperTracker”Scroll down the page and click “SuperTracker” On the right side of the webpage click “Create Your Profile”On the right side of the webpage click “Create Your Profile” Create an account: Follow steps 1-2. Write down your username and password in your notebookCreate an account: Follow steps 1-2. Write down your username and password in your notebook Click submit (step 3)Click submit (step 3) Log in to your accountLog in to your account

100 Food Safety

101 5/9/13  Q.O.D. List ways that you can tell a food has gone “bad”.

102 Food Safety Terms  Food Additives – substances added to a food to produce a desired effect.

103 Open Dating  Sell by date: shows the last day on which a store should sell a product. After this date, the freshness of the food is not guaranteed  Use by or Expiration date: shows the last day on which a product’s quality can be guaranteed. For a short time, most foods are still safe to eat after this date.

104 Open Dating  Freshness dates: appear on items with a short shelf life, such as bake goods. They show the last date on which a product is considered fresh.  Pack dates: show the day on which a food was processed or packaged. The pack date does not give the consumer an indication of the product’s freshness

105 Keeping Food Safe to Eat  Pasteurization: treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens.  Cross-contamination: the spreading of pathogens from one food to another.  Foodbourne illness: food poisoning

106 Cooking 411  Separate  Cook  Chill


108 Food Sensitivity  Food Allergy: a condition in which the body’s immune system reacts to substances in some foods.  Food Tolerance: a negative reaction to food that doesn’t involve the immune system.

109 5/10/13  How would you feel if you knew someone who struggled with an eating disorder? What would you do? How could you help?

110 Eating Disorders  Discuss Bulimia/Anorexia Psychological problems Psychological problems Eating habits/food rituals/superstitions (OCD) Eating habits/food rituals/superstitions (OCD) Coping Coping

111 Emily – Anorexia pid=1452232410&bclid=1453556960&bctid=14890 938001 pid=1452232410&bclid=1453556960&bctid=14890 938001

112 Time to Review  …  H:\My Health\Nutrition\Nutrition Review Jeopardy.ppt H:\My Health\Nutrition\Nutrition Review Jeopardy.ppt H:\My Health\Nutrition\Nutrition Review Jeopardy.ppt

113 QOD 12/12/2012 Do you think you get all of foods from the food guide pyramid each day? What are you missing? What do you eat most of?

114 Q.O.D. – 12/12/12 If you could start your own fast food restaurant, would you create your own or invest in a franchise? **Be Descriptive

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