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Project Sponsors To find out how the Food Stamp Program can help you buy healthy foods, contact the PA Department of Public Welfare’s toll-free Helpline.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Sponsors To find out how the Food Stamp Program can help you buy healthy foods, contact the PA Department of Public Welfare’s toll-free Helpline."— Presentation transcript:


2 Project Sponsors To find out how the Food Stamp Program can help you buy healthy foods, contact the PA Department of Public Welfare’s toll-free Helpline at 800-692-7462. This material was funded by the Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Program and USDA’s Food Stamp Program. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Nutrition Center Department of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Drexel University School District of Philadelphia USDA project funded through the Food Stamp Program USDA project funded through the Food Stamp Program

3 Energy Balance DrinksSnacks Fast Food Wild Card 100 200 300 400 500

4 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Energy Balance for 100 Where should we look to find the number of calories per serving? Correct

5 Time’s Up! 12345678910

6 Energy Balance for 100 The Nutrition Facts Label Back to Board Back to Board

7 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Energy Balance for 200 Is a healthy diet also a fat-free diet? State your answer and why. Correct

8 Time’s Up! 12345678910

9 Energy Balance for 200 20-35% of our calories should come from fat, and less than 10% should come from saturated fat. Back to Board Back to Board

10 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Energy Balance for 300 Name three different sources of fiber. Correct

11 Time’s Up! 12345678910

12 Energy Balance for 300 Beans Whole Grain Bread Vegetables Baked potatoes Fruit Back to Board Back to Board

13 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Energy Balance for 400 Name the two types of carbohydrates. Correct

14 Time’s Up! 12345678910

15 Energy Balance for 400 SimpleComplex Back to Board Back to Board

16 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Energy Balance for 500 Name the three nutrients that supply us with energy and/or calories. Correct

17 Time’s Up! 12345678910

18 Energy Balance for 500 CarbohydratesProteinFat Back to Board Back to Board

19 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Drinks for 100 What kind of juice counts as a serving of fruit? Correct

20 Time’s Up! 12345678910

21 Drinks for 100 100% fruit juice Back to Board Back to Board

22 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Drinks for 200 Approximately how many calories are in a medium (20 ounce) soda? Correct

23 Time’s Up! 12345678910

24 Drinks for 200 Approximately 200 calories Back to Board Back to Board

25 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Drinks for 300 Does whole milk provides more vitamins and minerals than a low-fat milk? Correct

26 Time’s Up! 12345678910

27 Drinks for 300 Lower fat milks contain the same amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein as whole milk. Whole milk simply contains more fat. Lower fat milks contain the same amount of vitamins, minerals, and protein as whole milk. Whole milk simply contains more fat. Back to Board Back to Board

28 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Drinks for 400 If a beverage has 20 grams of sugar per serving and 3 servings per bottle, how many grams of sugar are in the whole bottle? Correct

29 Time’s Up! 12345678910

30 Drinks for 400 60 grams of sugar 20 grams per serving X 3 servings = 60g Back to board Back to board

31 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Drinks for 500 What is the difference between the sugar found in sodas and the sugar found in 100% fruit juice or milk? Correct

32 Time’s Up! 12345678910

33 Drinks for 500 Soda contains added sugar, while 100% fruit juice and milk contain natural sugar, in the form of fructose and lactose. Back to Board Back to Board

34 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Snacks for 100 Name two high fat snacks. Correct

35 Time’s Up! 12345678910

36 Snacks for 100 ChipsPastries Candy Bars French Fries Back to Board Back to Board

37 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Snacks for 200 What percentage of fat is considered to be high? Correct

38 Time’s Up! 12345678910

39 Snacks for 200 20% Daily Value or higher Back to board Back to board

40 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Snacks for 300 Does fat-free or low-fat always means less calories? Correct

41 Time’s Up! 12345678910

42 Snacks for 300 Most of the time sugar is used in place of the fat, adding calories to the food. Back to board Back to board

43 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Snacks for 400 Name a characteristic of a healthy snack. Correct

44 Time’s Up! 12345678910

45 Snacks for 400 Low-fat Low-fat Contains fiber Contains fiber Contains vitamins and minerals Contains vitamins and minerals Low sodium Low sodium Low cholesterol Low cholesterol Back to Board Back to Board

46 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Snacks for 500 Name one of the six rules of snacking. Correct

47 Time’s Up! 12345678910

48 Snacks for 500 Smaller portions Not front of the TV Am I really hungry? Choose low fat snacks from MyPyramid Kitchen is a good place to snack Sit down, slow down, savor and enjoy. Back to Board Back to Board

49 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Fast Food for 100 Name one way of making healthier choices at a fast food restaurant. Correct

50 Time’s Up! 12345678910

51 Fast Food for 100 Choose smaller portions Choose smaller portions Choose grilled chicken instead of beef Choose grilled chicken instead of beef Go light on the toppings Go light on the toppings Choose water instead of soda Choose water instead of soda Back to Board Back to Board

52 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Fast Food for 200 How many times per week does the average American dine out? Correct

53 Time’s Up! 12345678910

54 Fast Food for 200 4 times per week Back to board Back to board

55 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Fast Food for 300 Are salads are always the best choice on most menus? State your answer and why. Correct

56 Time’s Up! 12345678910

57 Fast Food for 300 No. Salads often contain cheese, meat, dressings, and other toppings that are packed with fat and calories. Back to board Back to board

58 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Fast Food for 400 Name a characteristic of sauces like mayonnaise, salad dressings, cheese, and bacon that make them an unhealthy addition to your meal. Correct

59 Time’s Up! 12345678910

60 Fast Food for 400 They are often times high in fat and calories, especially saturated fat that is very unhealthy for you. Back to Board Back to Board

61 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Fast Food for 500 Will ordering a super size soda will add a considerable amount of fat to your meal? State your answer and why. Correct

62 Time’s Up! 12345678910

63 Fast Food for 500 No, soda does not contain fat, but it does contain a large amount of sugar that can add many calories to your meal. Back to Board Back to Board

64 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Wild Card for 100 Name one change in the new MyPyramid. Correct

65 Time’s Up! 12345678910

66 Wild Card for 100 Physical Activity Physical Activity Make half of our grains whole grains Make half of our grains whole grains Reduce the intake of added sugar Reduce the intake of added sugar It can be customized for the needs of individuals at It can be customized for the needs of individuals at Back to Board Back to Board

67 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Wild Card for 200 Name a health problem that is associated with an unhealthy diet. Correct

68 Time’s Up! 12345678910

69 Wild Card for 200 Heart Disease Heart Disease Heart Attack Heart Attack Diabetes Diabetes Obesity Obesity High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol High Cholesterol Stroke Stroke Back to Board Back to Board

70 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Wild Card for 300 What is the recommended amount of physical activity per day? (give answer in minutes) Correct

71 Time’s Up! 12345678910

72 Wild Card for 300 30-60 minutes Back to Board Back to Board

73 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Wild Card for 400 Does our body break-down complex carbohydrates faster or slower than simple carbohydrates? Correct

74 Time’s Up! 12345678910

75 Wild Card for 400 It takes our body a longer amount of time to break-down complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly. Complex carbohydrates are good for long term energy. Back to board Back to board

76 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920 Wild Card for 500 By the year 2010, will half of all children (age 5-18) will be overweight? Give your answer and a reason why. Correct

77 Time’s Up! 12345678910

78 Wild Card for 500 Yes. Too much ‘screen time’ Too much ‘screen time’ Too little exercise Too little exercise Portion distortion Portion distortion Back to Board Back to Board

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