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Systems and Supportability Engineering & Integration EDUCATION at Stevens Institute of Technology FIPT Meeting – June 22, 2005 Dr. Brian Sauser and Dr.

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Presentation on theme: "Systems and Supportability Engineering & Integration EDUCATION at Stevens Institute of Technology FIPT Meeting – June 22, 2005 Dr. Brian Sauser and Dr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems and Supportability Engineering & Integration EDUCATION at Stevens Institute of Technology FIPT Meeting – June 22, 2005 Dr. Brian Sauser and Dr. David Nowicki, on behalf of Dinesh Verma, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Outreach Professor of Systems Engineering Schaefer School of Engineering

2  The first course in the SDOE Program was talk in April of 2001, with 10 participants sponsored by Mr. Lou Kratz. These participants were from across the various DoD components. The other 10 were sponsored by Lockheed Martin MS2.  The first course was hosted by DAU at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.  Since this first course:  The SDOE Program and the associated SEEM Department at Stevens has evolved into the largest Systems Engineering Program in the United States with over 300 graduate students (of these, approximately 50 are doctoral students)  Within the government, the Stevens program has been chosen as the exclusive provider of SE education within the National Security Agency, FAA, and NASA. Many such agreements exist with our industrial partners. A Brief Historical Review…

3 National Security Agency US Army - Picatinny US Army - CECOM US Navy – NAVAIR - Lakehurst OSD – Logistics P&P US Navy – Patuxent River DAU ITT Industries Lockheed Martin (NE&SS) IBM Public Sector Boeing – Integrated Defense Systems Northrop Grumman Regular/Scheduled Classes On-Demand Special Classes Strategic Alliance Aerospace/Defense Community – Current Clients General Dynamics FAA AF Center for Systems Engineering

4 IBM Global Services NOKIA Corporation IBM Global Services VOLVO Car Corporation ITT Industries - Commercial Sun Microsystems Regular/Scheduled Classes On-Demand Special Classes Strategic Alliance Commercial/Consumer Community – Current Clients

5 This presentation is a review of the “current state” of the SDOE Program…

6  Complex systems characterized by the following properties and attributes: »Technology  Constantly evolving technology and related standards  Multitude of interfaces (hard and soft), distributed processing notes and platforms, security implications  Information and knowledge intensive »Business  Constantly changing scope, business processes, requirements, and expectations  Global relevance, scope, and application  Evolving marketplace and related vendors and suppliers »Organizational  Numerous stakeholders, with conflicting preferences  Legacy organizational structures impose constraints Our Emphasis is on Complex Systems…  Complex systems characterized by the following properties and attributes: »Technology   Multitude of interfaces (hard and soft), distributed processing notes and platforms, security implications  »Business  Constantly changing scope, business processes, requirements, and expectations  Global relevance, scope, and application  Evolving marketplace and related vendors and suppliers  Complex systems characterized by the following properties and attributes: »Technology  Constantly evolving technology and related standards  Multitude of interfaces (hard and soft), distributed processing notes and platforms, security implications  Information and knowledge intensive

7 System Effectiveness Operation Maintenance Logistics Process Efficiency Operational Effectiveness Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)/TOC Reliability Maintainability Supportability Availability Technical Effectiveness Inherent Performance Functions Requirements Priorities 7 Further, we remain focused on the “complete picture” when addressing complex systems…

8 System Effectiveness Operation Maintenance Logistics Process Efficiency Profitability Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)/TOC Reliability Maintainability Supportability Availability Technical Effectiveness Inherent Performance Functions Requirements Priorities 8 Further, we remain focused on the “complete picture” when addressing complex systems…

9 Emphasis on the “complete life-cycle” of complex systems resulted in the “architecture of our curriculum”…

10 Systems & Supportability Engineering: Specific Curriculum Focus Supported by Mature and Proven Methods, Metrics, Tools and Templates for Low Risk and Efficient Implementation Systems & Supportability Engineering

11 Systems & Supportability Engineering: Business Process and Operational Assessment Support Customers/Stakeholders in Identification of Business & Operational Shortfalls Elicit, Gather, & Confirm Business and Mission Intent and Requirements Translate Shortfalls (Business and Mission Requirements) into Solution/System Requirements Generate, assess, and evaluate system concepts and technologies Identify and Manage System Operational, Functional and Operational Baselines Identify what is Achievable within the Cost and Schedule Envelope Systems & Supportability Engineering SYS-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

12 Identify Preferred Implementation Approach Implementation Approach Trade-Offs vis-à- vis Business/Mission Requirements Develop System, Solution and Test Architectures Adhere to Open Architecture Guidelines to Ensure Scalability, Modularity, and Future Upgrades and Enhancements Adhere to Consistency with OMI & System Management Adhere to Consistent Solution Testing, Validation and Verification Approach Determine and Manage Impact to Currently Fielded Solutions Systems & Supportability Engineering Systems and Supportability Engineering: System/Solution/Test Architecture Development SYS-650: System Architecture and Design

13 Systems and Supportability Engineering: Life Cycle Costing and Cost-Benefit Analysis Integrate System Life Cycle Costing and Cost Benefit Analysis (Performance vs. Cost) into the Systems Engineering Process The Architecture and Implementation “Trade Space” must be Constrained by Cost Understand the System Cost Drivers System Upgrades and Scaling System Technology Refreshment Focus on Total Ownership Cost and Not Just Development and Deployment System Operational Support Infrastructure Systems & Supportability Engineering SYS-620: Simulation Based Life Cycle Costing

14 Design for System Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability Supply Support and Spares Management Increase Commonality Across Subsystems and Platforms Coordinate System Upgrades, Scaling, and Technology Refreshment System Operational and Servicing Skill Requirements Incorporate End-User into the Definition of Human Computer Interface Rapid Prototyping/Standard Display Formats System and Platform Documentation System Training Requirements Minimize Operational Configurations that Drive Unique Training Requirements Systems & Supportability Engineering Systems and Supportability Engineering: Supportability, Serviceability, and Logistics SYS-645: Design for R, M, and S SYS-640: System Supportability and Logistics SYS-665: Integrated Supply Chain Management

15 Systems and Supportability Engineering: Modeling, Simulation, and Decision Analysis Systems & Supportability Engineering System Performance Modeling and Forecasting Volume and Scaling Projections Network Loading Analysis Processor Loading Analysis System Architecture Modeling and Analysis Timing Analysis System Risk and Decision Analysis System Usability Analysis Rapid Prototyping and Simulation SYS-611: Simulation and Modeling SYS-660: Decision and Risk Analysis SYS-670: Forecasting & Demand Modeling Systems SYS-675: Dynamic Pricing

16 Systems and Supportability Engineering: Management of Risk, Configurations, and Subcontractors Systems & Supportability Engineering Supplier, Vendor, and Subcontractor Management Vendor and Supplier Evaluation and Assessment System Configuration Management Version Control Risk Management Risk (Schedule, Cost, and Performance) Projection, Identification, Monitoring, and Management Technology and Obsolescence Management Commercial Hardware and Software Evolution Evolving Standards and Technology Projections and Monitoring SYS-612: Project Management for Complex Systems

17 Systems and Supportability Engineering: Specific Curriculum Focus Systems & Supportability Engineering SDOE-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering SDOE-650: System Design and Architecture SDOE-620: Simulation Based Life Cycle Costing SDOE-640: Systems Supportability and Logistics SDOE-645: Design for System Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability SDOE-665: Integrated Supply Chains SDOE-611: Simulation and Modeling SDOE-660: Decision and Risk Analysis SDOE-670: Forecasting and Demand Modeling Systems SDOE-775: Dynamic Pricing SDOE-612: Project Management of Complex Systems

18 Systems Engineering and Architecting SDOE-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering SDOE-650: System Architecture and Design SDOE-612: Project Management for Complex Systems SDOE-605: Systems Integration Systems and Supportability Engineering SDOE-625: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering SDOE-650: System Architecture and Design SDOE-645: Design for Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability SDOE-640: System Supportability and Logistics Graduate Certificate – Focus Areas (12 credits or 4 courses) These core course requirements must be satisfied along the way towards a Masters Degree: ALL students must take the following two course sequence: SDOE-625: System Operational Effectiveness and Life Cycle Analysis SDOE-650: System Architecture and Design OR, the following two course sequence: SDOE-651: Agile Systems Engineering and Architecting SDOE-780: Agile Development Strategies PLUS, two of the following four options: 1.SDOE-611 (System Modeling and Simulation) or SDOE-670 (Forecasting and Demand Modeling Systems 2.SDOE-612 (Project Management for Complex Systems) 3.SDOE-660 (Decision and Risk Analysis) or SDOE 675 (Integrated Supply Chains) 4.SDOE-605 (Systems Integration) or SDOE 606 (Accelerated Systems Integration and Testing) Doctoral Degree (60 additional credits, after a Masters Degree) Masters Degree (30 credits) At least 3 credits must be applied towards a project, or 6 credits towards a thesis Over and above the core courses, multiple choices exist for elective courses Value Chain Enterprise Systems SDOE-665: Integrated Supply Chains SDOE-670: Forecasting and Demand Modeling Systems SDOE-675: Dynamic Pricing SDOE-640: System Supportability and Logistics Agile Systems Engineering and Design SDOE-651: Agile Systems Engineering and Architecting SDOE-606: Accelerated Systems Integration and Testing SDOE-655: Robust Engineering Design SDOE-780: Agile Development Strategies Systems Engineering @ Stevens Institute of Technology

19 VCES: Research Focus  Identifying contractual parameters to ensure the success of long- term contractual arrangements such as Performance Based Logistics (PBL).  Identifying modeling techniques to provide a consistent measure to evaluate Performance Based Logistics (PBL) contracts.  Improving the Computational Efficiency for Optimizing a Multi- Echelon, Multi-Indenture, Repairable Inventory System.  Introducing the Notion of Profit in Making After-Market Inventory Decisions  Producing a Fluid Design by Focusing on Enabling Technologies

20 VCES: Research Focus (cont)  Multi-Objective Optimization in Inventory, Transportation, Facility and Labor Modeling  Redundancy Optimization for Series-Parallel Multi-State System  A Survey on Supply Chain Modeling with a Focus on the Interrelationships of Inventory, Transportation, Facilities and Labor Models.  Using a Truncated Poisson Process to Predict the Demand for Infrequent, Low-Volume Items  Applying Life Cycle Cost (LCC) to Determine the Optimal Replacement Policy for Components  Redundancy Optimization for Series- Parallel Systems that Include a General Number of Constraints (e.g., weight, cost, system reliability, volume, etc.)

21 On-Line/Web-Based Availability  As of the last year, candidates have the option of completing the entire Master’s Degree Program in Systems Engineering via the Web  Further, all the courses necessary for a Graduate Certificate in Systems and Supportability Engineering are available via the Web

22  The Modular Format:  One week of pre-reading assignments, prior to the instructional week  One week of instruction (approximately 40 hours), followed by  10 weeks of homework assignment and project work  Traditional Semester Format  Online Format  Follows a semester schedule  Completely asynchronous and online, with no live interaction  Possible to complete a Masters Degree in Systems Engineering or a Graduate Certificate in Systems and Supportability Engineering SE/SDOE Program: Delivery Media

23 Intensive Modular Courses/ Summer-Spring-Winter Schools Intensive Modular Courses/ Summer-Spring-Winter Schools Graduate Certificate Masters Degree Ph.D.Ph.D. ASSESSMENT CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Business Reality Individual Academic Rigor Practical Experience Organization 1.Scandinavian Summer Schools 2.Mediterranean Spring Schools 3.Indian Sub-Continent Winter Schools The SDOE Program: Education Format and Structure All Courses in the SDOE Program are delivered in Week-Long Modules or through On-Line Courses 1.Systems Engineering and Architecting 2.Systems & Supportability Engineering 3.Value Chain Enterprise Systems 4.Agile Systems Engineering and Design Masters in Systems Engineering Ph.D. in Systems Engineering

24  The SDOE Program is often asked to develop specially tailored courses for specific clients. As a function of the subject and the schedule, this can also be addressed. Examples include:  OSD – Systems Engineering in the DoD, a 2-day overview of SE  MITRE – Systems Engineering for Thought Leaders, a 1-day course  HSI – Systems Engineering and Architecting for Homeland Security, a 2-day overview  NOKIA Corporation – One-Day Executive Presentation on Agile Systems Engineering; One-Day Overview of COTS-Intensive System Architectures; 2-Day Course on Architectural Thinking, and a 2-Day Course on Architectural Practice  IBM Corporation – One-Day Overview of Systems Engineering for Program/Project Managers; Half-Day Executive Briefing on Systems Engineering and Integration  The Boeing Company – One Day Course on Systems Thinking  Sun Microsystems – Half-Day Executive Briefing on Systems Engineering and Integration  Lockheed Martin and the US Army – Half-Day Executive Briefing on the “State of SE Implementation in the Aerospace and Defense Industry”. SE/SDOE Program: Special Executive and Short Courses

25 Contact Information: Dr. Dinesh Verma Associate Dean and Professor Stevens Institute of Technology Email: Dr. Mike Pennotti SDOE Program Director Stevens Institute of Technology Email: Ms. Judy Cuddy Director, Outreach and Executive Education Stevens Institute of Technology Email:

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