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Testing, evaluation and comparison of foodstuff bought in the Czech Republic and Germany University of Chemistry and Technology Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing, evaluation and comparison of foodstuff bought in the Czech Republic and Germany University of Chemistry and Technology Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing, evaluation and comparison of foodstuff bought in the Czech Republic and Germany University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

2 2 Aim: to compare branded foodstuff in the Czech Republic and Germany Partners: Olga Sehnalová MEP and Ahold Czech Republic Evaluator – University of Chemistry and Technology PragueProject

3 3Purchase Germany – Dresden (EDEKA, REWE, Kaufland) – 25/2/2015 Czech Republic - Prague(Tesco, Kaufland, Albert) – 27/2/2015 Proper storage during transport

4 4 Physico-chemical testing Analysis of qualitative features allowing to assess the difference Accredited laboratories Results submitted to the commission for further consideration

5 5 Sensory assessment Different kinds of examination 30 trainted evaluators participed in the assessment o Participating in the evaluation regularly o Trained on the principles of sensory evaluation

6 6 Products assessment Evaluate compliance / non-compliance in qualitative characteristics Set the hypothesis which may cause difference in findings Information available to the commission: o Results of the physico-chemical testing o Results of sensory assessment o Packages

7 7Results 24 products submitted 1 product not included in the final evaluation due to doubts about the identical marketing 8 products classified as different = 35% of products involved Assessment of the overall "quality" has not been studied

8 8 TrademarkProduct Sensory assessment Preference Chemist ry Declaration Conclusio n Price per unit GERPrice per unit CZ MovempickBourbon VanillaC-CCC0,42 €/100 ml0,52 €/100 ml Pfanner100% orange juiceDCZCCC1,40 €/1 l1,33 €/1 l Pepsi cola C-DDD0,63 €/1 l0,31 €/1 l Sprite DNoDDD0,65 €/1 l0,73 €/1 l NesteaIce Tea lemonDGERDDD0,86 €/1 l0,87 €/1 l JacobsKronungDNoDCD3,95 €/100 g1,91 €/100 g SegafredoEspresso CosyC-DCC1,50 €/100 g1,23 €/100 g MülerBox blueberryDGERCCC0,45 €/100 g0,39 €/100 g DanoneActivia strawberryDCZDDD0,40 €/100 g0,33 €/100 g Leerdamer original DNoCCC1,42 €/100 g1,38 €/100 g UnileverRamaDGERDDD0,32 €/100 g IgloFish fingersDGERCDD0,39 €/100 g0,87 €/100 g Rio mareTuna tinDCZCDD1,68 €/100 g3,09 €/100 g TULIPLuch meatDNoCDD0,44 €/100g0,86 €/100 g PICKSalamiDNoCCC2,12 €/100 g2,46 €/100 g MeicaSausagesDGERCCC0,99 €/100 g1,27 €/100 g CarbonellExtra virginC-CCC0,96 €/100 ml0,98 €/100 ml HeinzKetchupC-CCC0,46 €/100 ml0,32 €/100 ml SchawartauStrawberry jamDCZCCC0,61 €/100 g0,69 €/100 g Kinder C-CCC0,69 €/1 ks StorkToffifeeC-CCC0,95 €/100 g1,16 €/100 g BountyChocolate barC-CCC0,72 €/100 g0,76 €/100 g BarillaArrabbiataC-CCC0,37 €/100 g0,75 €/100g BonduelleGold sweet cornDNoCCC0,35 €/100 g0,43 €/100 g C – Conformity D - Difference

9 Different colorants, however both on natural basis Different content of fat o CZ: 2,43 g/100 g; GER: 2,93 g/100 g CZ: milk protein added 9 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DCZDDD C=conformity D=difference Analysis Colorants, sugar, protein, fat ProducerProduct DanoneActivia strawberry

10 10 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DGERCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct MülerBox blueberry Analysis Colorants, sugar, protein, fat

11 11 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DGERDDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct UnileverRama Analysis Fatty acids, fats, preservatives, vitamins… CZ fat content 60%; GER fat content 70 %

12 12 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DNoCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Leerdamer original Analysis Fat, dry basis

13 13 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DnoCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct PICKSalami Analysis Meat content, Na

14 CZ main component – mechanically separated poultry meat GER main component pork meat 14 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion D noCDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct TULIPLuch meat Analysis Meat content, Na

15 15 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Kinder Analysis Fat, milk fat, protein..

16 16 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DCZCDC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct SchawartauStrawberry jam Analysis K, Mg, Ca, colorants, fruit content, sugars profile

17 17 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct BarillaArrabbiata Analysis Na, K, Mg, tomatoes content

18 18 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct CarbonellExtra virgin Analysis presence of other oils, presence of refined oil

19 19 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DGERCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct MeicaSausages Analysis Meat content, Na

20 20 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DNoCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct BonduelleGold sweet corn Analysis Solid, Na

21 21 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DCZCCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Pfanner100% Orange Juice Analysis K, Mg, Ca, aroma recovery index, fruit juice content

22 22 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct HeinzKetchup Analysis Tomatoes content

23 CZ coffee has almost 1/3 higher caffeine content 23 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion Dno DCD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct JacobsKrönung Analysis caffeine

24 CZ product sweetened with glucose-fructose syrup; GER sugar 24 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-DDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Pepsi cola Analysis caffeine, sugars content, phosphorus

25 CZ sweetened fructose-glucose syrup, aspartame and acesulfame GER sugar 25 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DnoDDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Sprite Analysis Sugars content

26 CZ product sweetened with sugar, fructose, and steviol glycosides;GER only sugar CZ product contains 40 % less tea extract 26 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DGERDDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct NesteaIce Tea lemon Analysis caffeine, theobromin, sugars content

27 27 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-DCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct SegafredoEspresso Casa Analysis burned and broken grains

28 28 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DCZCDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct Rio mareTuna tin Analysis solids, protein, fat Nejedná se o stejnou značku.

29 29 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct BountyChocolate bar Analysis vegetable fats, cocoa solids, sugar content, chocolate content

30 30 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct StorkToffifee Analysis Cocoa content, nuts content

31 Products vary in meat content. CZ product contains about 7% less meat than Germany. The raw material used is the same. 31 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion DGERCDD C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct IgloFish fingers Analysis Fish meat content

32 32 SensoryPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion C-CCC C=conformity D=difference ProducerProduct MovempickBourbon Vanilla Analysis Other fat, fat

33 33Summary TrademarkProduct Sensory assessmentPreferenceChemistryDeclarationConclusion Pepsi cola CnoDDD Sprite DnoDDD NesteaIce Tea lemonDGermanyDDD JacobsKronungDnoDCD DanoneActivia strawberyDCZDDD UnileverRamaDGermanyDDD IgloFish fingersDGermanyCDD TULIPLuch meatDnoCDD 8 products classified as different = 35% of products involved

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