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PRIME Economics WP Sub-contractors Meeting Thursday 16th December, 2004 21.00 – 21.30 In Den Rustwat.

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Presentation on theme: "PRIME Economics WP Sub-contractors Meeting Thursday 16th December, 2004 21.00 – 21.30 In Den Rustwat."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRIME Economics WP Sub-contractors Meeting Thursday 16th December, 2004 21.00 – 21.30 In Den Rustwat

2 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 2 PRIME Project Lifecycle Phase I: Initial Framework Phase II: Initial Prototypes Phase III: Research and IDM Prototype I Phase IV: Research and IDM Prototype II Phase V: Consolidation Source: PRIME Technical Annex I

3 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 3 Phase I: Initial Framework In this phase (months 1-3), the project organizes itself in small teams consisting of application domain experts and experienced researchers in privacy technology, with the objective of developing a common set of concepts and terminology. This will be used throughout the project and will generate innovative application scenarios and new business models. These teams produce tutorials and develop the PRIME framework version 0. Simultaneously, the project sets up its development environment, develops its public website, and produces a first press release on PRIME. Milestone M1 closes this phase with the review of the PRIME framework version 0.

4 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 4 Phase II: Initial Prototypes The goal of this phase (months 4-9) is to enrich and refine the shared understanding of privacy-enhancing IDM gathered during Phase I and to draft first version of the end results of PRIME. Furthermore, research is started in this phase. The initial requirements are collected from the legal, socio-economic, and application viewpoints. The initial privacy-friendly solutions are drafted. The initial prototypes for the mechanisms are produced, based on the technology available from the partners or from third parties (e.g., open source projects). The first HCI mock-ups for privacy- enhancing IDM are developed. The PRIME architecture version 0 is defined. Existing assurance criteria and methods applicable to privacy enhancing IDM are selected. Initial versions of tutorials on the technology are produced. These early deliverables play a major role for deepening the common understanding on privacy-enhancing technology and principles by the project members as early as possible. The early prototypes allow also for an early start of the evaluations: they are evaluated from the legal, socio-economic, HCI and application standpoints, based on the requirements collected during this phase. These evaluation results guide the selection of application target domains for which application prototypes will be developed during the subsequent phases. Milestone M2 marks the end of the phase with the evaluation of the initial prototypes.

5 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 5 Phase III: Research and IDM Prototype I This phase (months 10-24) provides the delivery of the first set of research results and runs a first iteration on this basis to develop the integrated IDM prototype version 1 and associated applications for evaluation. The project develops HCI guidelines and proposals. It refines the initial requirements from the legal, social and economic requirements, business models and application standpoints. It elicits the specific requirements of the selected application prototypes. The research and development of technology prototypes proceeds along the lines defined by the architecture and the HCI guidelines. These prototypes are integrated into user-side and services-side IDM prototypes to achieve the release of the integrated IDM prototype version 1. Simultaneously, the project collects specific requirements for the selected application solutions, develops the application prototypes that have been selected, revises its framework and architecture to produce version 1, and develops appropriate assurance methods. The integrated IDM prototype undergoes evaluation from the legal, social, economic, HCI, business modelling, and assurance viewpoints. The integrated IDM prototype is also evaluated on the basis of the application prototypes running in the context of trials with a limited set of users. The team releases its second annual research report. Milestone M5 closes this phase with the publication of the second annual research report and review of the evaluation of PRIME technology version 1.

6 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 6 Phase IV: Research and IDM Prototype II This phase (months 25-42) represents a second iteration in technology research and evaluation with the development of the integrated IDM prototype version 2 and associated applications. Based on the results obtained during the preceding phase, the project revises the requirements from the different disciplines, updates the PRIME framework, and incorporated the new technology developed in the integrated IDM prototype version 2 and refines the latter. Additional application prototypes are developed accordingly. The PRIME framework and architecture are revised and released as version 2. The integrated IDM prototype is subjected to evaluation along the same lines as in the preceding phase: it is evaluated against legal, social, economic, HCI, business modelling, and assurance requirements. It is also evaluated on a technical level through its development and trials of the application prototypes. Milestone M7 closes this phase with the review of the evaluation of PRIME technology version 2.

7 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 7 Phase V: Consolidation This phase (months 43-48) takes the results of the previous phases into account to consolidate the research results, finalise the requirements, the PRIME framework, architecture, and prototype. Milestone M8 marks the end of the phase and the project with the publication of these results in the form of the third annual research report, the framework and architecture version 3, and the project Final Report. The latter draws lessons from the project and provides directions for future research.

8 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 8 Project Structure and Major Blocks

9 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 9 Deliverables and Milestones

10 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 10 Activity 2: Socio-economic requirements and evaluation Problem statement, objectives, mission: The success of the PRIME solutions will ultimately stand or fall with its adoption in European society. Despite rapid advances in cryptographic research, privacy-enhancing technologies in general have yet to achieve widespread acceptance. Activity 2 therefore aims to detect the social and economic requirements for adoption of the privacy-enhancing concepts and technologies that are developed by PRIME, as well as other existing privacy- enhancing concepts and technologies at an early stage in the design process. In reference to the established social and economic requirements, it will evaluate criteria for widespread acceptance of the PRIME solutions in Europe. Approach: In order to establish the social requirements to be taken into account in developing and using PRIME technology, experiences and attitudes of users of applications in which privacy-enhancing concepts and technologies are used, are explored. Particular attention will be given to application areas in which sensitive personal data are dealt with, such as healthcare and e-government. Because the establishment of trust within an electronic environment requires consideration of the differences in socio-cultural backgrounds of users and informational relationships between different parties and application areas, social conditions for the acceptance of the PRIME technology in different parts of Europe are investigated. Using the relevant social requirements, social input will be provided for the selection and development of application prototypes. Furthermore, results of social requirements research will serve as a frame of reference for evaluating the privacy-enhancing concepts and technologies that are developed by PRIME. To be able to detect the economic requirements for widespread acceptance of the PRIME solutions, the economic disincentives within the current environment for privacy enhancing identity management solutions are explored, with a view towards recommending economic incentives to alleviate the barriers to adoption of PRIME technology. The privacy-enhancing concepts and technologies that are developed by PRIME will be evaluated with reference to the relevant economic requirements. Business and economic input will be provided to identify applications with realistic and convincing business models for privacy enhancing identity management solutions. Research challenges: The objective of this activity is to promote the social and economic adoption of PRIME technology in different application areas throughout Europe. To carry out this objective, established economic theory will be applied in the emerging field of online privacy-enhancing identity management. No large-scale original social research, such as user surveys will be performed, but social empirical knowledge will be collected by means of qualitative, primary and secondary research methods. In order to address socio-cultural differences in privacy-enhancing identity management issues throughout Europe, social and economic domain expertise from different parts of Europe will be brought together on several occasions during the project.

11 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 11 WP 2.2 Economic Requirements and Evaluation Work package number 2.2 Start date or starting event: Phase II start Participant id 17 Person-months per participant: 11.5 Objectives This WP elicits the economic requirements for privacy-enhancing identity management. It investigates the economic disincentives within the current environment for privacy enhancing technologies and identity management systems and recommends economic incentives for the privacy enhancing concepts and technologies developed within PRIME. It evaluates the results of the other WPs and provides inputs and guidance to them w.r.t. the economic environment. Description of work - Examines the private and social costs of adopting privacy-enhancing technologies and practices. - Identifies the economic and commercial obstacles that hinder the adoption of privacy-enhancing identity management technologies. - Explores and recommends strategies to stimulate the adoption of PIM by commercial players and consumers. - Evaluates prototypes using economic criteria identified above. - Cooperates with WP3.1 on business models. - Contributes to Tutorials and White Paper V1. - Contributes to development of PRIME Framework. Deliverables - D1.1.a (Requirements V0) - D6.1.b (Evaluation of early prototypes (D[5-12].1.a)) - D1.1b (Requirements V1) - D6.1.d (Evaluation of integrated prototype (D11.2.a))

12 Dec. 17, 2004ERIM/PRIME Privacy for Business Workshop - The Airlines Sector 12 WP 2.2 Phase III Workplan

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