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Published byJuniper McLaughlin Modified over 9 years ago
التقرير الشهري السادس لأنشطة النادي السعودي في فرجينيا تك برنامج معرفة الأكاديمي و لقاء مع رئيس قسم الدراسات العليا لقسم تقنيات و علوم الأغذية و طلاب قسم علوم الأغذية بجامعة فرجينيا تك
برنامج معرفه الأكاديمي : 1. تعريف عن البرنامج : برنامج معرفة الأكاديمي مختص بشرح مبسط عن التخصصات الأكاديمية للمرحلة الجامعية و الدراسات العليا على سبيل المثال و ليس الحصر ( علوم الأغذية و التغذية, علم جولوجيا الأرض, العمارة و التخطيط, هندسة كهربائية, هندسة كيميائية, هندسة ميكانيكية, إدارة, مالية, محاسبة, تسويق, إلخ ). 2. أهداف البرنامج : يهدف بالدرجة الأولى توعية و تثقيف الطلاب و الطالبات الذين يودون دراسة بعض التخصص الأكاديمية ( لمرحلة البكلوريس و الدراسات العليا ) و الذين لم يحدد / تحدد مجال دراسة جامعية بعد ( لمرحلة البكالوريس و الدراسات العليا ).
3. عمل البرنامج يكون على مرحلتين : أ - المرحلة الأولى متطوع / متطوعة من أعضاء النادي ( مرحلة جامعية أو دراسات عليا ): يقوم الطالب / طالبة بإعداد ورقة عمل تشرح النقاط التالية : 1- ماهو التخصص؟ 2- ماهي طبيعة الدراسة ( نظرية أم عمليه ) ؟ 3- ماهي مجالات العمل بعد التخرج؟ 4- المشاركه بالخبرات العملية إن وجد.
ب - المرحلة الثانية عضو هيئة تدريس من جامعة فرجينيا تك / جامعة رادفورد : التنسيق بين رؤساء الأقسام أو من ينوب عنهم لإلقاء كلمة عن البرنامج الأكاديمي لذي يتبع له يشرح التالي : 1- ماهو البرنامج؟ 2- كيفية التقديم للبرنامج؟ 3- كيفية الحصول على قبول من القسم؟ 4- ماهي الشروط للتقديم؟
4. مدة البرنامج : مدة ورشة العمل 30-45 دقيقة من كل مشارك في البرنامج. 5. إستفسارات الطلاب و الطالبات المشاركين بالحضور : سيتم التنسيق بين الحضور لطرح أسئلتهم و إستفساراتهم على مقدمي البرنامج. 6. الحضور من خارج أعضاء النادي السعودي : الدعوة للجميع من خارج أعضاء النادي, طلاب و طالبات من جامعة فرجينيا تك و جامعة رادفورد. من مختلف الفئات العمرية و المراحل الجامعية ( مرحلة بكالوريس و دراسات عليا ).
7. لماذا أتطوع و أحضر للبرنامج : بعد إنطلاق برنامج مساندة بتاريخ 24-2-2012, و إستطلاع آراء بعض الطلاب المشاركين بالبرنامج لوحظ بأن البعض و ليس الكل لم يحدد مجال دراسة بعد ( مرحلة البكالوريس خاصه ). و يعد هذا البرنامج أحد مجالات التطوير لبرنامج مسانده الأكاديمي, للتسهيل على الطلاب و الطالبات تحديد مجالات دراستهم الجامعيه, و أيضاً المساهمة بتوجية الطلاب و الطالبات على كيفية التقديم الجامعي بحضور رؤساء أقسام من الجامعة.
لقاء مع رئيس قسم القبول بجامعة فرجينيا تك يوم الجمعة 27-4-2012: كانت الإنطلاقة الأولى لبرنامج معرفه الأكاديمي بإستضافة رئيس قسم الدراسات العليا بقسم تقنيات و علوم الأغذية الدكتور. جوزيف أيفرت, من جامعة فرجينيا تك. وعدد من طلاب الدراسات العليا بنفس القسم. تم شرح فيها عن البرنامج الأكاديمي, وماهي مخرجات القسم, طبيعة الدراسة و أيضاً كيفية التقديم للبرنامج.
وقد تم تكريم الدكتور. جوزيف أيفرت من قبل النادي السعودي. وعرض منجزات المملكة العربية السعودية. و حضر اللقاء العشرات من أفراد النادي الطلابي السعودي ( نساء و رجال ). وقدمت و جبة الغداء لجميع الحضور بمشاركة جميع الطلاب و الطالبات.
صور من اللقاء و تكريم الضيوف :
لمزيد من الصور زيارة الرابط المرفق : 222111697/SaudiStudentsClubFoodScienceCl ubGathering 222111697/SaudiStudentsClubFoodScienceCl ubGathering
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists Careers and College Degrees in Food Science and Technology Dr. Joe Eifert Dept. of Food Science & Technology Virginia Tech April, 2012 ورقة عمل التي تم تقديمها من قبل الدكتور. جوزيف أيفرت عن تخصص تقنيات و علوم الأغذية:
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists16 What is Food Science? Food Science is the discipline in which biology, physical sciences, and engineering are used to study the nature of foods, the causes of their deterioration, and the principles underlying food processing.
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists17 Why Food Science? The food industry is the 2 nd largest manufacturing sector with more than $600 billion in retail sales There are generally more positions available than graduating students to fill them – The USDA reports that between 2005 and 2010, U.S. universities will not graduate enough people with food, agriculture, and natural resource degrees to meet demand
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists18 What is Food Technology? Food Technology is the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and wholesome food.
What can food technology do for me? Ensure food safety Prevent or delay spoilage Enhance taste Improve nutritional quality Increase convenience of preparation and consumption Reduce cost
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists20 What does a Food Scientist do? A Food Scientist studies the physical, microbiological, and chemical makeup of food. Depending on their area of specialization, Food Scientists may develop ways to process, preserve, package, or store food, according to industry and government specifications and regulations.
Food Science Job Categories uQuality Assurance uQuality Control uProduction uResearch & Development uSales & Marketing uRegulatory uAnalytical uEducation / Training
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists22 Who can you work for? Food processors Ingredient manufacturer/suppliers Academia Self-employed/Consultant Government Non-government organizations Foodservice Testing laboratory
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists23 What kind of jobs are available? Product Development Scientist Processing Engineer Microbiologist Sensory Scientist Culinary Scientist Flavor Chemist Packaging Engineer Basic Research Analytical Chemist Academia Government Official Operations Logistics Supply Chain Management Marketing Regulatory Affairs Legal Affairs Government Relations Quality Assurance Food Safety
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists24 Product Development Scientist Responsible for product formulations – New Product Development Takes a product from concept to formulation – Brand Maintenance Creates line extensions (i.e. new flavors) – Quality Improvement Makes changes as necessary (i.e. supply chain interruption, consumer complaints) Responsibilities: – Bench-top development – Testing – Plant scale-up – Commercialization – Troubleshooting To formulate a juice beverage, product development scientists can use a variety of ingredients including: fruit juices, juices from concentrate, and juice flavors Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists25 Sensory Scientist Evokes, measures, analyzes and interprets those responses to products that are perceived by the senses – New Product Development/Brand Maintenance Investigates what consumers like and why – Quality Improvement Investigates whether consumers can tell a difference when an ingredient in a product is changed, they may also determine if the change was preferred – Basic Research Studies perception and develops and/or improves testing methodologies Responsibilities: – Experimental design – Perform, analyze, and report experimental results – Troubleshooting Sensory Scientists can conduct tests to determine if consumers like pulp in their juice. Red lights are sometimes used to mask visual differences. Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists26 Process Engineer Develops processing procedures and equipment – New Product Development/Brand Maintenance Develops processes and equipment to process new products and flavors – Quality Improvements Improves processes and equipment to improve efficiency and quality of products Responsibilities: – Bench-top/Pilot plant process/equipment development – Testing – Scale-up/Commercialization – Troubleshooting To ensure a juice product has a long shelf life, process engineers determine how long and at what temperature the product should be pasteurized using a HTST (High Temperature Short Time) Pasteurizer Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists27 Food Microbiologist Contributes to the knowledge about the behavior of microorganisms in food and processing environments – New products/Brand maintenance Conducts tests to verify shelf-life of new food products – Research Develops new and/or rapid testing methods Studies “good” (those responsible for fermentation) and “bad” (those responsible for food borne illness) bacteria Responsibilities – Experimental design – Perform, analyze, and report experimental results – Troubleshooting Case Study: Juice Food microbiologists validate the pasteurization of juice to ensure pathogens such as E.coli 0157:H7 will not survive and cause foodborne illness.
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists28 Analytical Chemist – Analyzes and conducts tests on products and ingredients – Determines and sets specifications Flavor Chemist – Develops flavors for the flavor and food industries and/or investigates the compounds responsible for flavor in food products Responsibilities – Bench-top/Pilot plant – Testing – Scale-up – Commercialization – Troubleshoot – Experimental design – Perform, analyze, and report experimental results Chemist A chemist from the USDA prepares to analyze limonoids in orange juice. Some limonoids are bitter, and the presence of these limonoids in high concentrations reduces the acceptability of citrus juices to consumers and forces citrus juice producers to lower the bitter limonoid content through juice-blending dilution or the removal of bitter limonoids. Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists29 Packaging Engineer Develops the packaging for food products – New products/Brand maintenance Develops packaging for new and current products Develops new forms of packaging – Quality improvements Develops packaging that is easier to use and easier to open Responsibilities: – Bench-top/Pilot plant process/equipment development – Testing – Scale-up/Commercialization – Troubleshoot Packaging engineers develop new types of packaging such as the Sensory Straw which has a flat top with four small holes. When a kid takes a sip, the liquid flows in all four directions at the same time! Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists30 Consumer Safety Officer Responsible for publishing, implementing, and enforcing regulations for government agencies – Investigates complaints of injury, illness, or death caused by a regulated product – Initiates actions against violators – Advises industry, state and local officials and consumers on enforcement policies, methods, and interpretation of regulations – Plans and directs regulatory programs – Develops inspection procedures and techniques Responsibilities: – Rulemaking – Inspection/Enforcement – Troubleshooting Consumer Safety Officers from the FDA have jurisdiction over the labeling of juice. According to Title 21 Section 102.33 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), beverages that are 100% juice may be called "juice." However, beverages that are diluted to less than 100% juice must have the word "juice" qualified with a term such as "beverage," "drink," or "cocktail." Case Study: Juice
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists31 Degree Options Undergraduate: B.S. three options: Science Food Business Food and Health Graduate: M.S. and Ph.D.
Major Areas of Graduate Study in Food Science at Virginia Tech Food Safety and Microbiology Seafood, Aquaculture and Muscle Foods Sensory and Dairy Foods Food Flavor and Chemistry Food Processing and Packaging
Undergraduate Program Advisor: Dr. Bill Eigel(540) Graduate Program Director: Dr. Joe Eifert(540) © 2007 Institute of Food Technologists33
© 2007 Institute of Food Technologists34 It takes a lot of work and resources to make a food product!
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