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Claims Based Authentication

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1 Claims Based Authentication
Using ADFS 2.0 Presented By: Shannon Bray

2 Shannon Bray Twitter: @NoIdentity29
MCT, MCPD, MCITP, MCTS, MCAD, MCDBA MCM Candidate (Oct Rotation) Technical Architect – Planet Technologies Colorado SharePoint Users Group (COSPUG)

3 Clayton Cobb Twitter: @Warrtalon
MVP, MCITP, MCTS Technical Architect – Planet Technologies Colorado SharePoint Users Group (COSPUG)

4 Agenda Introduction to CBA How does ADFS 2.0 Come Into Play?
Farm Configurations Step by Step Common Pitfalls Questions and Answers

5 What is CBA? “Geneva” is Microsoft’s next generation identity and access management platform built on Active Directory® directory services. “Geneva” provides claims-based access and single sign-on for on-premises and cloud-based applications in the enterprise, across organizations, and on the Web. “Geneva” leverages claims which describe identity attributes and can be used to drive application and other system behaviors with an open architecture that implements the industry’s shared Identity Metasystem vision.”

6 Benefits Supports Existing Identity Infrastructure
Active Directory LDAP, SQL Federation Gateways WebSSO and Identity Management Systems Enables Automatic, Secure Identity Delegation Supports “no credential” connections to external web services Consistent API to develop SharePoint Solutions

7 Identity What is Identity? What is a Claim?
Set of attributes to describe a user such as name, , age, group membership, etc. What is a Claim? Some authority that claims to have the attribute and its value

8 User Identity is a set of Claims
Why we say “claim” and not “attribute”? FaceBook & DOL have the age attribute FaceBook claims that I am 18, while DOL claims I am 38. If a claim was based on age, which would you trust?

9 User Identity is a set of Claims
Why we say “claim” and not “attribute”? FaceBook & DOL have the age attribute FaceBook claims that I am 18, while DOL claims I am 38. If a claim was based on age, which would you trust?

10 Identity Normalization
Classic Claims NT Token NT Token ASP.NET SAML 1.1 SAML Token (CBA) SP USER

11 The Authentication Process

12 How does ADFS 2.0 Come Into Play?

13 Farm Configurations Internal (Corp) External ADFS 2.0 AD w/ DNS
SharePoint 2010 SQL External

14 Step by Step ADFS 2.0 Wizard Server Certificates

15 Step by Step - Demo

16 Common Pitfalls Kerberos SPTITI ADFS 2.0 Settings Not So Random Errors

17 The Short Story CBA ADFS 2.0 Common Pitfalls

18 Questions and Answers?


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