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Digital Marketing Strategy & Trends for the UK & Ireland 2015.

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2 Digital Marketing Strategy & Trends for the UK & Ireland 2015

3 Shared Risk Digital Marketing Since 2003 AD!

4 4

5 Trends

6 6 “...buyers are smarter (and they expect you to be too...”

7 7 “> 60% of buying decisions are made before the 1st meeting (IBM Research) Today’s technology-driven; highly networked buyers have already researched your products.. And probably talked to people using them.. ”

8 8 “... You may need to adapt your sales & marketing strategy/tactics..... You are coming in at a much later point in the buying cycle.......... ”

9 9 Typical Buying Cycle 2% of industry might be looking for what you do/have today. 68% in the next 90 – 120 days… 30% just won’t buy… if your brand is not know then your not getting the business!! Does this apply to your business?

10 10

11 Trend 1 – Mobiles/Cell Phones

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15 15 “...Google is penalising non mobile friendly sites…”

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19 19 Image source:

20 Trend 2 – Local Search

21 Trend 3- Content

22 Trend 3 – Content

23 Trend 4 – Marketing Automation Image source:

24 Trend 4 – Marketing Automation Image Source:

25 Trend 5 Image Source:

26 26 Trend 6 - Reviews

27 27 Trend 7 – No to SEO Image Source:

28 28 Trend 8 – Social Image Source:

29 29 “... Its important to understand that the web is a crucial marketing tool which is part of a wider marketing mix, but it does need to be backed up with an offline strategy also....”

30 Strategy “ a plan of action designed to achieve a long term or overall aim ”

31 31 “... what is the ambition of the business?...”

32 32 Recommendation – do the research

33 33 Image Source:

34 34 Image Source:

35 35 Recommendation – do the research, run surveys, learn is there a market… learn is there a market rather that investing huge resource and leading to poor outcome.

36 36 Recommendation – define the appropriate tools, budgets, duration… then develop an implementation plan, prioritise activities (highest ROI vs lowest investment…), align resources, schedules…

37 37 Image Source:

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44 TRUST “Do you buy from companies/people you don’t trust?” Image Sources:

45 LOCALISATION “... Gone Wrong...” Image Sources:

46 46 Be localized (local pictures & local content), speak the language, do the keyword research, do the competitor research, be aware of cultural differences so as not to offend, check the wording… google translate doesn’t always work Legal Considerations, privacy/data protection, advertising legislation, consumer legislation, copyrighting, terms & conditions, domain names… Domain & URL considerations, currencies, payment providers, social media channels LOCALISATION

47 47 IT’S EASY RIGHT!!! Conclusion

48 48 Look at the trends & see what’s applicable -Mobile -Paid -Content -Local -Marketing Automation -Reviews -Social -… Conclusion

49 49 But first - work on the strategy!! What is the ambition – then decide how to get there… Conclusion

50 50 Thank You

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