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London Student Housing Conference 30 June 2008 Designing in Sustainability Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer London School of Economics & Political Science.

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Presentation on theme: "London Student Housing Conference 30 June 2008 Designing in Sustainability Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer London School of Economics & Political Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 London Student Housing Conference 30 June 2008 Designing in Sustainability Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer London School of Economics & Political Science

2 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Content  Background  Sustainable Development  Logistics/Management/Services/Financial  Building Specifications  Design-in sustainability requirements  Design-in  fitness for purpose  operational effectiveness for SD

3 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Sustainable Development  Increasing pressure via legislation  Resource efficiency=cost savings  Operational efficiency=cost savings  Social and environmental responsibility  Sector demand– (International eg:GULF; Regional eg:HEFCE; People & Planet Green League; BITC; Green Gowns; Bradford Ecoversity)  Student demand (Future Leaders Survey)  Trend for contracted-out accommodation

4 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE SD & Logistics  High density, multiple occupancy dwellings  Health & Safety standards + SD now  Security – control person access/comms  Restricted access – deliveries/check-in/out  Limited space – storage issues  Short and Long stay needs  Student residents vs hotel guests

5 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE SD & Management  Residents-contractual obligations  Support/guide young people (first time living out)  Many overseas fee paying students  High aspirations-quality/convenience/SD  Part of total student experience  Important student wellbeing environment  Diversity, Equality, Disability needs

6 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE SD & Service  Cleaning – products/labour changes  Maintenance & upkeep–hazwaste/WEEE  Catering – LOAF/energy/waste  Waste management  Increase in waste per capita nationally  No additional space, restricted recycling  Cost/availability of collection provisions  Forced focus on REDUCE and REUSE

7 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Sustainable Waste Management  Design – building specs  Site Waste Management Plans (works)  Operational  Predictable waste types and peaks  Packaging on arrival  Food waste/recycling/landfill day-to-day (weds/w/end)  Unwanted items on departure (10-20kg/capita)  WEEE/furniture/repairs special

8 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE SD & Finance  Energy costs  Doubled in last few years  Increases likely to continue  Urgent need for designed-in cost reductions  Reflected in government legislation (EBPD/CRC)  Costs as driver to go beyond legislation  Competitive advantage with other halls

9 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Building Specifications  Energy  On-site/shared renewables (microgeneration)  Automated metering  Individual metering  Energy efficient fittings  Occupancy Controls  Energy labels on buildings (EPC/DEC)  Awareness raising campaigns

10 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Building Specifications  Water  Minimisation (fittings, waterless urinals)  Grey water recycling  Rainwater harvesting  Biodiversity  Green roof (water/temperature)  Green wall (temperature/water filtering)  Planting (attract biodiversity/absorb pollution)

11 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Building Specifications  Operational functionality  Natural ventilation  Shading/solar gain  Natural lighting/sun pipes  Lux levels  BREEAM – excellent rating  Materials – Life Cycle Assessment

12 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Reuse in Halls of Residence  2007 funded by HEFCE  Moving toward zero waste  Reduce  Smart purchasing  Additional built-in provision  Reuse  Divert from landfill  Internal reuse/Resell/donation

13 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE HEFCE Zero Waste in Universities  Slide content  … HEFCE Zero Waste in Universities

14 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE London Pilot Reuse  Times Higher Education Supplement Awards 2006  Finalist Outstanding Contribution to SD  National Recycling Award 2006  Winner Best Partnership Project  Finalist Best Waste Minimisation Project

15 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE HEFCE Zero Waste Project Next steps  Building specifications to design-in sustainability and operationalise SD  Lobby producers to be responsible for packaging/lifecycle of goods  Sustainable procurement to avoid waste  Additional built-in provision  Collaborative Project opportunities

16 30 June 2008 Victoria Hands and Ian Spencer, LSE Contact Details  Victoria Hands, LSE  Zero Waste project

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