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Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle. Period 1.

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1 Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle. Period 1

2 the harmony ( 和谐) of the nature

3 People throw away a lot of waste( 废品 ) into the environment( 环境 ). serious environmental ( 环境的 ) problems


5 glass paper metal 金属

6 How to be green?

7 Are you “green”? Do you care about ( 关注 ) protecting the environment and saving energy? 7

8 Group Work Group 1 1. Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school? 2. Does your dad always drive a car? 3. Do you think it’s bad for the environment or not? ? give some reasons

9 Group Work Group 2 1. Do you buy things produced locally ( 当地 ) instead of made abroad( 国外 )? 2.Do you buy new clothes just because they are the latest fashions( 时尚衣服 )? ? give some reasons

10 Group Work Group 3 1. Do you always remember to turn off the lights when you leave? 2.Do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning ( 空调 )? ? give some reasons

11 Group Work Group 4 1.Do you take your own cloth ( 布 ) bag when shopping instead of using plastic ( 塑料的 ) bags? 2. Do you like to use a paper cup or a china cup? 3.Do you sort ( 分类 ) the wastesort ( 分类 ) before throwing it away? ? give some reasons

12 Conclusion We all need a healthy environment. We produce waste every day. The waste does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we still can do something to help. Even some simple everyday activities can make a real difference.

13 remember these three words reduce, reuse and recycle

14 Careful reading——Reduce What does reduce mean? What can we do to save money and reduce pollution and waste going into the environment ? It means “use less”. 1 When we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary. 2. When we buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy things from abroad. ---

15 Retell Reduce means”_____ _____” Don’t _____ things. This _____( 节省 ) money and ______( 减少 ) pollution and waste ______ ______( 进入 ) the environment. Before we buy something_____, think ______ it is really necessary-or maybe the old one will be just ____ ____( 好用 的 ). When we do buy things, _____ local products____ ______( 如果可能的 话 ), and try not to buy many things from_____ ( 国外 ). use less wastesaves reduces going into new whether as good choose if possible abroad

16 Plastic bags are widely used in our life. But they also make our environment become worse and worse. So, after 1st June,2008, the plastic bags were not used in the supermarkets for free. And our government advocate 呼吁 us to use hop-pocket,so that we can protect the environment. Careful reading——Reuse Reuse means use again.

17 When we buy things, we should make sure that they last a long time. Because it’s a way to protect our environment. What can we do to use things for as long as possible?

18 We should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.

19 Try not to use a paper cup or a cup bag. Try to use a china cup and a lunch box.

20 Retell Reuse means”_____ _____”. Use things for __ ___ __ _______ ( 尽可能 长 ).When we buy things, _____ _____ ( 确信 )that they____ ( 持续 )a long time. We should look after them____ ____ ( 于是 ) they will last, and we should _____ ( 修理 )them if we can _____ ___ ( 代替 )throwing them away and buying new____ ( 代词 ).Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use ___ ___ ___( 瓷杯 )and a lunch box because you can use them again. use again as long as possible make sure last so that repairinstead of ones a china cup

21 Careful reading—— Recycle What does recycle mean? What can be recycled? It means “change things into something else”. Paper , cloth, batteries, glass and so on.

22 Retell Recycle means “_____things ____ ( 变 成 )something else”. Although it ____ _____ ( 花费能量 ), it’s better than ______ things away or burning them. ____ ____ ( 找出 ) what can be ______ ( 循环 ) in your neighbourhood and ____ ____ ___ ( 参加 ) recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from ______ _______ ( 循环使用的材料 ), such as recycled paper, to help save trees. change into takes throwing Find out recycled take recycled materials part in energy

23 Enjoy reading

24 Made in China/ Produced locally Made abroad save money and reduce waste

25 Plastic lunch boxes china cup Paper cup It is better to use a lunch box and china cup than a paper box and a paper cup, because they are reusable. Paper cups can be used only once and have to be thrown away.

26 burn used things recycle used things Which things are better for the environment ? Why? It is much better to recycle used things than burn them. In this way, we can use less energy; and burning also pollutes the air.


28 Unit 2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle. Period 2

29 收到来自于 ---email 赏心悦目的网路杂志 环境教育 小心、谨慎、仔细对待 扔掉 收集可利用废物 用于循环再利用 节约 / 浪费能源 数千 筹钱 打开 / 关闭 拯救我们的世界 贫困地区 get an email from--- an enjoyable online magazine environmental education be careful of /about throw away collect reusable waste for recycling save/waste energy thousands of raise money turn on/off save our world in a poor area

30 关心,留意 最新款式 代替 打开 / 关闭空调 本地产品 国外制造的产品 给垃圾分类 对 --- 造成伤害 最简单的日常活动 对 --- 有影响 / 很重要 尽可能久的时间 持续很久 一个陶瓷杯 care about the latest fashions instead of turn on/off air conditioning things produced locally/ local products things made abroad sort the waste do harm to the simplest everyday activities make a difference to as long as possible last a long time a china cup

31 购买国外产品 确保 最好做某事 把 --- 变成 --- 弄清楚,弄明白 参加 由回收材料做成的产品 再生纸 buy products from abroad make sure It’s better to do --- change --- into--- find out take part in products made from recycled materials recycled paper

32 Fill in the blank with the correct form: reuse, reusable 1.To ______ the cloth bags and china cup is good for the environment. Because they are ________. 2.Everyone collects ______ waste and sells it for recycling. 3.___________ old things can help save energy and save money. reuse reusable Reusing/To reuse

33 Fill in the blank with the correct form: recycle, recycled, recycling 1.___________ things takes energy. 2.What kind of things can be _______? 3. Buying products made from _________ materials is a great way to save energy. 4. Everyone thinks about pollution and ________. Recycling / To recycle recycled recycling

34 Fill in the blank with the correct form: pollute, polluted, pollution 1. The factory caused __________. 2. All the fish in the river died because of the _______ water. 3. I know a lot of ________, such as air pollution, water pollution and so on. 4. Many years ago, the river was very clean, but now it is __________. pollution polluted pollution polluted

35 Fill in the blank with the correct form: produce, production, product, reduce 1. America ________ more cars this year than last year. 2. _________ of the new planes will start next year. 3. Here is a place where you can recycle waste _______, such as glass and metal and paper, and things like that. 4. Don’t waste things. This saves money and _______ pollution and waste going to the environment. produced Production products reduces

36 Fill in the blank with the correct form: waste, wasteful 1. Hurry up! Don’t _______ time. 2. We shouldn’t ________ energy. It’s __________ to throw away the reusable things. 3. You shouldn’t play computer games. It’s a ______ of time and it’s bad for your eyes. 4. It’s very ________ not to reuse things. waste wasteful waste wasteful

37 3. Complete the table. NounVerbAdjectiveAdverb ---- energetically environment---- hopelessly ----national pollute---- seriousness---- unusualness----unusually waste worry electricity electric energy energetic environmental hopelesshope pollution polluted seriousseriously nation nationally unusual environmentally waste worriedly wastefully wasteful worried worry

38 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. 1 They are working very______________ to reduce waste. 2 The situation is_________. We can’t do anything to make it better. 3 The factory________ the river, and the fish died. 4 We don’t often walk in the country. It’s a(n)_________ activity for us. 5 Don’t______. Everything will be all right. 6 Don’t use so much water. It’s very_______. energetically hopeless polluted unusual worry wasteful

39 6. Read the ideas on protecting the environment. Put them in the correct column in the table. a Don’t buy anything made from endangered animals or plants. b Glass bottles and newspapers can be taken to recycling centers and reused. c Don’t boil more water than necessary. d Don’t take new plastic bags from the shop reuse your old ones. e Turn off lights when you don’t need them. f Use a bicycle or walk instead of using the car.

40 Now listen and check. WastePollutionWildlife c a d f e b

41 1.Why should you reuse plastic bags? 2. Name two advantages of using a bicycle or walking instead of using a car. 3. Why did some animals die out? 4. How can we stop some people trying to kill or sell endangered animals and plants? (P48.activity 7) Because they are hard to recycle. There is no pollution. It’s a good kind of exercise. Because people have cut down a lot of trees and polluted the rivers. Never buy anything made from endangered animals.

42 9. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrases in the box. Mike: I hear you're off to the Caribbean for a holiday! Lucky you! But aren't you(1)_____________the dangers of such long flights on the environment Ken: Why should I be worried? Mike: Planes cause a lot of pollution. be good for hear of look after throw away turn off worry about worried about

43 Ken: I know, but what can I do about it? I already try my best to protect the environment. I recycle, I don't just (2)___________things if I don't want them any more. I (3)___________the lights when I leave a room. Don't tell me we shouldn't travel by plane any more. Mike: No, of course not. But we can do something topr0tect the envir0nment. Have you (4)____________ throw away turn off heard of

44 It's an environmental group. It helps to (5)___________trees. By planting more trees, we can help keep the air clean, because trees (6) ____________the environment. In this way, we can reduce the dangers of pollution. Ken: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and When I come back, I’ll plant some trees! Mike: That's the idea! Maybe we can all join in and start a small forest! look after are good for

45 Module task Discussing what you can do about pollution

46 Work in groups. Decide what type of pollution you want to talk about. Choose something that is very important to you. It could be water pollution, air pollution, waste, cutting down forests, etc. Find out a bit more information about your subject. Look it up on the website or in books.

47 Discuss your topic. Take it in turns saying what you think about the problem and What can be done. Listen carefully to what the others say. If you agree with what they’ve said, say “I agree”, “That’s true” or “That’s a good point”; if you don’t agree, say “I’m sorry but I disagree. I think that...” Make a summary of what you have said and tell the class.


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