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Mission: To achieve the highest quality and the best possible outdoors and wildlife conservation, preservation, and recreation for all Minnesotans and.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission: To achieve the highest quality and the best possible outdoors and wildlife conservation, preservation, and recreation for all Minnesotans and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission: To achieve the highest quality and the best possible outdoors and wildlife conservation, preservation, and recreation for all Minnesotans and particularly the various Asian-American communities in the State of Minnesota. Project: Hmong Recycle and Household Hazardous Education Presented by: Cheng Lee, Public Relations Chair

2 Project Goal Educate Hmong hunters, leaders and community on recycling, waste and hazardous waste reductions Promote green events/activities for Asian- Minnesotan

3 Activities  Environmental Workshops  Incorporated environmental education to Hmong hunters through firearms classes  Information and resources booths during community events  Being a green advocate at events

4 Community Outreach: Hmong New Year Celebration  Resources and maps to Hmong families on where to dispose household hazard materials  250 people stop by for information, a refillable water bottle and a recycle hang bag

5 July 2013 4 th Sports Festival  Information booth during the Hmong Sports Festival (2 day event) held at Como Park  Waste reduction and proper disposal of household hazard material

6 Environmental Workshops  Workshop to educate Hmong leaders and community on clean water and recycling  25 community members participated in event

7 Youth Education  20 youth, ages 10 - 19 participated in a youth awareness camping trip weekend to educate them on recycling, nature and camping skills

8 Education  Incorporated environmental education into Firearms Safety class for six sessions from May - August 2013  300 Hmong Hunters went through the class  Utilized the recycle Fling Bag along with waste and toxicity educational quizzes

9 Continued Activities  Educate on waste reduction, recycle and clean water in Firearms Safety class and workshop  Promote to Hmong hunters, because of our mission to the outdoor environment/habitat preservation

10 Lessons Learned  Better survey to capture participations, feedback and takeaways from the workshop  Demonstration activities/resources to keep the audience more engage

11 AOH Reflection  Reaching out to youth about recycling, hazardous waste and “Green” activities  Bridge to Hmong hunting community, elders, leaders, youth and other organizations  Promote AOH as an “Green” group, in line with and in support of our mission

12 Questions?

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