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Catholic Charities Pueblo, Colorado Action Plan Lifecycle Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Catholic Charities Pueblo, Colorado Action Plan Lifecycle Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catholic Charities Pueblo, Colorado Action Plan Lifecycle Model

2 Who We Serve

3 Southern Colorado Center for Immigrant Rights

4 Southern Colorado Center For Immigrant Rights Lifecycle Stage: I & II Intro to Growth

5 Southern Colorado Center For Immigrant Rights Translation & Interpretation Emergency Assistance Wage Reclamation Legal Services & Education Mental health Advocacy Workshops, Training Community Presentations Co-sponsors of Police Citizen’s Academy for Spanish speakers Support and Participation with the Diocese Justice for Immigration Campaign

6 Southern Colorado Center for Immigrant Rights IntroGrowth Resources in HIGH: Money, staff, training, volunteers, agency support Resources Generated LOW: Currently the resources generated are low but the potential is high through fees generated by trainings and translation services LOW Management Attention HIGH Excitement HIGH Visibility HIGH: due to the issue LOWER: But growing for the center HIGH: Issue Med/High: Alternatives No other competitors

7 Family Education and Empowerment Program

8 Lifecycle Stage: II & III Growth to Maturity

9 Family Education and Empowerment Program BRIGHT BEGINNINGS : Families receive education on the importance of the child’s first years – from birth through 2 years. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE : Basic necessity items – diapers, formula, clothing, car seats, toys, etc. PARENTS AS TEACHERS : Early childhood parent education program – birth to three years. CHILD HEALTH MATTERS : Provides community education on Child Health Plan Plus – birth to 18 years LA FAMILIA FUERTE/STRONG FAMILIES: Intensive parenting program providing home visits and service – birth to 12 years LOVE & LOGIC PARENTING CLASSES: Helping parents develop effective parenting skills that center on love GOOD TOUCH /BAD TOUCH: Curriculum based program which educates children, age preschool through 6 th grade about sexual abuse, child abuse, bullying and stranger danger

10 Family Education and Empowerment Program GrowthMature Resources In Medium : largest program in agency in terms of staff size. Funding by contracts with agency’s, grants Res. Generated Neutral Management Attention Low: trained staff keep programs running Excitement High: programs are growing – State and Nationally recognized Visibility High Alternatives No


12 Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling Lifecycle Stage: IV Decline

13 Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling Adoption placements 1996 – 2005 1996 – 9 1997 – 6 1998 – 6 1999 – 6 2000 – 7 2002 – 4 2003 -3 2004 – 5 2005 – 3 2006 – 2 (2 pending, 1 potential disruption)

14 Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling State of Colorado continues to add reporting burdens and fees. They now assess agencies doing international adoptions an annual $400 fee. They are mandating that all agencies transfer all records to computer. This cost to our agency is estimated to be $42,000. It is clear we cannot continue the program as it currently is designed.

15 Adoption and Pregnancy Counseling Decline Resources In HIGH: funded through adoption fees, Bishop’s Diocesan Fund and CCDP general funds Resources Generated NEGATIVE: adoption fees decrease with fewer adoptions Management Attention INCREASING: The director, bishop, and board of directors are all looking at where the program should go Excitement NEGATIVE: Colorado’s three CC studied combining resources, after 2 years this was shelved. Visibility LOW Alternatives Dept. of Social Services Numerous Agencies


17 Lifecycle Stage: III Mature

18 MONEY MANAGEMENT, HOUSING AND HOMELESS PREVENTION COUNSELING & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Budget Counseling Mortgage Counseling Home Buyer Education Classes Conservator ship and Representative Payee Services Emergency Assistance

19 MONEY MANAGEMENT, HOUSING AND HOMELESS PREVENTION COUNSELING & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM MATURE Resources InLOW: Staff, technology and training Resources GeneratedPOSTIVE: Fees, grants and contracts Management AttentionLOW ExcitementMEDIUM VisibilityLOW to MEDIUM AlternativesMAYBE: There are other debt management programs, we are the only full service Housing Counseling Program



22 Lifecycle Stage II & III Growth to Maturity

23 CLINICAL COUNSELING PROGRAM Individual Marital / Relationship Family Child and Adolescent Domestic Violence Victim’s Assistance

24 CLINICAL COUNSELING PROGRAM GROWTHMATURITY Resources in MEDIUM Resources Generated MEDIUMPOSITIVE Management Attention MEDIUM Excitement HIGH Visibility MED to HIGH Alternatives NONO: We are the only agency offering these programs at this time

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