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WATER TREATMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT Gimnazjum nr 1 im.T.Kościuszki w Zawierciu.

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Presentation on theme: "WATER TREATMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT Gimnazjum nr 1 im.T.Kościuszki w Zawierciu."— Presentation transcript:

1 WATER TREATMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT Gimnazjum nr 1 im.T.Kościuszki w Zawierciu

2 Household waste plastic, paper, glass, metal, organic waste, chemicals.

3 Biodegradable waste: food and kitchen waste, green waste, paper (can also be recycled). Recyclable materials: paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, certain plastics, fabrics, clothes, batteries etc. Inert waste: construction and demolition waste, rocks, debris.

4 The question is: what can we do??? We can: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

5 What is the best way to dispose of waste? Waste incineration is the method of neutralising municipal solid waste; (energy is gain in this process) For many years domestic waste is incinerated in company - MEDIEN PARTNER RECYKLING in Poland

6 COMPOSTING Composting of municipal solid waste is the method of organic matter recovery. Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer. Compost can be rich in nutrients and it’s a key ingredient in organic farming. It is usually used in gardens.

7 RECYCLING Recycling is a process of: changing materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reducing energy usage, reducing air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from land filling)

8 WASTE SORTING Waste sorting is the process by which waste is separated into different elements.

9 colourful glass, jars, bottles and glass packaging. Paper, newspapers, notebooks, paper bags, carboard.

10 glass bottles, cosmetic packaging.

11 WILD waste dumps Wild waste dumps come into being in the forestes and near our rivers and cause dangerous water and soil contamination.

12 Wild waste dump is the source of: dangerous soil pollution, water contamination, epidemic of dangerous illness weak trees condition biogases lightening emision of CO2, NH4, H2S ecosystems disturbing destroying the natural environment deformation of the ground

13 Ecological Campaigns in Zawiercie

14 An expansion of Municipal Waste Company in Zawiercie. The main aim of this project was to reduce the amount of waste and increase an ecological awarness. Waste sorting advertisement in Zawiercie.

15 ECOLOGICAL CAMPAIGNS IN OUR SCHOOL In 2012 our school took part in ecological competition „ BATTERIES COLLECTION” – 12th edition. We won the first prize and were very proud. Every year we also „Clean the World”

16 ECOLOGICAL CAMPAIGNS IN OUR SCHOOL In 2012 our school took part in the ecological competition „ BATTERIES COLLECTION” – 12th edition. We won the first prize and were very proud. Every year we also „Clean the World”

17 Water treatment

18 The Sewage Treatment Farm in Zawiercie The Sewage Treatment Farm in Zawiercie was built at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, and was modernized in 1993-1998 and for second time in 2008-2009.

19 Its objective is to purify sewage in a process of removing impurities from wastewater and household sewage both runoff (effluents), domestic, commercial and institutional. It includes mechanical and biological processes to remove chemical and biological contaminants.

20 During the first mechanical treatment process of filtration constant pieces and sediments are removed by using all kinds of bars and sieves.

21 Biological treatment process is based on nitrification and denitrification The purpose of this process is to reduce the amount of nitrogen, phosphate and sediments. After that treated sewage is discharged to the environment – the Warta River.

22 In this technological process two kinds of sediments come into being, then they are treated in the process of fermentation in a closed fermentation tank. The final product of this process is biogas that can be used as a fuel, for any heating purpose.

23 Our trip to the sewage treatment farm In May our guests from Spain, Malta, Tukey, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal, France, Romania and pupils from our school visited The Sewage Treatment Farm. We could learn about biological and mechanical processes of puryfing water.

24 What’s your choice?

25 The end

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