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Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises.

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1 Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises

2 What is RREUSE? RREUSE stands for Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises. It is the European federation of social enterprises with activities in reuse, repair, recycling and composting. It was founded in 2001 and established an office in Brussels in 2003. RREUSE members are national and regional networks of social enterprises. RREUSE members combine both social and environmental objectives and give them equal emphasis. Although structures and contexts are diverse, RREUSE members share many common values. RREUSE promotes a sustainable model at the local level which takes into consideration the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental protection, social equity and economic viability.

3 RREUSE MEMBERS 11 EU Member States 20 national or regional networks SE networks which promote a sustainable development model Our members provide work for a total of over 150 000 people. 42 000 FTE jobs 110 000 volunteers and trainees A total of over 710 000 tons materials diverted from landfill to be reused or, when impossible, recycled

4 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Repair and reuse extends the life-time of products and components and delays them from becoming waste and reduces their overall impact on the environment Reuse diminishes the need for producing and consuming new products and thereby wasting valuable energy / natural resources Repairing to reuse is less energy and resource demanding than recycling  (preparing for) reuse = preferred waste management method after prevention (see hierarchy established by WFD in 2008)  sustainable use of resources + reduction of water and air pollution (incl. greenhouse gases)

5 Social Benefits Social enterprises create jobs and training for people at risk –long-term unemployed, disabled, youngsters, ex-offenders … –leading to both social and professional reintegration Reuse activities provide essential household items for people with low income but also for the wider public –16% European population live under poverty level, 9.6% unemployed –second-hand is increasingly accepted by all segments of society  there is a market for second hand products nowadays and that alternative economy also leads to social benefits for society

6 It created and develops enterprises and jobs. re-use and recycling create significantly more jobs than energy recovery and landfilling. It favors small and medium sized projects entrenched in the local community. Our sector reduces the long term unemployed as a majority of the workforce consists of groups at risk who are excluded from the traditional labour market. Economic benefits

7 REUSE ACTIVITIES IN PRACTICE Waste prevention, used materials collection and sorting –265 000 tons furniture / bulky items collected yearly –170 000 tons WEEE –146 000 tons clothing / textile –113 000 tons organic waste Second-hand shops sell these to disadvantaged communities but also anyone looking for cheaper goods International projects with public and private bodies

8 RREUSE at European level RREUSE is a EU federation… Working together on developing projects and initiatives to professionalize the sector. Harmonized testing / refurbishment procedures Trained personnel, quality and licensed management Exchange experience and best practice Developing common practices and standards. Warranty, insurance to cover liabilities

9 OBJECTIVES AT EU LEVEL Representing social enterprises active in reuse and recycling at EU level Lobby EU Institutions for social and ecological objectives Promote the development of Social enterprises and projects in the environmental field Waste reduction, promotion of sustainable production and consumption patterns Organise awareness-raising and PR campaigns / events Participate in EU wide projects funded at EU/national level

10 ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR... Combine social and environmental objectives with economically viable activities At political level: participating in development of EU legislation –Com documents / thematic strategies –Framework legislation: WFD, Sust.Consumption and Production –Sectoral legislation: WEEE, Bio-waste, Ecodesign… Awareness-raising / activities –Greenweek in the CEC (5th participation) –European Week of Waste Reduction (initial project) EU projects: management or technical support

11 Current Focus, recent lobbying successes WEEE Recast: RREUSE lobby at EU level managed to achieve the following goals set by its members at the outcome of the EU parliament’s Envie Committee June 2010: To include a separate 5% target for re-use activities. Collection schemes provide the segregation of reusable appliances at collection points in order to maximize reuse. That information be provided free of charge by producers for re-use information. The Commission’s proposed overall objective for the collection of WEEE has been raised from 65% to 85% (currently 4kg/capita)

12 FUTURE PROJECTS Image building towards the greater public –European Week of Waste Reduction (2009-2011) –Website and communication tools Information exchange –Targeting political, economic and NGO actors –Bottom up information events towards policy-makers –Dissemination of best-practices across Europe EU Projects –Accreditation of re-use networks (Waste Framework Directive) –Transfer of know how to Central Europe: CERREC Studies (energy and carbon impacts of re-use)

13 REUSE AND RECYCLING SOCIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Rue Edimbourg, 26 1050 Brussels, Belgium T + 32 (0) 2 894 46 12 F + 32 (0) 2 894 46 13 E W Sustainable Development in Practice TO CONTACT US

14 Antigone Dalamaga Ecological Recycling Society Mamai 3, Athens, Greece 10440 ++

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