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M ICROCLIMATE C ONTROL S YSTEM Ism Alfreaq Ryan Hoffmeier Eric-Todd Anderson Kevin Wray Ruwaybih Alsulami Mohammed Alattas.

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Presentation on theme: "M ICROCLIMATE C ONTROL S YSTEM Ism Alfreaq Ryan Hoffmeier Eric-Todd Anderson Kevin Wray Ruwaybih Alsulami Mohammed Alattas."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ICROCLIMATE C ONTROL S YSTEM Ism Alfreaq Ryan Hoffmeier Eric-Todd Anderson Kevin Wray Ruwaybih Alsulami Mohammed Alattas

2 P ROJECT OVERVIEW Develop a climate control system for easy maintenance of multiple terrariums/aquariums Easy to use user interface with possible extensions to the internet Monitor various aspects of the environments with sensors Control environments autonomously Presentation of current system status on LCD screen Possible extension to larger environment Room in house, indoor stadium, bio-dome Mohammed Alattas

3 O BJECTIVES Monitor and control environmental variables Temperature (heaters/fans) Humidity (mister) Lighting (lamps) CO 2 (CO 2 tanks) Multiple sensor boards to monitor individual environments Display current status on LCD Easy to use user interface via local computer Interchangeability of peripheral devices Mohammed Alattas

4 O UTLINE OF APPROACH Light Sensor Black Box Control Unit Lights Heater Fans Humidifier LCD Output User Interface (PC) Sensor Board 1 Sensor Board 2 Temp. Sensor Humidity Sensor CO 2 Sensor Network CO 2 Tank WiFly Mohammed Alattas

5 S YSTEM I MPLEMENTATION Hardware Various sensors Microcontroller on sensor boards LCD screen Microprocessor on central control unit WiFly wire replacement PC / Laptop Fans / Solenoid valves / Heater / Lights / Pumps Software C/C++ HTML Eric Anderson

6 Rabbit 3000 microprocessor 30MHz 8 channel 12-bit A/D with programmable gain Up to 47 I/O lines and 5 serial ports 412K Flash/512K SRAM C ONTROL UNIT MICROPROCESSOR : RCM3400W Eric Anderson

7 S ENSOR BOARD MICROCONTROLLER : ATM EGA 328 1.8-5.5V operating range Serial USART 32kB Flash program memory 1kB EEPROM (non-volatile) 2kB Internal SRAM Up to 20MHz Eric Anderson

8 W I F LY C OMMUNICATION Central Control Unit communicates wirelessly with sensor boards using WiFly RN-134 “SuRF” board Eric Anderson

9 S ENSORS MG811 – CO 2 Sensor Detects 0.035% to 1% Low humidity and temperature dependency Needs DAC Ryan Hoffmeier

10 S ENSORS SHT71 – Humidity and Temperature Sensor Normal operating range: -20–100 o C Fully calibrated Digital output Low power consumption FDS100 - Photodiode 10ns rise time 450–1100nm Normal operating range: -40–100 o C Ryan Hoffmeier

11 Solenoid valve (CO 2 ) Fans Lights Mister Heater P ERIPHERALS Ryan Hoffmeier

12 P OWER Largest power usage through peripherals Isolation of individual outlets of a power strip Allows sensor board to control relays connected to each outlet Keeps high current levels off of sensor boards Allows for easy exchange of peripherals Control unit and sensor boards will run off 12V 1A Ryan Hoffmeier

13 P OSSIBLE E XPANSIONS Internet interface, remote access, iPhone apps Email/text emergency notifications Additional sensor boards Webcam Monitor other aspects of climate Specific animal/plant pre-sets Kevin Wray

14 B UDGET ComponentPriceQuant.Total RN-134 “SuRF” board*$99.003$297.00 RCM3400 RabbitCore Devel. Kit*$399.001 ATMega328*$4.982$9.96 MG811 (CO 2 )$19.991 SHT71 (Temp/Humidity)*$30.242$60.48 FDS100 (Photodiode)$13.102$26.20 Relays$8.909$80.10 Various peripherals/other (estimated)$1002$200 Sub Total--$1092.73 Donated*--$766.44 Total--$326.2 9 Kevin Wray

15 D IVISION OF L ABOR TaskRyanEricKevinRobMohamme d Sensor Board DesignXXX Program Sensor BoardXX Central Unit DesignXX Program Central UnitXXX LCDXX PC User InterfaceXX SensorsXXX PeripheralsXX Kevin Wray

16 S CHEDULE Ruwaybih Alsulami

17 F EASIBILITY Simple concept, project can be easily scaled by adding or removing functionality. Components and sensors are relatively cheap and easily available. Group members have experience with: C/C++/HTML coding Making printed circuit boards Programming micro-controller Ruwaybih Alsulami

18 R ISKS Various peripherals may not respond fast enough Heater may heat too fast or slow, room air used to cool may be too cold or not cold enough to reliably maintain desired temperatures. Sensors may respond too slow or be limited by their range Research sensors well Unfamiliar with Atmel 8-bit chip Follow online tutorials and ask TA’s Potential interfacing complications between central control unit and sensor boards Central unit must control flow of communication to be able to handle many sensor boards and avoid data collisions Ruwaybih Alsulami


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