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FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts.

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1 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts

2 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parallel sessions: priorities / projects

3 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parallel sessions: priorities / projects

4 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts THE SRA PRIORITIES Priority A: Technologies for Healthy, Safe, Accessible and Stimulating Indoor Environments for all Priority B: Innovative Use of Underground Space Priority C: New Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings Priority D: Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities Priority E: Sustainable Management of Transports and Utilities Networks Priority F: A living Cultural Heritage for an Attractive Europe Priority G: Improve Safety and Security within the Construction Sector Priority H: New Integrated Processes for the Construction Sector Priority I: High Added Value Construction Materials

5 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority C: New Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings Item C1: New concepts, technologies, design tools and business models Item C2: New and improved materials and structures Item C3: Integrated design tools Item C4: New information systems Item C5: Environmentally friendly building material production

6 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item C2: New and improved materials and structures Development of new and improved materials and structures to improve indoor climate, energy consumption and heat storage capacities of buildings (including underground), and fulfil users requirements, especially but not only by means of nanotechnologies, sensor and information technology and life cycle assessment. Item C5: Environmentally friendly building material production Development and improvement of construction materials manufacturing processes with high performances and reduced environmental impact (energy and resource consumption), optimisation of materials and components transportation and assembly processes focused on the reduction of energy consumption; use of large quantities of secondary (and local resources), residual products and waste (Environmentally friendly building material production).

7 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority C: New Technologies, Concepts and High-tech Materials for Efficient and Clean Buildings

8 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority D: Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities Item D1: New concepts, processes and components for the reduction of damage to environment Item D2: Sustainable design, construction, demolition and recycling process Item D3: Knowledge of energy and materials flows Item D4: Reduction of impact of transport and utility networks Item D5: Reducing impact of accidents involving dangerous and hazardous goods Item D6: Remediation and mitigation of contaminated soils and groundwater Item D7: Re-using and re-cycling demolition debris and waste Item D8: Construction technologies for the protection and exploitation of water resources

9 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D1: New concepts, processes and components for the reduction of damage to environment Development of existing and new materials that have lower environmental impact without loss of functional performances. Design of construction components that optimise their transportation. Development of new manufacturing processes for advance bulk materials based on nanotechnology. Development of new materials to isolate construction works from the surrounding environment (Zero nuisance activity). Design, develop and implement construction components and processes with an emphasis on deconstruction processes. Development of indicators for sustainable construction.

10 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D2: Sustainable design, construction, demolition and recycling process New conceptual design of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities incorporating the concept of whole life performance of buildings. Implementation of methodologies and tools for the environmental design and further management of buildings quarters and cities that consider their whole life cycle. Planning and simulation tools to predict short, medium and long term environmental, social and economical impacts. New integral management systems involving facilities design, planning, environmental impact and disturbance assessments.

11 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D3: Knowledge of energy and materials flows Creation of performance indicators for materials and buildings; development of performance rating systems for materials and buildings, Harmonised Environmental Product Assessment, Application of ICT for the development of databases and tools for the environmental assessment of construction products, Declaration of content of all building materials.

12 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D4: Reduction of impact of transport and utility networks Infrastructure use must be expanded, repaired, replaced and optimised, leading to disruption of service, and resulting in significant socioeconomic consequences for the European citizens. The vision for the infrastructure of the future is aimed at selecting in particular environment-friendly and suitable concepts striking a compromise between reduced global construction/maintenance costs on one side, safety and environmental criteria on the other side. Impact on the environment must be drastically reduced, not only by reducing the consumption of natural resources and by using alternative forms of energy, but also by reducing the impact of operation (such as pollution, groundwater pollution, vibration, noise, radiation, frequent work disruptions, traffic congestions, etc) on users and resident population both in rural, urban and suburban areas.

13 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D6: Remediation and mitigation of contaminated soils and groundwater Development of methodologies and tools for the risk assessment of contaminated soils for the assessment of the impact on human health and ecosystems. Development of new services and new cost-effective in-situ and on-site technologies for the remediation and/or containment of contaminated soils and groundwater, in order to decrease the cost of brownfield reuse, and prevent the use of external landfills. Integration of construction techniques in redevelopment and remediation of brownfields to come to an integrated risk reduction versus land use approach.

14 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D7: Re-using and re-cycling demolition debris and waste Development of innovative technologies for reuse and recycling of debris and waste materials issued from demolition and brownfield redevelopment activities. Development and improvement of manufacturing technologies that use recycled materials instead of raw materials and/or generate less waste during manufacturing process. Tools (based on LC methods) to aid decision making on recycling.

15 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item D8: Construction technologies for the protection and exploitation of water resources Development of new approach and concepts for the improvement of underground water quality in urban or greenfield context and for optimised exploitation of water resources. Implementation of new distributed waste and wastewater treatment and management systems. New permeable (porous) materials for urban construction (foundations, etc.) and motorways.

16 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority D: Reduce Environmental and Man-made Impacts of Built Environment and Cities

17 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority I: High Added Value Construction Materials Item I1: Multifunctional construction materials Item I2: Predictable, flexible and efficient building material production Item I3: Improve durability and reliability of construction materials Item I4: Improve usability and applicability of materials Item I5: Prediction and management of building material behaviour in service

18 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Item I1: Multifunctional construction materials Development of materials with new functionalities and improved properties and comfort (resistance against an aggressive environment, that are hygienic and easy to clean, self-cleaning, biocides, with moisture control, thermal, electro-magnetic and acoustic isolation, heat storage and climatic functionality, creating a “warm feeling” and aesthetic appearance, low intrusive new materials for rehabilitation of buildings, surface functionalities, etc.) essentially by means of nano, sensor and information technology. Also functionalities related to energy consumption (e.g. thermal and acoustic insulation) and heat storage capacities of buildings should be considered.

19 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Priority I: High Added Value Construction Materials

20 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parallel sessions: priorities / projects

21 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts ENVIRONMENT NMP

22 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts ENVIRONMENT NMP

23 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.1. CLIMATE CHANGE, POLLUTION, AND RISKS 6.1.1. Pressures on environment and climate 6.1.2. Environment and Health 6.1.3. Natural hazards 6.2. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES 6.2.1. Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity 6.2.2. Management of marine environments

24 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.3. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES 6.3.1 Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man- made environment 6.3.2. Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat 6.3.3. Technology assessment, verification and testing

25 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.4. EARTH OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 6.4.1. Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development 6.4.2. Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation

26 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.3.1 Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man- made environment Water Soil Waste Clean Technologies Built environment Marine environment

27 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.3.2. Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat Assessment and conservation in cultural heritage Networking, knowledge transfer and optimisation of results in cultural heritage Environment technologies for archaeology and landscapes Fostering the integration of cultural heritage in urban and rural settings

28 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.3.3. Technology assessment, verification and testing Risk assessment of chemicals and alternative strategies for testing Technology Assessment Environmental Technologies Verification and Testing

29 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.4.1. Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Integration of European activities within GEO Cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO Earth Observation activities in emerging areas Developing capacity building activities in the domain of Earth observation in the new EU countries and in the developing countries

30 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 6.4.2. Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation Tools for impact assessment Sustainable development indicators Interplay between social, economic and ecological systems

31 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts ENVIRONMENT NMP

32 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Materials New Production Integration of technologies for industrial applications

33 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.1 Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 4.1.1. Nanosciences and converging sciences NMP-2008-1.1-1. Converging sciences and technologies (nano, bio, info and/or cogni) NMP-2008-1.1-2. Support to outreach and communication in nanotechnology

34 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.1 Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 4.1.2. Nanotechnologies and converging technologies NMP-2008-1.2-1. Pilot lines to introduce nanotechnology-based processes into the value chain of existing industries NMP-2008-1.2-2. Nanotechnologies for water treatment NMP-2008-1.2-3. Development of technologies for the controlled combustion of nano-particles NMP-2008-1.2-4. Study about best practices for IPR and licence agreements for collaborative research and technological development projects in nano- and converging technologies

35 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.1 Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 4.1.3. Health, Safety and Environmental Impacts NMP-2008-1.3-1. Validation, adaptation and/or development of risk assessment methodology for engineered nano-particles NMP-2008-1.3-2. Impact of engineered nanoparticles on health and the environment

36 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.1 Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies 4.1.1. Nanosciences and converging sciences NMP-2008-1.1-1. Converging sciences and technologies (nano, bio, info and/or cogni) NMP-2008-1.1-2. Support to outreach and communication in nanotechnology

37 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.2 Materials 4.2.1. Mastering nano-scale complexity in materials NMP-2008-2.1-1. Nanostructured membrane materials NMP-2008-2.1-2. Processing and upscaling of nanostructured materials 4.2.2. Knowledge-based smart materials with tailored properties NMP-2008-2.2-1. Compound semiconductors for electronics and photonics NMP-2008-2.2-2. Nanostructured meta-materials 4.2.3. Novel biomaterials and bioinspired materials NMP-2008-2.3-1. Advanced implants and bioactive materials for critical organs

38 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.2 Materials 4.2.4. Advances in chemical technologies and materials processing NMP-2008-2.4-1. Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials NMP-2008-2.4-2. Radical advances in the processing of multifunctional films and tapes 4.2.5. Using engineering to develop high performance knowledge-based materials NMP-2008-2.5-1. Functionally graded materials for improved mechanical performance NMP-2008-2.5-2. Modelling of interfaces for high performance materials design

39 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.2 Materials 4.2.6. Coordinated activities and international cooperation NMP-2008-2.6-1. Novel materials for energy applications (Joint call with Energy) NMP-2008-2.6-2. Computational Material Science - Coordinated Call with India NMP-2008-2.6-3. Coordinated actions with Materials researchers in major world regions NMP-2008-2.6-4. ERA-NET PLUS on Materials Research

40 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.3. New production 4.3.1. Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies NMP-2008-3.1-1. Transformation strategies for SMEs in turbulent global market environments 4.3.2.Adaptive production systems NMP-2008-3.2-1. Implementation of process intensification strategies in industrial scale NMP-2008-3.2-2. Self-learning production systems NMP-2008-3.2-3. Support for inter-regional manufacturing communities following IMS strategy update

41 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.3. New production 4.3.3. Networked production NMP-2008-3.3-1. Supply chain integration and real- time decision making in non-hierarchical manufacturing networks 4.3.4. Rapid transfer and integration of new technologies into the design and operation of manufacturing processes NMP-2008-3.4-1. Rapid design and virtual prototyping of factories NMP-2008-3.4-2.Industrialisation through new integrated construction processes

42 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.3. New production 4.3.5. Exploitation of the convergence of technologies NMP-2008-3.5-1.Volume production process chains for high throughput micro-manufacturing

43 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications NMP-2008-4.0-1. Development of nanotechnology- based systems for diagnosis and/or therapy for diabetes, muscolo-skeletal or inflammatory diseases (in coordination with Theme HEALTH) NMP-2008-4.0-2. Catalysts and sustainable processes to produce liquid fuels from coal and natural gas NMP-2008-4.0-3. Nano-technology enabled applications for integrated, cost-effective volume production

44 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications NMP-2008-4.0-4. Expanding the limits of advanced materials processing applications through a new generation of high brilliance lasers NMP-2008-4.0-5. Integration of new technologies and materials for differentiated consumer-centred product capability in the footwear industry NMP-2008-4.0-6. Innovative concepts and processes for strategic mineral supply and for new high added value mineral-based products

45 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications NMP-2008-4.0-7. Sustainable new products and markets through bioproduction of green forest-based chemicals and materials NMP-2008-4.0-8. Smart materials for applications in the sectors of construction and of machinery and production equipment NMP-2008-4.0-9. Reducing the risk of injury in complex systems through advanced personal protective equipment NMP-2008-4.0-10. Organisation of events related to the Presidencies of the European Union

46 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 4.4. Integration of technologies for industrial applications NMP-2008-4.0-11. NCP trans-national activities NMP 2008-4.0-12. Horizontal activities responding to emerging and policy needs in the context of ERA NMP-2008-4.0-13. ERA-NET on nanomedicine NMP-2008-4.0-14. ERA-NET on trans-national cooperation for new innovative products in the forest- based value chains NMP-2008-4.0-15. ERA-NET on implementing micro- and nano-manufacturing technologies within Member States industry

47 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parelle sessions: priorities / projects

48 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts First draft for (Title and a few lines per topic) Benchmarking of sustainability Identify where the environmental technologies part of the Environment Programme should focus in this 2009 call (which will most probably be launched as early as June 2008)

49 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts ENV.2008. Innovative environmental technologies including design concepts and materials for the reduction of damage to the environment New concepts and materials to reduce environmental impacts of the built environment (such as consumption of water, energy, raw materials; land-use; generation of noise, vibration, waste and; negative impacts on quality of air, soil or water), without loss of performance. Consideration may be given amongst others to new technologies such as biomaterials, or new construction products that facilitate recycling and the deconstruction of buildings and infrastructure, etc. In addition, the projects should develop harmonised environmental product assessment methods, (performance indicators for materials and buildings; development of performance rating systems for materials and buildings, databases and tools for the environmental assessment of construction products.

50 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic: Benchmarking of sustainability in construction Development of performance indicators and supporting tools for the assessment of environmental impacts of construction materials, buildings and built environments along its whole life cycle Output/deliverables Performance indicators for materials, buildings and built environments; development of performance rating systems for materials, buildings and built environments Sustainable labelling process for buildings Harmonised Environmental Product Assessment Databases and tools for the environmental assessment of construction products

51 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic 1B. Low Building Consumption – reuse and retrofit. The objectives of the research will be focused on breaking existing barriers that at this moment are delaying the implementation of technological innovations that are necessary to reduce resource consumption (energy, water, materials...) in existing buildings and built environments. Mechanisms for promotion of efficient building retrofit must be considered under this topic. The change from not efficient existing building to low resource buildings will require new technological developments for building retrofitting focused on energy efficiency, water balance improvement, materials consumption reduction.

52 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic 1B. Low Building Consumption – reuse and retrofit. These technological development should involve new retroffiting components but also new machinery, tools and building process that will increase the usability, adaptation, flexibility and improvement of existing buildings. At urban level it is necessary to develop new planning strategies and solutions in which architectonical and urban concepts are integrated in such a way that building functionalities (current and emerging) are perfectly integrated into a urban framework where building resources (energy, water, land...) and building impacts (waste production, waste water) are minimized and managed in an efficient way.

53 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic 6A. Reduction of impact of operation of transport and utility networks. New technologies for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure, reducing impact, costs and delays: solutions include reducing traffic noise, vibration, air and water pollution, and trenchless construction or using small size trenches.

54 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts OLD VERSIONS

55 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic D1a. New materials and construction components for the reduction of the damage to the environment associated to the construction sector Development of existing and new materials that have lower environmental impact without loss of functional performances. Development of new manufacturing processes for advance bulk materials based on nanotechnology. Design, develop and implement construction components that facilitate deconstruction processes and further materials reusing- recycling. Design and development of construction components that encourage the industrialisation of the construction processes.

56 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic D1b. New processes for the reduction of the damage to the environment associated to the construction sector Design of construction components and construction processes that optimise their transportation. Development of new processes to isolate construction works from the surrounding environment (Zero nuisance activity) and to protect it of potential impacts. Design, develop and implement construction processes with an emphasis on deconstruction processes. Industrialisation of the construction processes.

57 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic D2. Sustainable design, construction and demolition processes. New conceptual design of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities has to incorporate the concept of whole life performance of buildings. It is necessary to implement methodologies and tools for the environmental design focused on the planning, design, construction and further management and end-of-life of buildings quarters and cities. This approach will need new management systems in which facilities design, planning, environmental impact and disturbance assessments are integrated.

58 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts Topic D7. Re-use and re-cycling demolition debris and waste Development of innovative technologies for reuse and recycling of debris and waste materials issued from demolition and brownfield redevelopment activities. Development and improvement of manufacturing technologies that use recycled materials instead of raw materials and/or generate less waste during manufacturing process.

59 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parallel sessions: priorities / projects

60 FA - Quality of Life WG1 – Reducing Environmental impacts 1.Detail of WG priorities in ECTP-SRA 2.Short overview of funding opportunities in FP7 3.Propositions of project ideas brokerage 4.Exchange info in running projects 5.Conclusion of parallel sessions: priorities / projects

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