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How To Drive Business And Leverage Trends … Without Driving Yourself Crazy Anita Campbell

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Presentation on theme: "How To Drive Business And Leverage Trends … Without Driving Yourself Crazy Anita Campbell"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Drive Business And Leverage Trends … Without Driving Yourself Crazy Anita Campbell @smallbiztrends

2 So, Are You Ready to Run a Small Business?


4 Advice and Trends for Startups and Young Businesses

5 Stick With It. Most People Give Up WAY Too Soon.

6 Startups: Figure Out Your Revenue Model. Early. Many of us are "accidental" entrepreneurs and we're bootstrapping. Find something to sell as early as possible, that: is moderately priced has a short sales cycle

7 Outsource. Partner. Sooner. More. 3 Game Changers: 1.Hire temps, interns and independent contractors initially. 2.Select low-cost service providers from blogs, trusted colleagues and online 3.Partner with motivated companies that bring you revenue

8 Marketing

9 Make friends. Even with competitors. Word-of-mouth and referrals come from unexpected places. Over 80% of small businesses: referrals their biggest source of new business

10 Be Ubiquitous -- It Builds Brand Goes for personal and company brands Social media is perfect for this! Develop micro-communities SELECTIVELY- o Schedule your time o Divide and conquer (with staff)

11 Protect And Defend Your Brand Sign up for

12 DIY Marketing Grows

13 DIY Marketing Trend Save money, gain customer intimacy by doing marketing in-house How to Participate Internally –Use lower cost technology instead of employee labor –Build a customer community online –Hire people for their ability to use DIY resources/apps External Opportunities – “Assist the DIYs” –Create apps (mobile and SaaS) to help businesses –“Teach” and “Help” the DIY market

14 DIY Marketing Grows Resources – stunning array of DIY tools –Email marketing: Vertical Response; Constant Contact –Banner ads: –Postcards: HP Creative Studio; USPS; Vista Print –Community & learning software:; WordPress MU; BuddyPress; Ning; VBulletin –Follow-on marketing automation: Hubspot; Infusionsoft –SEO:; SEOMoz –Social Media:; SocialOomph –DIY public relations: –Advertising: Google AdWords

15 Plan. Prioritize A Confusing Landscape

16 Goin’ Mobile

17 The “Carry Your Computer” Trend


19 Computers and mobile devices converge How to Participate Internally: – Install stripped-down mobile template for your website – Build a “text message list” – 96% of messages opened – Create an a mobile app for your biz, blog or website – Price and location services through barcodes, GPS External Opportunities: –Apps development –Mobile consulting: tech and marketing specialists

20 Operating Your Business

21 Learn A Little Technology Steve Rubel says: If you don’t understand some technology: o you'll spend more money o everything will take longer o you won't get the best from service providers or staff "... new trend of geek marketers."

22 Get organized! Find Tools


24 Keep A Sense Of Humor. Something’s Bound To Go Wrong.

25 Thank You! Anita Campbell @smallbiztrends

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