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OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC Research Eric Childress OCLC Research SHARES Meeting NYU New York, NY 2006-10-20.

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Presentation on theme: "OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC Research Eric Childress OCLC Research SHARES Meeting NYU New York, NY 2006-10-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC Research Eric Childress OCLC Research SHARES Meeting NYU New York, NY 2006-10-20

2 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Agenda  Overview  Areas of activity  Sample projects

3 OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC Research  Unit established 1978 ; Currently 30 staff (8 scientists)  Mission: To expand knowledge that advances OCLC's public purpose to:  Reduce costs  Further access to the world’s information  Activities: experimentation, prototypes, software, academic research (papers, studies), standards work  Community support:  LITA/OCLC Kilgour award  OCLC/ALISE LIS Research Grants  Software contest, in-kind grants, more…


5 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Areas of major activity  Metadata management  FRBR, large-scale catalogs, metrics & analysis  Knowledge organization  Terminology, classification, authority files  Content management  Preservation, collection management  Management intelligence  Data mining, collection attributes  Interoperability  Standards, frameworks, models  User behavior

6 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Sample projects: Metadata  FRBR  FictionFinder  xISBN

7 OCLC Online Computer Library Center FRBR basics  FRBR = Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records  Work done under the auspices of IFLA  Uses an entity-attribute approach to provide a conceptual model of the bibliographic universe  Provides a clearly defined, structured framework for relating bibliographic data to user needs

8 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Work Expression Is realized through Is exemplified by Item Manifestation Is embodied in A distinct intellectual or artistic creation The intellectual or artistic realization of a work The physical embodiment of an expression A single exemplar of a manifestation Functional Requiremest of Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Group 1 Entities

9 OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC FRBR work set algorithm is used to group related records OriginalIllustrated edition Spanish edition Abridged edition Video Expressions Work¹ Work² e¹e²e³ e¹ Mr. Collins... protested that he never read novels

10 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Worldcat (FRBR stats) Manifestations Works Items (est: holdings*1.5) 59,879,322 47,423,810 1,531,400,969 35,372,459 28,542,021 1,194,751,352 Total Print books

11 Works with 1 manifestation: 87% Works with between 2 and 5 manifestations: 12% Works with > 5 manifestations: 1% Works with 1 manifestation: 43% of total holdings Works with between 2 and 5 manifestations: 40% of total holdings Works with > 5 manifestations: 17% of total holdings Manifestations By Holdings Works in WorldCat

12 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Top 10 works in WC by holdings 10

13 OCLC Online Computer Library Center FictionFinder  Employs FRBR to:  Build a “work” view & cluster related records  Support the creation of special indexes  Supports searching & browsing of fiction materials cataloged in WorldCat  Fiction records — 2.8 million  Unique works — 1.4 million  Total holdings — 130 million  OCLC Research prototypeprototype  OCLC Research team:  Diane Vizine-Goetz (lead)  Roger Thompson  Carol Hickey  J.D. Shipengrover

14 OCLC Online Computer Library Center




18 xISBN  OCLC Research prototype  Reveals all ISBNs associated with individual works in WorldCat  Web service:  URL syntax query (submit an ISBN)  Simple XML response (all ISBNs in workset)  Ex: Dune 172717 172717  Users:  Various, loosely-coupled look- it-up applications  Copyright Clearance Center  OCLC Research team:  Thom Hickey (lead)  Jenny Toves  Jeff Young

19 OCLC Online Computer Library Center xISBN output for DuneDune   0441172717  0801950775  0441102670  1556909330  0425027066  0425036987  0425046877  0425092143  0553580302  042507160x  0736643443  0736692401  0441172660  042505313x  0425080021  1402553242  0736689591 …..  For any given resource, the full complement of ISBNs can be generated  Provides convenient mechanism for expanding searches to look for multiple manifestations…

20 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Sample projects: Knowledge Organization  Dewey Browser  Terminology Services

21 OCLC Online Computer Library Center DeweyBrowser  OCLC Research prototypeprototype  Supports searching & browsing collections organized by DDC  Presents search results at three levels corresponding to the three main summaries of Dewey  Collections available:  wcat – 2.2 million of the most widely held WorldCat records wcat  abr14 – selected data from the Abridged Edition 14 of DDC abr14  ebooks - 210,000 + electronic book records from WorldCat ebooks  Summaries can be displayed in:  English  French  German  Spanish  Swedish  OCLC Research team:  Diane Vizine-Goetz (lead)  Thom Hickey (lead)  Carol Hickey  Harry Wagner

22 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

23 Terminology Services Project  OCLC Research prototype  Explores Semantic Web value of vocabularies  Enriched versions of controlled vocabularies & classification schemes  Multiple formats (MARCXML, SKOS, Zthes)  Machine-friendly (e.g., web services)  Product version released July 2006  OCLC Research team:  Diane Vizine-Goetz (lead)  Carol Hickey  Andrew Houghton  Roger Thompson

24 Terminology Services Architecture Web Service Proxy SRW/URESTSOAP Browser Sidebar Metadata Editing Application Registration Query handling Markup translation Authorization/Authentication Microsoft Office Research Pane Full Text SQLXML 1 2 3 Storage Technology Layer Application Protocol Layer

25 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

26 Sample projects: Management intelligence  Data Mining  G5 Study  WorldMap  Audience Level

27 OCLC Online Computer Library Center “G5” Study  Identified the overlap within the Google 5 collections and against WorldCat  Looked at various metrics for the system- wide collection

28 OCLC Online Computer Library Center The system-wide print book collection as represented in WorldCat (January 2005) ~55 million ~41 million ~35 million ~32 million print books

29 OCLC Online Computer Library Center From “Anatomy of Aggregate Collections: The Example of Google Print for Libraries” in D-Lib (Sept 2005) [link]link

30 OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC WorldMap  Visual, geographic representation of publishing- and library collection-related data  Interactive  Uses data from varied sources (e.g., WorldCat, NCES, UNESCO)  OCLC Research team:  Lynn Silipigni Connaway (lead)  Jeremy Browning  Other team members:  Larry Olszewski

31 OCLC Online Computer Library Center

32 Audience Level  An OCLC Research prototypeprototype  A two-step process for assigning a relative “audience level”:  Use MARC “Target Audience” if present  If not, calculate the audience based on weighted holdings  Features:  Human- and machine- readable interfaces  Resolves OCLC record number or ISBN to probable “audience level”  OCLC Research Team:  Lynn Connaway (lead)  Brian Lavoie  Ed O’Neill  Cliff Snyder  Akeisha Heard

33 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Calculating “audience level” Library TypeWeightHoldingsHoldings Wgt. ARL1.007272.00 Academic.679764.99 Public.3382.64 School.0000 177139.63 Sum of Holding Weight ÷ Total Holdings 139.63 ÷ 177 = 0.78 Operations research for libraries and information agencies : techniques for the evaluation of management decision alternatives by Donald H Kraft & Bert R Boyce [San Diego : Academic Press, ©1991]

34 OCLC Online Computer Library Center work manifestations in workset Human-readable interface 0.62

35 OCLC Online Computer Library Center work manifestations in workset Human-readable interface 0.45

36 OCLC Online Computer Library Center Thank you!  OCLC Research  Project pages  ResearchWorks works works

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