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Point Indication class 12. The DU primary channel: ascends both inside and alongside the spine. enters the brain at DU-16 and DU-20. enters the Kidneys.

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Presentation on theme: "Point Indication class 12. The DU primary channel: ascends both inside and alongside the spine. enters the brain at DU-16 and DU-20. enters the Kidneys."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point Indication class 12

2 The DU primary channel: ascends both inside and alongside the spine. enters the brain at DU-16 and DU-20. enters the Kidneys. passes through the Heart. winds around the anus. winds around the external genitals.

3 The DU luo-connecting vessel arises at DU-1 spreads over the occiput connects with the Bladder channel and spreads through the spine

4 We can summarize the actions of the points of the Governing vessel as follows: Treating diseases of the anus, rectum, and intestines. Treating diseases of the genitals, urinary system and uterus. Treating febrile diseases and reducing heat in the body.

5 Treating diseases of the zangfu. Treating disorders of exterior or interior wind. Treating disorders of the sense organs. Treating disorders of the Heart zang, primarily pain and palpitations. Treating disorders of the brain and spirit.

6 The Governing vessel is the channel that mediates between the brain and the Heart. Clinically many of its points may be used to treat a variety of psycho-emotional disorders, in much the same way that points of the twelve principal channels may be used, especially those of the Heart and Pericardium.

7 If we try to be more precise about the use of the Governing vessel points, we can suggest that i. their indications generally reflect excess patterns of spirit disharmony such as mania-depression, and ii. they are especially indicated when psycho-emotional disorders are accompanied by fullness and discomfort of the head, dizziness, disturbance of consciousness and epilepsy.

8 CHANGQIANG DU- 1** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Treats hemorrhoids, Benefits the two lower yin, Activates the channel and alleviates pain, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Hemorrhoids, difficult defecation, cold damp diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum, painful or difficult urination, retention of urine, seminal emission, lumbar or sacral pain region, mania, epilepsy, shaking of the head.

9 YAOSHU DU-2** ACTIONS: Benefits the lumbar region and legs, Dispels wind-damp INDICATIONS: Pain of the sacrum and lumbar region, especially when it radiates to the hips and down the legs; irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, dark urine, hemorrhoids, epilepsy.

10 YAOYANGGUAN DU- 3*** ACTIONS: Dispels wind-damp, Benefits the lumbar region and legs, Regulates the lower jiao INDICATIONS: Disorders of the lumbar region and legs: bi pain, numbness, spasm, inability to walk. Seminal emission, impotence, disorders of menstruation, leukorrhea.

11 MINGMEN DU-4***** ACTIONS: Clears heat, Regulates the Governing vessel, Tonifies the Kidneys, Benefits the lumbar spine INDICATIONS: Kidney Yang deficiency: lumbar pain, weak knees, copious clear urination, seminal emission, impotence, leukorrhea, diarrhea, low libido, fatigue. Heat in the body, tinnitus, dizziness, epilepsy, fear and fright.

12 XUANSHU DU-5* ACTIONS: Benefits the lumbar spine, Benefits the lower jiao INDICATIONS: Stiffness of the lumbar spine with inability to flex and extend, diarrhea, running piglet qi, shan disorder, retraction of the testicles.

13 JIZHONG DU-6** ACTIONS: Fortifies the Spleen and drains damp, Benefits the spine INDICATIONS: Abdominal fullness, abdominal masses, jaundice, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum in children, stiffness of the lumbar spine, epilepsy. Level w/Spleen shu

14 ZHONGSHU DU-7* ACTIONS: Benefits the spine, Benefits the middle jiao INDICATIONS: Pain of the lumbar region and back, abdominal fullness, no desire to eat, jaundice, amenorrhea. Level w/GB shu

15 JINSUO DU-8** ACTIONS: Soothes the Liver, pacifies wind and relieves spasm, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Liver wind stirring upwards: spasm, epilepsy; mania, mad walking, incessant talking, jaundice, anger injuring the Liver, stiffness of the spine, pain of the Heart. Level w/Liver shu

16 ZHIYANG DU-9** ACTIONS: Fortifies the Spleen, drains dampness and regulates the middle jiao, Treats jaundice, Unbinds the chest INDICATIONS: Jaundice, inability to eat, borborygmus, heaviness/weakness/pain of the four limbs, fullness of the chest and lateral costal region, cough, dyspnea, stiffness of the spine. Level w/diaphragm shu

17 LlNGTAI DU-10** ACTIONS: Alleviates cough and wheezing, Clears heat and detoxifies poison INDICATIONS: Carbuncles, furuncles and clove sores, dyspnea, asthma, chronic cough, steaming bone taxation consumption, back pain, stiffness of the neck. Level w/Du shu

18 SHENDAO DU-11** ACTIONS: Tonifies the Heart and Lung and calms the spirit, Clears heat and pacifies wind INDICATIONS: Spirit disorders: Sadness and anxiety, poor memory, fright palpitations, disorientation, timidity. Epilepsy, childhood fright wind, febrile diseases. Level w/Heart shu

19 SHENZHU DU-12** ACTIONS: Clears heat from the Lung and Heart, Calms the spirit, Pacifies wind INDICATIONS: Lung Heat: Heat in the chest, dyspnea, cough, dry mouth, agitation with thirst, headache and sweating. Madness, seeing ghosts, rage with desire to kill people, epilepsy. Level w/Lung shu (JA: alternative Lung shu)

20 TAODAO DU-13** ACTIONS: Clears heat and treats malaria, Regulates the Governing vessel INDICATIONS: Malaria, steaming bone disorder, stiffness of the spine, heaviness of the head, visual dizziness, unhappiness and disorientation.

21 DAZHUI DU-14***** Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the six yang channels of the hand and foot Point of the Sea of Qi ACTIONS: Expels wind and firms the exterior, Clears heat, Treats malaria, Tonifies deficiency, Pacifies wind

22 INDICATIONS: Heat patterns: High fever with agitation, night sweating, steaming bone, any heat symptom Exterior pathogenic factors: aversion to wind, chills and fever, malaria, throat pain. Epilepsy, hypertension, insomnia, nosebleed. Stiffness of the spine, nape and neck, bi pain Deficiency sweating, weakness, shortness of breath.

23 YAMEN DU-15** Point of the Sea of Qi ACTIONS: Benefits the tongue and treats muteness, Eliminates wind, Benefits the neck and spine INDICATIONS: Deaf-muteness and Aphasia: Stiffness or flaccidity of the tongue, inability to speak, loss of voice. Loss of consciousness, epilepsy, mania- depression, stiffness of the neck/spine.

24 FENGFU DU-16*** Point of the Sea of Marrow, Point of the Window of Heaven, Ghost point ACTIONS: Eliminates wind, Nourishes the sea of marrow and benefits the head and neck, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Interior or Exterior Wind: Aversion to cold, throat pain, wind bi, dizziness, blurred vision, nosebleed, windstroke, aphasia, hemiplegia, hypertension, mania, madness, fear and fright, stiff neck.

25 NAOHU DU-17* ACTIONS: Eliminates wind and alleviates pain, Benefits the eyes, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Heaviness of the head, dizziness, headache, pain of the face, dim vision, nearsightedness, eye pain, lacrimation, mania, epilepsy.

26 QIANGJIAN DU-18* ACTIONS: Pacifies wind and alleviates pain, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, epilepsy, insomnia, mania-depression.

27 HOUDING DU-19* ACTIONS: Eliminates wind and alleviates pain, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Stiffness and pain of the head and neck, one-sided headache, pain of the vertex, wind dizziness, insomnia, epileptic convulsions.

28 BAIHUI DU-20***** Point of the Sea of Marrow ACTIONS Pacifies wind and subdues yang Raises yang and counters prolapse Benefits the head and sense organs Nourishes the sea of marrow Benefits the brain and calms the spirit

29 INDICATIONS: Yang Rising or Stirring of Wind: Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, hypertension, windstroke, hemiplegia, opisthotonos, loss of consciousness, epilepsy. Prolapse of the rectum or uterus Spirit disorders: Agitation, poor memory, lack of mental vigor, disorientation, sadness, mania. Obstruction of the nose, nasal discharge, nosebleed.

30 ACTIONS: Eliminates wind and treats convulsions, Benefits the head INDICATIONS: Dizziness, epilepsy, childhood fright epilepsy, pain vertex, edema, aversion to wind-cold, copious clear nasal discharge. QIANDING DU-21*

31 XINHUI DU-22* ACTIONS: Benefits the nose, Eliminates wind and benefits the head INDICATIONS: Nosebleed, nasal congestion, nasal polyps, headache, dizziness.

32 SHANGXING DU- 23*** Sun Si-miao Ghost point ACTIONS: Benefits the nose and eyes, Eliminates wind, benefits the head and face and dispels swelling, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Nasal obstruction and discharge, nosebleed, dizziness, pain of the eyes, nearsightedness, redness and swelling of the face, mania-depression.

33 SHENTlNG DU-24*** ACTIONS: Benefits the brain and calms the spirit, Eliminates wind and benefits the head, Benefits the nose and eyes INDICATIONS: Mania-depression, insomnia, loss of consciousness, epilepsy, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion and discharge, nosebleed, lacrimation, lack of visual clarity.

34 SULIAO DU-25* ACTIONS: Benefits the nose INDICATIONS: Copious nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, nasal sores, nosebleed, drinker’s nose, nasal polyps, hypotension. Reduces alcoholic intoxication by increasing the volume of alcohol present in the expired air.

35 RENZHONG DU- 26*** Sun Si-miao Ghost point ACTIONS: Restores consciousness and calms the spirit, Benefits the face and nose and expels wind, Benefits the spine and treats acute lumbar sprain INDICATIONS: Sudden loss of consciousness, coma, windstroke, deviation of the face and mouth, mania- depression, epilepsy, nosebleed, nasal discharge, thirst Sprain and pain of the lumbar spine.

36 DUIDUAN DU-27* ACTIONS: Clears heat, generates fluid and benefits the mouth, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Ulceration of the mouth, foul breath, pain of the gums, dry tongue, nosebleed, nasal congestion, mania- depression, epilepsy.

37 YlNJIAO DU-28* ACTIONS: Clear heat and benefits the gums, Benefits the nose and eyes INDICATIONS: Redness/swelling/bleeding/pain of the gums, nasal congestion, lacrimation, red painful eyes, lack of clarity of vision, superficial visual obstruction.

38 Extra Points

39 SISHENCONG**** ACTIONS: Calms the spirit, Pacifies wind, Benefits the eyes and ears INDICATIONS: Windstroke, epilepsy, mania-depression, insomnia, poor memory. One-sided and generalised headache, dizziness, deafness, disorders of the eyes.

40 YINTANG**** ACTIONS: Pacifies wind and calms the shen, Benefits the nose, Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Fright, frontal headache, dizziness, insomnia, agitation, restlessness. Nasal congestion and discharge, nosebleed, disorders of the eyes, hypertension, pain of the face.

41 ANMIAN*** ACTIONS: Calms the spirit and pacifies the Liver INDICATIONS: Insomnia, agitation and restlessness, palpitations, epilepsy, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, hypertension.

42 DINGCHUAN*** ACTIONS: Calms dyspnea and wheezing and stops cough INDICATIONS: Asthma, wheezing, cough, urticaria, pain of the upper back.

43 WEIGUANXIASHU*** ACTIONS: Clears heat and generates fluid INDICATIONS: Diabetes/Wasting and thirsting disorder, dry throat, pain of the chest and lateral costal region, epigastric pain, vomiting.

44 HUATUOJIAJI**** ACTIONS: Regulates and harmonizes the five zang and six fu. INDICATIONS T1-T4: disorders of the Lung and upper limb. T4-T7: disorders of the Heart. T7-T10: disorders of the Liver and Gallbladder.

45 T10-T12: disorders of the Spleen and Stomach. L1-L2: disorders of the Kidneys. L3-L5: disorders of the Bladder, Large and Small Intestines, uterus and lower limbs. All the Huatuojiaji points treat herpes zoster at the level of the affected segmental nerve. All the Huatuojiaji points treat pain and stiffness of the local area.

46 ACTIONS: Raises and regulates qi, Regulates menstruation and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Prolapse of the uterus, infertility, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding. ZIGONG****

47 BAXIE**** ACTIONS: Clears heat and dissipates swelling INDICATIONS: Numbness, stiffness, redness, swelling, spasm and pain of the fingers and hand, painful obstruction of the fingers. Headache, toothache, throat pain and swelling, red eyes, febrile disease.

48 YAOTONGXUE**** ACTIONS: Invigorates qi and blood in the lumbar region INDICATIONS: Acute lumbar sprain.

49 ERBAI*** ACTIONS: Treats prolapse of the rectum and hemorrhoids INDICATIONS: Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, itching of the anus, blood in the stool, tenesmus.

50 BAICHONGWO*** ACTIONS: Clears heat from the blood, Eliminates wind and drains dampness INDICATIONS: Sores of the lower region, wind rash, itching of the skin.

51 LANWEIXUE*** ACTIONS: Activates qi and blood and clears heat and fire poison from the Large Intestine INDICATIONS: Acute and chronic appendicitis, paralysis of the lower limb, drop foot, indigestion.

52 DANNANGXUE*** ACTIONS: Clears heat and drains damp INDICATIONS: Cholecystitis, gallstones, disease of the bile duct, biliary ascariasis, distension and pain of the lateral costal region, paralysis and numbness of the lower limb.

53 Review for Quiz 4

54 YANGLlNGQUAN GB-34***** He-Sea and Earth point Hui-meeting point of Sinews ACTIONS: Benefits the sinews and joints, Activates the channel and alleviates pain, Spreads Liver qi and benefits the lateral costal region, Clears Liver and Gall Bladder damp-heat, Harmonizes Shaoyang

55 INDICATIONS Disorders of the sinews: stiffness/tightness of the muscles and joints (including neck, shoulders, elbow, lower limb, knee, hip, etc), numbness, sciatica, hemiplegia. Gall Bladder patterns: lateral costal pain, frequent sighing, epilepsy, hypertension. Shaoyang syndrome: bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting, jaundice, chills and fever, malaria.

56 XUANZHONG GB- 39**** Hui-Meeting point for Marrow Group Luo point of three foot Yang ACTIONS: Benefits the sinews and bones, Benefits the neck, Dispels wind-damp, Clears Gall Bladder fire, Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Stroke, hemiplegia, pain of the neck, headache, hypochondriac pain, atrophy of the lower limbs, cramping pain of the leg

57 ZULlNQI GB-41**** Shu-Stream and Wood point Confluent point of the Girdling vessel ACTIONS: Spreads Liver qi, Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts, Clears the head and benefits the eyes, Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules INDICATIONS: Headache, vertigo, pain of the outer canthus, scrofula, hypochondriac pain, breast distension, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, dyspnea, foot pain and swelling.

58 HUANTIAO GB-30**** ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, Benefits the hip joint and leg, Dispels wind-damp INDICATIONS: Pain of the buttock, hip and leg, sciatica, atrophy and painful obstruction of the lower limb, hemiplegia, numbness of the leg, inability to flex and extend the knee, urticaria, eczema.

59 FENGCHl GB-20**** ACTIONS: Eliminates wind, Benefits the head and eyes, Clears the sense organs, Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: All diseases of the head and sensory organs, especially the eyes; External or Internal Wind: Headache, vertigo, insomnia, pain and stiffness of neck, blurred vision, red and painful eyes, tinnitus, epilepsy, febrile diseases, common cold, nasal congestion and discharge.

60 JIANJING GB-21**** ACTIONS: Regulates qi, activates the channel and alleviates pain, Transforms and lowers phlegm and dissipates nodules, Benefits the breasts and expedites delivery INDICATIONS: Stiffness of the neck and shoulders, windstroke, hemiplegia, cough and dyspnea, rebellion of qi, mania-depression, difficult or prolonged labor, retention of the placenta, uterine bleeding, breast pain, breast abscess, breast milk does not flow.

61 RIYUE GB-24*** Front-Mu point of the Gall Bladder ACTIONS: Benefits the Gall Bladder and spreads Liver qi, Lowers rebellious qi and harmonises the middle jiao, Resolves damp-heat INDICATIONS: Pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, acid regurgitation, hiccup, jaundice, mastitis, sighing with tendency to sadness.

62 JINGMEN GB-25*** Front-Mu point of the Kidneys ACTIONS: Tonifies the Kidneys and regulates the water passages, Fortifies the Spleen and regulates the intestines, Strengthens the lumbar region INDICATIONS: Spleen and Kidney deficiency: Abdominal distension, borborygmus, diarrhea, difficult urination, lumbar pain with inability to stand for long, pain in the hypochondriac region.

63 DAIMAI GB-26*** Meeting point of the Gall Bladder channel with the Girdling vessel ACTIONS: Regulates the Girdling vessel and drains dampness, Regulates menstruation and stops leukorrhea, Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Leukorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, abdominal pain, infertility, hernia, lumbar and hypochondriac pain, lower abdominal pain in women.

64 JULIAO GB-29*** ACTIONS: Activates the channel and alleviates pain, Benefits the hip joint INDICATIONS: Pain of the hip, back and leg, lumbar pain radiating to the lower abdomen, hip pain radiating to the groin, weakness and paralysis of the leg, sciatica, edema, vomiting, diarrhea.

65 FENGSHI GB-31*** ACTIONS: Eliminates wind, Alleviates itching, Activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Lower body Wind: Bi and Wei (painful obstruction and atrophy) of the lower limb, sciatica, hemiplegia, numbness of the leg, itching of the whole body, urticaria.

66 GUANGMlNG GB- 37*** Luo-Connecting point ACTIONS: Benefits the eyes, Dispels wind- damp, activates the channel and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: Eye problems: eye pain, night blindness, itching of the eyes, near/far- sightedness, one-sided headache, knee pain, wei and bi of the lower limb, bruxism. Principal distal point on GB channel for eye disorders.

67 XIAXI GB-43*** Ying-Spring and Water point ACTIONS: Clears heat and benefits the head, ears and eyes, Clears damp-heat from the channel and reduces swelling INDICATIONS: GB Heat: Headache, dizziness/vertigo, eye redness/pain, tinnitus, hypochondriac pain, breast distension. Frequently used for migraine, HTN, otitis.

68 TAICHONG LIV-3***** Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source and Earth point ACTIONS: Spreads Liver qi, Subdues Liver yang and extinguishes wind, Nourishes Liver blood and Liver yin, Clears the head and eyes, Regulates menstruation, Regulates the lower jiao

69 Liver Yang / Liver Wind: Headache, dizziness, epilepsy, childhood fright wind, hypertension. Liver Qi Stagnation: Lateral costal distention and pain, sighing, pain of the Liver and Heart, breast pain, epigastric or abdominal pain, shan disorder. GYN / OB disorders: Amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, uterine prolapse, insufficient lactation.

70 Spirit disquiet: Insomnia, frustration, anger, melancholy, depression, anxiety, irritability, frequent sighing. GI: Jaundice, vomiting, vomiting blood, nausea, constipation, diarrhea. Urinary: Enuresis, difficult urination, retention of urine, edema. Lumbar pain and lower leg pain or weakness, pain in general.

71 XlNGJIAN LIV-2**** Ying-Spring and Fire point ACTIONS: Clears Liver fire, Spreads Liver qi, Pacifies Liver wind, Clears heat and stops bleeding, Benefits the lower jiao INDICATIONS: Uprising Liver Fire or Liver Yang: Headache, dizziness, red painful eyes, nosebleed, coughing blood, palpitations, anger, fright, windstroke; Genital pain and itching, shan disorder, uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, early menstruation, pain and swelling of the instep.

72 LIGOU LIV-5**** Luo-Connecting point. ACTIONS: Spreads the Liver, regulates qi and benefits the genitals, Clears dampness and heat from the lower jiao, Regulates menstruation, Treats plumstone qi INDICATIONS: Genitals: itching, swelling, pain, shan disorder, difficult urination, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus; Qi stagnation: plumstone qi, depression, belching.

73 DADUN LIV-1*** Jing-Well and Wood point ACTIONS: Regulates qi in the lower jiao, treats shan disorder and alleviates pain, Benefits the genitals and adjusts urination, Regulates Liver qi and stops menstrual bleeding, Revives consciousness and calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Shan disorder, swelling and pain of the genitals, painful urinary dysfunction, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, fright, mania-depression, loss of consciousness.

74 QUQUAN LIV-8*** He-Sea and Water point ACTIONS: Clears damp-heat from the lower jiao, Benefits the genitals, Invigorates blood and benefits the uterus, Nourishes blood and yin INDICATIONS Lower jiao damp-heat: Swelling/itching/ pain of the genitals, impotence, seminal emission, difficult urination, diarrhea; uterine prolapse, abdominal masses in women due to blood stasis, headache, dizziness, nosebleed, red eyes, knee pain.

75 ZHANGMEN LIV- 13*** Front-Mu point of the Spleen Hui-Meeting point of the zang ACTIONS: Harmonizes the Liver and Spleen, Regulates the middle and lower jiao, Fortifies the Spleen, Spreads the Liver and regulates qi INDICATIONS: Liver-Spleen Disharmony: Abdominal distension, borborygmus, pain in the hypochondriac region, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion.

76 QlMEN LIV-14*** Front-Mu point of the Liver ACTIONS: Spreads the Liver and regulates qi, Invigorates blood and disperses masses, Harmonises the Liver and Stomach INDICATIONS: Hypochondriac pain, masses in the lateral costal region, abdominal distension, hiccup, acid regurgitation, mastitis, depression, gallstones.

77 GUANYUAN REN- 4***** Front-Mu point of the Small Intestine Meeting point of the of 3 Foot Yin ACTIONS: Fortifies the original qi and benefits essence, Tonifies and nourishes the Kidneys, Warms and fortifies the Spleen, Benefits the uterus and assists conception, Regulates the lower jiao and benefits the Bladder, Regulates Small Intestine qi, Restores collapse

78 INDICATIONS Kidney deficiency, lumbar/leg weakness, frequent urination, enuresis, seminal emission, impotence. GYN: Infertility, amenorrhea, post-partum abdominal pain, leukorrhea. Spleen qi or Yang deficiency: diarrhea, fatigue. Damp: Retention of urine, dark or bloody urine, painful urinary dysfunction, edema. Cold in lower abdomen giving rise to pain

79 QIHAI REN-6***** ACTIONS: Fosters original qi, Tonifies qi, Tonifies the Kidneys and fortifies yang, Rescues collapse of yang, Regulates qi and harmonises blood INDICATIONS All Qi Deficiency or Qi Stagnation problems Yuan qi deficiency, all kinds of chronic qi disease

80 Impotence, seminal emission, prolapse of the uterus, prolapse of the rectum. Deficiency and cold of the lower jiao, diarrhea, dark urine, hesitant urination, enuresis. Uterine bleeding, post-partum bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, infertility. Shan disorder, twisting pain of the umbilicus, abdominal masses, abdominal distention.

81 ZHONGWAN REN- 12***** Front-Mu point of the Stomach Hui-Meeting point of the Fu ACTIONS: Harmonizes the middle jiao and descends rebellion, Tonifies the Stomach and fortifies the Spleen, Regulates qi and alleviates pain INDICATIONS: All diseases of the Stomach and Spleen, epigastric pain and fullness, nausea, Stomach reflux, vomiting, abdominal distention and/or pain.

82 SHANZHONG REN- 17***** Front-Mu point of the Pericardium Hui-Meeting point of the Qi Point of the Sea of Qi ACTIONS: Regulates qi and unbinds the chest, Descends rebellion of the Lung and Stomach, Benefits gathering qi, Benefits the breasts and promotes lactation

83 INDICATIONS Qi stagnation or deficiency of the chest: Shortness of breath, dyspnea, wheezing, cough, asthma, fullness and oppression of the chest, chest pain. Difficult ingestion, acid regurgitation, esophageal constriction,vomiting. Insufficient lactation, breast abscess, distention and pain of the breast.

84 ZHONGJl REN-3**** Front-Mu point of the Bladder Meeting point of 3 Foot Yin ACTIONS: Benefits the Bladder, regulates qi transformation and drains damp-heat, Drains dampness and treats leukorrhea, Benefits the uterus and regulates menstruation, Dispels stagnation and benefits the lower jiao, Fortifies the Kidneys

85 INDICATIONS: Enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea, frequent urination, retention of urine, pain and/or masses in the lower abdomen, prolapse of the uterus, genital itching.

86 SHUIFEN REN-9*** ACTIONS: Regulates the water passages and treats edema, Harmonizes the intestines and dispels accumulation INDICATIONS: Water diseases, edema, borborygmus, vomiting after eating, abdomen swollen and hard like a drum, periumbilical pain.

87 JUQUE REN-14*** Front-Mu point of the Heart ACTIONS: Regulates the Heart and alleviates pain, Descends Lung qi and unbinds the chest, Transforms phlegm and calms the spirit, Harmonizes the Stomach and descends rebellion INDICATIONS: Chest pain radiating to the back or lateral costal region, Rebellious qi: cough, accumulation of phlegm in the chest, esophageal constriction, nausea, vomiting, Stomach reflux; mania-depression.

88 TIANTU REN-22*** Point of the Window of Heaven ACTIONS: Descends rebellious qi and alleviates cough and wheezing, Benefits the throat and voice INDICATIONS: Throat problems: phlegm in the throat, plumstone qi, pain and swelling of the throat, loss of voice, goiter. Asthma, sudden dyspnea, inability to breathe. Esophageal constriction, vomiting.

89 MINGMEN DU-4***** ACTIONS: Clears heat, Regulates the Governing vessel, Tonifies the Kidneys, Benefits the lumbar spine INDICATIONS: Kidney Yang deficiency: lumbar pain, weak knees, copious clear urination, seminal emission, impotence, leukorrhea, diarrhea, low libido, fatigue. Heat in the body, tinnitus, dizziness, epilepsy, fear and fright.

90 DAZHUI DU-14***** Meeting point of the Governing vessel with the six yang channels of the hand and foot Point of the Sea of Qi ACTIONS: Expels wind and firms the exterior, Clears heat, Treats malaria, Tonifies deficiency, Pacifies wind

91 INDICATIONS: Heat patterns: High fever with agitation, night sweating, steaming bone, any heat symptom Exterior pathogenic factors: aversion to wind, chills and fever, malaria, throat pain. Epilepsy, hypertension, insomnia, nosebleed. Stiffness of the spine, nape and neck, bi pain Deficiency sweating, weakness, shortness of breath.

92 BAIHUI DU-20***** Point of the Sea of Marrow ACTIONS Pacifies wind and subdues yang Raises yang and counters prolapse Benefits the head and sense organs Nourishes the sea of marrow Benefits the brain and calms the spirit

93 INDICATIONS: Yang Rising or Stirring of Wind: Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, hypertension, windstroke, hemiplegia, opisthotonos, loss of consciousness, epilepsy. Prolapse of the rectum or uterus Spirit disorders: Agitation, poor memory, lack of mental vigor, disorientation, sadness, mania. Obstruction of the nose, nasal discharge, nosebleed.

94 FENGFU DU-16*** Point of the Sea of Marrow, Point of the Window of Heaven, Ghost point ACTIONS: Eliminates wind, Nourishes the sea of marrow and benefits the head and neck, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Interior or Exterior Wind: Aversion to cold, throat pain, wind bi, dizziness, blurred vision, nosebleed, windstroke, aphasia, hemiplegia, hypertension, mania, madness, fear and fright, stiff neck.

95 SHANGXING DU- 23*** Sun Si-miao Ghost point ACTIONS: Benefits the nose and eyes, Eliminates wind, benefits the head and face and dispels swelling, Calms the spirit INDICATIONS: Nasal obstruction and discharge, nosebleed, dizziness, pain of the eyes, nearsightedness, redness and swelling of the face, mania-depression.

96 SHENTlNG DU-24*** ACTIONS: Benefits the brain and calms the spirit, Eliminates wind and benefits the head, Benefits the nose and eyes INDICATIONS: Mania-depression, insomnia, loss of consciousness, epilepsy, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion and discharge, nosebleed, lacrimation, lack of visual clarity.

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