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Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) AFC Project is a non – government community service to support & care for parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) AFC Project is a non – government community service to support & care for parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) Adolescent & Family Counsellor (AFC) AFC Project is a non – government community service to support & care for parents & teenagers. To Serve The Community In The Belief That Together We Can Make A Difference

2 Funding Body  AFC Project is funded by the Department of Community Services through Community Service Grants Program (CSGP)  AFC Project is auspiced by the Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre, premises owned by the Newcastle City Council

3 Target Area  The AFC project at Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre services the Newcastle City Local Government Area.

4 Target Group  Consumers of AFC services are families with teenaged children requiring support, counselling &/or referral to meet their unique assessed needs.  Presenting issues may include: family breakdown, homelessness, at risk behaviours, challenging behaviours, educational struggles, drug/alcohol related problems, relationship difficulties, sexuality, emotional, physical, sexual abuse, mental health issues

5 Outcomes sought for the project  To promote & support families as a functional unit wherever possible  To provide an integrated counselling approach that promotes, facilitates, & supports change in the interaction between young people & their families  To foster reconciliation with young people and their families leading to the young person staying in the family home or being restored to the family where acceptable & appropriate  To foster client self determination and promote emotional growth & independence  To provide early intervention before major issues occur

6 Activities that help deliver these outcomes  Counselling  Support  Advocacy  Education  Information  Referral to specialist agencies  Act as a resource for other agencies

7 Highlights of the Project  Working with young people & their families  Witnessing positive outcomes for clients  Working collaboratively with other centre Projects  Co-service provision with FASP  Excellent relationship with outside agencies  Worked to successfully restructure Newcastle Youth Accommodation Services Limited  Attended relevant training to meet consumer needs  Being part of a supportive, professional team

8 Barrier to service provision  Inadequate funding  Limited resources  Limited space  Time constraints  Inadequate referral agencies for youth

9 Points for stakeholders.  AFC project secured funding through Hunter New England Health (HNEH) to set up a Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) which involves local members of the community raising awareness of drug and alcohol issues and addressing these issues within their local community  AFC is the representative for secondary NSP (Harm Minimization Program) at Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre  AFC is a Board of Directors member for NYASL (Newcastle Youth Accommodation Services Limited) for young people out of home

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