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Connecting Marketing to Strategic Objectives. Presenters  Moderator:  R. Osbourne Whitesell (“Oz”), MKJ Creative  Panelists  Steve Varnum, New Hampshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Marketing to Strategic Objectives. Presenters  Moderator:  R. Osbourne Whitesell (“Oz”), MKJ Creative  Panelists  Steve Varnum, New Hampshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Marketing to Strategic Objectives

2 Presenters  Moderator:  R. Osbourne Whitesell (“Oz”), MKJ Creative  Panelists  Steve Varnum, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Jessica Brooks, Boston Community Capital  Janet de Guehery, Florida Community Loan Fund

3 Goals of the Session  Examine  How marketing can forward your mission  The importance of strategic planning  How marketing facilitates the strategic plan  Common pitfalls that can turn a marketing budget into a cost instead of an investment

4 Session Format  Open Forum  Using examples from our experience we will explore the intersection of strategic planning and marketing  We encourage questions and dialogue and are more committed to transferring knowledge than completing a presentation

5 What Is Strategic Planning? Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Source: Google

6 What Is Marketing? Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large. Source: American Marketing Association

7 Example 1: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add $67 million in new investments for lending

8 Example 1: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add $67 million in new investments for lending  Questions: How do we reach potential investors? What’s our unique proposition?

9 Example 1: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add $67 million in new investments for lending  Questions: How do we reach potential investors? What’s our unique proposition?  Marketing Tactic: Create an investment “product” and market to current donors, potential investors and wealth advisors through as many channels as appropriate

10 Example 2: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Provide $125 million in mortgage financing to stabilize more than 625 foreclosed homeowners in the next five years

11 Example 2: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Provide $125 million in mortgage financing to stabilize more than 625 foreclosed homeowners in the next five years  Question: How, as a nonprofit CDFI that has historically lent to organizations and businesses (not directly to consumers), do we access foreclosed homeowners with a new mortgage product?

12 Example 2: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Provide $125 million in mortgage financing to stabilize more than 625 foreclosed homeowners in the next five years  Question: How, as a nonprofit CDFI that has historically lent to organizations and businesses (not directly to consumers), do we access foreclosed homeowners with a new mortgage product  Marketing Tactics:  Third-party validation #1: Outreach to foreclosure counselors, elected representatives, community leaders (education and outreach, endorsements, etc.)  Third-party validation #2: Earned media stories about homeowners who were helped

13 Example 3: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add value to community development in Florida

14 Example 3: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add value to community development in Florida  Question: What is FCLF’s value to community development practitioners in Florida?

15 Example 3: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Add Value to Community Development in Florida  Question: What is FCLF’s value to community development practitioners in Florida?  Marketing Tactics:  Rewrote our vision and mission (and tagline) to incorporate the fact that FCLF provides expertise and capital to help projects succeed  Develop a plan to promote staff expertise in the CDFI community through workshops, conference presentations and leadership  Establish a relationship with a local PR firm to become recognized

16 Example 4: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Design and redesign methods for efficient and responsive delivery of products and services

17 Example 4: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Design and redesign methods for efficient and responsive delivery of products and services  Question: How can we more efficiently market our products and services, cultivate donors and investors and steward current supporters?

18 Example 4: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Design, and redesign, methods for efficient and responsive delivery of products and services.  Question: How can we more efficiently market our products and services, cultivate donors and investors and steward current supporters?  Marketing Tactic(s): Subscribe to HubSpot inbound marketing software, replace Web development vendor, ramp up use of video

19 Example 5: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Push for policies and laws that help families and individuals facing foreclosure

20 Example 5: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Push for policies and laws that help families and individuals facing foreclosure  Question: How do you combat negative perceptions about people facing foreclosure and influence policymakers to change laws and/or policies to make it possible for homeowners with stable incomes to remain in their homes?

21 Example 5: Boston Community Capital  Objective: Push for policies and laws that help families and individuals facing foreclosure  Question: How do you combat negative perceptions about people facing foreclosure and influence policymakers to change laws and/or policies to make it possible for homeowners with stable incomes to remain in their homes?  Marketing Tactics:  Op-eds  Homeowner stories  Meetings with policymakers and legislators  Civic leadership: MA Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation; Governor’s Foreclosure Impacts Task Force

22 Example 6: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Build organizational strength and capacity

23 Example 6: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Build organizational strength and capacity  Question: What are the best ways FCLF can strengthen the organization as it prepares for a period of growth over the next 5 years?

24 Example 6: Florida Community Loan Fund  Objective: Build Organizational Strength and Capacity  Question: What are the best ways FCLF can strengthen the organization as it prepares for a period of growth over the next 5 years?  Marketing Tactic: Incorporate the board  Write a Strategic Plan to give our board and senior management the opportunity to incorporate an emphasis on marketing  Our marketing consultant worked hand in hand with our strategic planning consultant to gather information and make recommendations  This goal has one objective devoted to identifying specific marketing action steps, developing the budget for execution and contracting local consultants to help build organizational strength in marketing

25 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.

26 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?

27 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?  Marketing Tactic: Business finance  Target: Owners of growth companies  Message: “Flexible capital for growing companies”  Tactics: Promote online tools through trade publications, LinkedIn, business finance seminars, Google ads

28 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?  Marketing Tactic: Business finance  Target: Bank loan officers  Message: “An alternative that helps them get to yes”  Tactics: Promote online tools through trade publications, LinkedIn, networking

29 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?  Marketing Tactic: ROC-NH (converting manufactured-home parks to resident-owned communities)  Target: Owners of parks with 100+ sites  Message: Positive messaging – “Put your park in the hands of the people who have supported you, get your price, smooth process”  Tactics: Letters, one-to-one visits, videos of satisfied sellers

30 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?  Marketing Tactic: Welcome Home Loans (real mortgages for manufactured homes)  Target: Realtors  Message: “Real mortgages for manufactured homes”  Tactics: Postcards, letters, trade shows, certified training course

31 Example 7: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  Objective: Double our lending to $140 million to meet the growing demand for affordable housing, essential services and jobs.  Questions: Which lending programs will drive that growth? What targets, messages and tactics should we employ for each?  Marketing Tactic: Welcome Home Loans  Target: Buyers, sellers and owners of manufactured homes  Message: “Save money with our fair, fixed-rate purchase and home-equity loans – low down-payment, no minimum credit score, age of home doesn’t matter”  Tactics: Postcards, Google ads

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