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HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme +27 (0)11 400-4474. Focus of Services The City of Cape Town has identified HIV/AIDS/TB as one of it’s four strategic priorities.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme +27 (0)11 400-4474. Focus of Services The City of Cape Town has identified HIV/AIDS/TB as one of it’s four strategic priorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme +27 (0)11 400-4474

2 Focus of Services The City of Cape Town has identified HIV/AIDS/TB as one of it’s four strategic priorities - recognising that the spread of this pandemic will undermine all other developmental priorities and growth towards becoming a world-class city.

3 Focus of Services The strategy also focuses internally on the workforce of more than 26,000 staff. The goal is to reduce and manage the impact of HIV/AIDS on the staff as individuals, their families and the community.

4 Corporate & Political Commitment Line management To raise HIV/AIDS awareness and get buy-in amongst Councilors, senior management and unions Programme Objectives

5 Staff involvement and participation

6 Training Programme Peer Education Continuing education New techniques and methods

7 Training Programme Peer Counselling Support to staff who are living with HIV/AIDS & who are affected by the disease.

8 Training Programme Professional Staff Development

9 Prevention Programme Special Events To organise and participate in high impact events e.g. World Aids Day, TB Day

10 Prevention Programme Media Development Produce and disseminate information, educational material and messages related to HIV/AIDS in the workplace. Counselling and supportive material

11 Prevention Programme Condom distribution Formal & Informal awareness presentations at workplaces

12 VCT Programme V – Voluntary client testing Referrals Further counselling Support groups T – Testing (rapid testing, screening & confirmation) C – Counselling – pre and post Further treatment

13 Care Programme Counselling: Individual, couple & group Workplace interventions (case management) Individual supervision

14 Care Programme Support group meetings Care for the Carer Mentoring to peer-educators, peer counsellor and other health care workers

15 Community Products Adopting and supporting community projects driven from within the City of Cape Town e.g. Electricity Dept. have provided various resources for the “Living Together Project” Support of SME’s e.g. setting up smaller workplace programmes Faith based support

16 Corporate Responsibilities Policy development Procedures Specific workplace risk protocols Research Impact Study: cost and risk analysis

17 The Team Herman van der Watt As Manager of the Programme, he is deeply committed to social upliftment and development. He strives to create a working environment that fosters employee motivation, team spirit, growth opportunities and challenging tasks. “In HIV/AIDS, it’s not who you are, but what you do!” As Manager of the Programme, he is deeply committed to social upliftment and development. He strives to create a working environment that fosters employee motivation, team spirit, growth opportunities and challenging tasks. “In HIV/AIDS, it’s not who you are, but what you do!”

18 The Team Nombeko Mpongo She is the epitome of a strong, independent woman living openly with HIV/AIDS, giving a face to AIDS. She offers administrative support to the HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme and also works as a Peer Counsellor to staff living with HIV/AIDS and affected by the illness. “I am more affected in a positive way, than infected”. Nombeko Mpongo She is the epitome of a strong, independent woman living openly with HIV/AIDS, giving a face to AIDS. She offers administrative support to the HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme and also works as a Peer Counsellor to staff living with HIV/AIDS and affected by the illness. “I am more affected in a positive way, than infected”.

19 The Team Paul Sheldon He is passionate about HIV/AIDS despite loosing a family member due to an AIDS related illness. His creative presentation and workshop style is inspirational. “The interactive participation at workshops provides great inspiration” Paul Sheldon He is passionate about HIV/AIDS despite loosing a family member due to an AIDS related illness. His creative presentation and workshop style is inspirational. “The interactive participation at workshops provides great inspiration”

20 The Team George Meyer He provides counselling and support to employees who want to know their HIV status and to date has encouraged hundreds of employees to undergo Voluntarily Counselling and Testing. “The appreciation I receive from people is what drives me to work even harder” George Meyer He provides counselling and support to employees who want to know their HIV status and to date has encouraged hundreds of employees to undergo Voluntarily Counselling and Testing. “The appreciation I receive from people is what drives me to work even harder”

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