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Explain Purpose & Importance Give process instructions Give behavioral demonstration Ask qs to check understanding 1 st Phase of Coaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain Purpose & Importance Give process instructions Give behavioral demonstration Ask qs to check understanding 1 st Phase of Coaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain Purpose & Importance Give process instructions Give behavioral demonstration Ask qs to check understanding 1 st Phase of Coaching

2 Observe learner practicing 2 nd Phase of Coaching

3 Give immediate & specific feedback on errors Reinforce success Express confidence in person’s ability to be successful Agree on follow-up actions 3 rd Phase of Coaching

4 Build rapport Ask qs to focus on specific problem Ask employee causes of problem e.g., talk about personal matters, talk about positive events eliminate distractions, etc 1 st Stage of Counseling

5 Listen & respond w/empathy 2 nd Stage of Counseling e.g., physical posture, eye contact, non-verbal & verbal responses, paraphrase feelings, share own experience Ask employee solutions to problems Discuss w/employee how solutions address problem

6 Get employee to agree to behavior change Review and summarize discussion Agree on follow-up actions Explain how employee’s behavior affects others 3 rd Stage of Counseling

7 CoachingCounseling Directed by supervisor Subordinate talks more Behavior focused (Showing & telling how to do task) Explanation oriented (e.g. cause of problem, solution to problem) Present focused (e.g., employee performs actions) Future Focused (employee agrees to change) Rapport & empathy

8 How did you respond to differences between the coaching and counseling situations? What key behaviors enabled the subordinate to confide in the manager (see Keys & Case article) How does your score on self-esteem relate to your skill in counseling? What additional personality/trait variables relate to counseling success? Discussion Qs

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