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On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Lluís Font. Grup de Física de les Radiacions Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spain 24th International.

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Presentation on theme: "On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Lluís Font. Grup de Física de les Radiacions Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spain 24th International."— Presentation transcript:

1 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Lluís Font. Grup de Física de les Radiacions Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spain 24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids Bologna, 1-5 Sept 2008 Refreshing Lecture

2 Two very general comments: Bologna, sep 2, 2008 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Radon has been investigated and monitored in houses very extensively in the last 30 years. Read literature to learn from the past and avoid making the same errors that others did. My personal view, but more important than my opinion is to show the students which are the elements that have to be taken into account when performing a radon survey.

3 Goals and scientific interest Interpretation of results Bologna, sep 2, 2008 Contents Design Quality assurance Data analysis Going beyond: equilibrium factor; thoron, … On radon surveys: design and data interpretation

4 The goals strongly affect the design of the survey and data interpretation On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Goals and scientific interest Before designing the survey ask yourself: Which are the main goals? Which is the scientific interest? Which are the main goals? Which is the scientific interest? Publication in a scientific journal Possible/common goals: 1 To obtain the annual averaged dose and a realistic distribution of radon concentration to which population are exposed. 3 To identify radon prone areas or houses. 4 To elaborate a radon risk map 5 Workplaces: radon levels to which workers are exposed. 6 To set up a certain methodology (to be used in a larger survey) Bologna, sep 2, 2008 2 To search for seasonal variations correction factors …

5 Elements of a survey design Type of dosemeter Procedure for installing and collecting the dosemeters Selection of houses. Information to the inhabitants. Exposure time On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design Bologna, sep 2, 2008

6 Dosimeter type If the main goal is to obtain the annual average of indoor radon levels: Passive. Track-etch detector of closed type. Exposure time As long as possible! The whole year is the best option. If not possible, two options: i) cover the whole year by consecutive periods or ii) use seasonal correction factors specific for your area of study. Routine surveys in different years. Selection of houses. Information Survey statistically representative and not biased! - Randomly (for big sampling) - Taking into account census data 1 in 10000 of the housing stock (UNSCEAR,93) Information sheet to the inhabitants. Procedure Installation/collection in the living room and bedrooms of the houses. Detailed instructions Help of government / local authorities. Minimise looses. On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design

7 Dosimeter type If the main goal is to search for seasonal variations: Passive. Track-etch detector of closed type. Exposure time Depending on the season duration. Adapted to the specific climate. Selection of houses. Information -Randomly, but other options are acceptable to optimize resources: direct contact with owners, types of (micro)climates. -Information sheet for the collaborators. Procedure Installation/collection in the living room and bedrooms of the houses. Detailed instructions Help of government/local authorities. Minimise looses. On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design

8 If the main goal is to identify radon prone areas or houses Any: NTDs, charcoal cannisters, grab sampling, etc. From few hours to several months Short-term may require confirmation According to any geological, industrial, climate, etc. reason that may suggest the possibility of high radon levels (soil radon data, levels of natural radiation, …) -Information sheet to the inhabitants Installation/collection by trained people. Installation in basements and groundfloors, low-ventilated areas. Confirmation in living rooms and bedrooms. On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design Dosimeter type Exposure time Selection of houses. Information Procedure. Definition of radon prone area. Common approach: area in which a certain percentage of houses (example: 10%) exceeds a certain level of annual radon concentration (example: 200 Bq·m -3 ). Country-specific. Read literature.

9 Dosimeter type If the main goal is to elaborate a radon risk map. Any: NTDs, charcoal cannisters, grab sampling, etc Exposure time From few hours to several months Short-term may require confirmation Selection of houses. Information -According to geological / climate factors affecting indoor radon levels (soil radon data, natural radiation levels,…) -Defining a grid (example: 10 km square) -Information sheet to the inhabitants Procedure Installation/collection by trained people. Installation in basements and groundfloors, low- ventilated areas. Confirmation in living rooms and bedrooms. On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design. Not really well stablished. Under development. Note difference between a radon map and a radon risk map (independent on anthropogenic activities). Read literature.

10 If the main goal is to obtain radon exposure of workers Both time-integrating and time-resolved detectors. Adapted to the working conditions (humidity, aerosol concentration, temperature, …) According to the dosimeter type(s) used On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design Dosimeter type Exposure time. Under development. A proper estimation of radon exposure depends strongly on the specific workplace. Workplaces Any in which there are reasonable arguments to suspect a possible significant increase of radiological risk: -Underground and ground floor (mines, spas,…) -Other sites if located in a radon prone area. Procedure Installation/collection by trained people.

11 If the main goal is to obtain radon exposure of workers On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Survey design. Under development. A proper estimation of radon exposure depends strongly on the specific workplace. In this example (workplace of Olot, Spain) the mean radon concentration would clearly overestimate the radon exposure. Pattern of occupancy of the workplace is required to a proper risk assessment. Fig. taken from Moreno, V., Baixeras, C., Font, LI., Bach, J. Indoor radon levels and their dynamics in relation with the geological characteristics of La Garrotxa, Spain, Radiation Measurements (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2008.06.003

12 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Quality assurance A quality assurance programme is mandatory Write down a procedure file for each task in your lab. Task person-independent. Calibrate your detectors, if possible, in a well-established radon chamber facility. You may build up your own radon chamber to check for time variation of your detector response or to intercompare the relative response of different detectors. Check specially for each new batch of detectors. Participate in radon intercomparison exercises periodically. Write down very carefully the instructions to install the radon detectors and the methodology used in the survey to distribute/collect the detectors. The traceability of your results is very important when publishing a paper. Do not use other calibration factor than that obtained by yourself in your lab, even if etching conditions are the same!

13 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation A quality assurance programme is mandatory Characterise properly your track etch detector: Calibration factor (tr·cm -2 )/(kBq·m -3 h) Uncertainty Linear zone Fig. taken from Moreno, et al. Radiation Measurements (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2008.06.003 Background track density Lower detection limit L D = 4.26  BG Currie,Ll. A. 1999. Detection and quantification limits: origins and historical overview..Anal. Chim. Acta; 391, 127-134 Quality assurance

14 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Data analysis Data normally follows a lognormal distribution. What does it mean? Data analysis The distribution of log of the concentrations follows a Gaussian curve Descriptive statistics: Fig. taken from Miles, J. HPA (UK) Arithmetic Mean (AM) for averaged dose estimation Geometric Mean GM = exp(AM(lnC i )) Geometric Standard Deviation GSD = exp(SD(lnC i )) Range Percentage of houses above reference (action) levels

15 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Data analysis In any experimental result, provide the estimation of uncertainty. Data analysis See for example: ISO Guide for Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, October 1993. Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results. NIST technical note 1297. 1994 Edition Report properly your experimental result and its uncertainty. Remember: The number of significant digits in the uncertainty cannot be higher than 2. The number of significant digits in the result (radon concentration) is given by the uncertainty. Examples: 32528.3 ± 432.7 Bq·m -3 (32.52 ± 0.43) 10 3 Bq·m -3 128.450 ± 0.67 Bq·m -3 450.810 ± 1.20 Bq·m -3 128.45 ± 0.67 Bq·m -3 450.8 ± 1.2 Bq·m -3

16 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Interpretation of results Be cautious. Before getting a conclusion: Did you check any other explanation to your findings? Rely on your own results when possible. Be cautious. Before getting a conclusion: Did you check any other explanation to your findings? Rely on your own results when possible. Interpretation of Results Do not be too ambitious. Look for the conclusions related to the goals of your survey and that can be demonstrated from your experimental results. If you use track-etch detectors, you are measuring the radon exposure. Then you calculate the mean radon concentration and you may estimate the radiation dose to which inhabitants have been exposed.

17 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation Going beyond the measurement of radon Going beyond Measuring the long-term radon equilibrium factor with track etch detectors is becoming more an more popular. It is an old but still interesting subject. Be careful. Under development (see, for example: Yu et al. Radiat. Meas. 40 (2005) 560-568). Remember the need of calibrating your dosimeter. Measuring thoron contribution. Take into account the short diffusion length. Follow the quality assurance requirements. When estimating radiation dose from average radon concentration, look in detail to the assumptions made and check if they are reasonable for your country or area of study. For example: normally a certain indoor occupancy factor is assumed. Is this value also your case?

18 On radon surveys: design and data interpretation THAT’S ALL, FOLKS! Thank you very much for your patience!

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