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8/28/13  Bellringer: Draw a Scientist  Sense of Place PPT  Begin Sense of Place Activity  HW: 6 Land Use Pictures!

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Presentation on theme: "8/28/13  Bellringer: Draw a Scientist  Sense of Place PPT  Begin Sense of Place Activity  HW: 6 Land Use Pictures!"— Presentation transcript:

1 8/28/13  Bellringer: Draw a Scientist  Sense of Place PPT  Begin Sense of Place Activity  HW: 6 Land Use Pictures!

2 Draw a Scientist  Seriously, draw a scientist.


4  Children as young as eight see scientists as "middle-aged white males who never have fun"  Many children also see scientists as medical doctors BBC December 16, 2000

5 Agriculture Agronomy Animal Behavior Animal Science Anthropology Aquatic Science Astrobiology Bacteriology Biomechanics Biodiversity Studies Bioethics Bioinformatics Biological Systems Engineering Biological Materials Supply Biometry Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Conservation of Natural Resources Curator of Museums Dairy Science Developmental Biology Ecology and Environment Endocrinology Entomology Environmental journalism Environmental Law Ethology Fisheries Biology Food Science Forensic Science Forestry Genetic counseling Genetics Genomics Health Fields Herpetology Horticulture Ichthyology Immunology Laboratory Animal Science Limnology Marine Biology Microscopy Mycology (Study of Fungi) Neuroscience (Neurobiology) Oceanography Ornithology Paleontology Physiology (Animal) Plant Pathology Proteomics Science writer Soil Science Systematics Teaching Biology Veterinary Medicine Virology Wildlife Conservation and Management Zoology


7 Types of Maps  Mental Map - an individual’s own perception of their own world  Physical Map - a type of map that shows land types; bodies of water, mountains, deserts, and forests  Political Map - a type of map that displays borders defining countries, states, or territories

8 Mental Map

9 Physical Map

10 Political Map

11 Part One – Mental Map  Complete section one, remember when drawing your “mental map” there is no wrong or right answer.  When you are done, be prepared to discuss your map with your classmates and answer the following question “Why are these features important?”

12 Part 2 1. Why do we have these different types of maps? 2. Why don’t maps include all of the same features? 3. What are some common features that all maps share?

13 Part 3 – Mapping School Grounds  Draw a map of the school grounds.  Compare your map, to the aerial map and answer the questions that follow.

14 Lincoln Park High School

15 Homework  For this activity, you will need to use the camera on your cell phone. If you don’t have a camera, write down descriptions and locations  All pictures will be taken somewhere along your commute to or from school

16 We will document two types of Land Use:  Green Spaces  Economic Spaces  Misused Spaces

17 NOTES!! Type of SpaceExamples Green Economic Misused

18 Green Spaces  Park  Forest Preserve  Native Garden  Urban Farm

19 Economic Spaces  Factory  Shipping Yard  Mall / Shopping Center  Restaurant

20 Misused Spaces  Vacant Lot  Shut Down Factory

21 Homework  Take a Picture (or document) two examples of each type of land use  6 pictures total  Make sure you write down the location of each picture (address or intersection)

22 8/29  Bellringer: ‘I have a Dream’ 50 years later  Library: Use to finish part 4 and 5 of your packet  ***Don’t use a computer until you are done with sections 1-3***  HW: 1) Parent Signature/Google Form 2) Sense of Place Activity 3) Syllabus/Notes Quiz Tomorrow

23 ‘I have a Dream’ 50 years later  50 years after the Civil Rights March on Washington, has MLK’s vision of equality been realized?  Why or why not?  (need to answer this in at least 2-3 sentences)

24 8/304 th  Bellringer: Notes & Syllabus Quiz Homework: Record 6 land-use locations  Head to room #205  Complete Part 1 and then Part 5  (we will finish 2, 3, 4 on Tuesday)

25 Library/Computer Lab Rules  NO FOOD OR DRINK  Don’t start on Section #5 until you are done with Section #1  YOU ARE ONLY AT THE WEBSITES NEEDED FOR THE ASSIGNMENT (IN THIS CASE, GOOGLEMAPS.COM)

26 8/305 th /6 th  Bellringer: Intro Notes & Syllabus Quiz  Land Use Notes (intro to populations)  Detroit 2025 Article  Answer #2 in Packet and turn in Packet  Have a great, safe weekend!!!

27 Intro Quiz..  Write your name on the upper right corner of FRIDAY’s Bellringer  Answer all questions (5) on FRIDAY’s Bellringer  If you are talking I will take your bellringer/quiz

28 #1  Rule #1 is RESPECT for yourself, eachother, me, and the classroom.  What is an example of showing respect for yourself?

29 #2  A) If you turn in homework/classwork one day late, the highest grade you can get is ______.  B) If you turn in a project one day late, the highest grade you can get is _________.

30 #3  Name two things that makes environmental science different from other sciences.

31 #4  Who were considered the first American environmentalists and why?

32 #5  What do we consider as “The Environmental Decade”

33 Land Use and Populations  There are more people on earth today then in any time in history  To have enough land, water and resources for 7 billion people, using land sustainably is essential

34 We need to get creative…  … and find the best land use to meet the needs of our environment (green space) economy (industrial/commercial space) society (community space) with as little wasted (misused space) as possible

35 Some ideas…




39 Starting Tuesday  We will learn about population growth and the impact it has on land use.

40  As we read the article Detroit 2025 and answer the posted questions, one row at a time post their GREEN SPACE and MISUSED SPACE on the map in the back of the classroom.  By the end of class we’ll be able to answer #2 in our packet and turn it in

41 Stickies  GREEN Sticky= GREEN SPACE  Pink Sticky= WASTED SPACE

42 Detroit 2025 1) What has happened to Detroit over the past 30-40 years, and why did this happen? (@ 2013) 2) Is this article fact, fiction or both. Explain why. 3) What is “Green” about the idea of Detroit in 2025? 4) What is “Landscape Urbanism”? (page 3) 5) Look at the graphic on page 4. What do you think the “Opportunity Areas” are?

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