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Glenunga International Course Counselling 2015

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1 Glenunga International Course Counselling 2015
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Glenunga International Course Counselling 2015 EXCELLENCEPB OPPORTUNITYU INTERNATIONAL MINDEDNESS HARMONY

2 What is the Diploma Program?
The Diploma Program is a comprehensive and rigorous two year pre-university course for students in Years 11 and 12. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognised by the world’s leading universities. Students learn more than a collection of facts. The Diploma Program prepares students for university and encourages them to: ask challenging questions learn how to learn develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures.

3 International Baccalaureate Organisation Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences can also be right.

4 IB Learner Profile International Baccalaureate Programs aim to develop internationally minded people who strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-Minded Caring Risk-Takers Balanced Reflective

5 What is the Curriculum? Students study six subjects selected from the subject groups. Normally three subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours), and the remaining three subjects are studied at standard level (courses representing 150 teaching hours). All three parts of the core - Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Activity, Service - are compulsory and are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Program.

6 What are the three core requirements?
The Extended Essay (EE) The extended essay (4,000 words) requires students to engage in an in-depth study. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest using independent research and writing skills expected at university. Theory of knowledge (TOK) The interdisciplinary course explores the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives and a deeper understanding of how new knowledge is developed. Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) This personal development program requires students to be involved in creative pursuits, sports and community service work to foster their appreciation of life and learning outside the academic arena.

7 Subjects offered at Glenunga
GROUP 1 – English A or Chinese A (alternate Language A is strictly by negotiation). GROUP 2 – Mandarin B, French B, English B. Japanese B, Indonesian Ab Initio, Spanish Ab Initio (in partnership with School of Languages). Other Language B choices are strictly by negotiation. GROUP 3 – History, Economics, Geography, Online Psychology. GROUP 4 – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental systems and societies (SL), Sport, exercise and health Science. GROUP 5 – Mathematics HL, Mathematics SL, Mathematical Studies. GROUP 6 – Visual Arts, Theatre Arts, Film, Music or another subject from Groups 2, 3 or 4.

8 How are students assessed?
At the end of the two year program, students are assessed both internally and externally in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject. Internal assessment Examples include: oral exercises in language subjects, projects, student portfolios, class presentations, experimental investigations, mathematical exploration and artistic performances. External assessment Examples include: essays and examinations

9 General Regulations: Diploma Program
This document, published by the IBO, outlines the role and responsibilities of the school, candidates and their legal guardians. The IBO demands the highest standard of academic honesty and has zero tolerance of malpractice. This document is available on the IBO website and also GIHS website

10 IB Student Results for 2012, 2013, 2014 Average ATAR 95.15

11 ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) Conversion table
IB Points Equivalent ATAR 43 – 45 99.95 41 99.10 38 97.90 35 95.15 31 90.90 27 80.80 24 69.90

12 So what does this all mean?
High degree of challenge International standards Great conversion rate from IB score for ATAR Educating the whole person Developing culturally aware people with global perspectives Developing 21st Century learners Above all developing really good people Excellent preparation for University.

13 Why the Diploma Program is ideal preparation for University
It offers academic breadth and depth Graduates care about more than just results It creates independent learners who feel prepared It’s a genuinely international qualification Universities recognize it & give credit for it The IB encourages critical thinking You’ll never need to learn time management It assesses more than examination techniques Subjects aren’t taught in isolation.

14 Testimonial The IB is the “Gold Standard” of International Education.
IB is the main source of international students at Oxford Warden of Merton College Oxford

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