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Vocabra Week 7. cordial Heidi was cordial to Mr. Fugi when he was introduced as the new principal. Leonard was nervous about meeting the president, but.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabra Week 7. cordial Heidi was cordial to Mr. Fugi when he was introduced as the new principal. Leonard was nervous about meeting the president, but."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabra Week 7

2 cordial Heidi was cordial to Mr. Fugi when he was introduced as the new principal. Leonard was nervous about meeting the president, but she greeted him with such a cordial handshake that he soon felt very comfortable. Definition: warm and friendly

3 acquitted Because Gina was acquitted of shoplifting, she did not have to go to jail. Definition: found not guilty

4 virtue Beth’s parents can’t wait for her to discover the virtue of keeping her bedroom clean. The senator was a man of great virtue and was never involved in a scandal of any kind. Definition: goodness; moral excellence; a good quality or feature

5 significant The strange weather patterns are significant because they may suggest an overall change in world climates. The gold locket that Denise wears is significant to her because it once belonged to her grandmother. Definition: full of meaning; having great impact

6 dignity Mr. Smith told his four children to behave with dignity at their grandfather’s funeral. “If you behave with dignity in this classroom, you will do well and have my respect,” said the chemistry teacher. Definition: self respect and honor

7 melodramatic The actors were so melodramatic that it was hard to take the play seriously. Sally’s sister was being very melodramatic when she cut her hair wrong and yelled, “I’ll never leave the house again!” Definition: overly emotional

8 eternal “My love for you is eternal,” Romeo whispered. “I will never love another.” Harvey was eternally grateful to his father for letting him take the car. He never forgot the favor. Definition: existing always, without beginning or end

9 paranoid My sister is paranoid. She’s convinced that someone is spying on her. When Brooke found her locker open, she became paranoid that someone was stealing her stuff. Definition: overly suspicious

10 emerge The excited crowd held up banners as the football team emerged from the locker room and ran onto the field. The very Saturday that Melody was going on a date with Stu, a pimple emerged on her forehead. Definition: to rise from; to become visible or known.

11 chaos The halls were chaotic when the students burst out of the classrooms at the last bell. The children’s birthday party was chaos. The kids yelled, threw food, and refused to listen. Definition: extreme confusion or disorder

12 **impeccable Walter’s reading of the poem was impeccable. He didn’t stumble once and everyone could hear him clearly. Definition: faultless; free of error

13 **grovel No matter how she groveled, Ericka could not persuade her sister to loan her the beautiful black sweater. “I guess I’ll forgive Tim for breaking our date,” said Julia, “but I’m going to make him grovel first.” Definition: to humble yourself in a degrading way before someone

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