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Species at Risk in Ottawa 2014 Educational Series February 6, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Species at Risk in Ottawa 2014 Educational Series February 6, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Species at Risk in Ottawa 2014 Educational Series February 6, 2014

2 Who wants to save themselves $1,000,000? 2 POP QUIZ

3 What’s this? 3

4 4

5 5 Which is the SAR?

6 6

7 SAR in Ottawa  Approximately 25% of provincial SAR can be found in the Ottawa area  Some are locally abundant  City has responsibility to protect SAR as a regulatory agency, as a landowner, and as a business operator 7

8 What We’re Doing  Tracking SAR legislative changes  Developing screening programs and mitigation measures for our projects  Considering SAR during the Development Review process  Taking SAR into account in facility and property management 8

9 SAR: a Moving Target  Regulations change Changes to provincial and federal status of species tracked via SAR in Ottawa list, Radar list City processes modified where necessary to reflect other regulatory changes 9

10 SAR: a Moving Target  Our knowledge of species changes Multiple data sources recommended  Some species are quite mobile! Need to have contingency plans in place, just in case something shows up unexpectedly 10

11 Screening City Projects  Early screening critical to flag issues and inform project scope, budget Environmental assessments New Asset Management process 11

12 Screening City Projects …Again  Remember the moving target! Review and update screening at major planning / design milestones, and again before commencing work Have contingency plans ready 12

13 Avoiding/Reducing Impacts  Mitigation measures can substantially affect project scheduling and budget Timing windows Exclusion fencing or netting Staff awareness / training  Compensation  Monitoring 13

14 Example: Wildlife Protocol  Developed for road projects Provides general instructions on avoiding wildlife issues For most commonly encountered SAR, provides ID tips, what to do if they show up Being incorporated into new SAR specification for City contracts 14

15 Example: Terry Fox Drive  Several SAR involved  Substantial mitigation and compensation required  Extensive monitoring program  Lessons learned being applied to other projects 15

16 TFD – SAR Awareness 16

17 TFD - Compensation 17

18 TFD – Monitoring 18 Excerpt from Dillon report to City

19 Questions? 19

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