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DictatorsWar in EuropeThe HolocaustAmerica moves towards War Potpurri 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 DictatorsWar in EuropeThe HolocaustAmerica moves towards War Potpurri 100 200 300 400 500

3 Dictators: 100 The leader of the Soviet Union during WWII Josef Stalin

4 Dictators 200 DOUBLE JEOPARDYDOUBLE JEOPARDY A government that exerts complete control over its citizens Totalitarian

5 Dictators 300 The founder of Fascist ideals in Europe Benito Mussoline

6 Dictators 400 Hitler’s political party National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI)

7 Dictators 500 Leaders of Imperial Japan Tojo and Hirohito

8 War in Europe 100 Unification with Austria Anschluss

9 War in Europe 200 “We have achieved peace in our time” Neville Chamberlain, British PM.

10 War in Europe 300 Felt that Hitler’s acquisition of Czechoslovakia was appeasement Winston Churchill

11 War in Europe 400 German war strategy Blitzkrieg

12 War in Europe 500 Saw people hide in subway tunnels for refuge. Battle of Britain

13 The Holocaust 100 Night of Broken Glass Kristallnacht

14 The Holocaust 200 Jews were forced to wear yellow ones as identification Star of David

15 The Holocaust 300 DAILY DOUBLE _________ laws, on Holocaust Nuremburg

16 The Holocaust 400 Refused entrance in Florida, Cuba, and other ports of call. St. Louis

17 The Holocaust 500 Author of the famous diary outlining her experience with the Holocaust Anne Frank

18 America Moves to War 100 Provision that allowed warring states to buy arms from neutral USA. Cash and Carry

19 America Moves to War 200 Established the first peacetime military draft Selective Service Act

20 America Moves to War 300 Provided aid to any country whose defense was vital to the USA. Lend-Lease Act

21 America Moves to War 400 US/British pledge to collective security, disarmament, and self determination Atlantic Charter of 1940

22 America Moves to War 500 Statement announced by Japanese pilots at Pearl Harbor Tora! Tora! Tora!

23 Potpurri 100 12-7-1941 Pearl Harbor

24 Potpurri 200 “A day which will live in infamy” Franklin Roosevelt

25 Potpurri 300 Global peacekeeping organization created at Atlantic Charter League of Nations

26 Potpourri: 400 Site of Firebombing Dresden

27 Potpurri 500 Famous ships sunk at Pearl Harbor Arizona and Oklahoma

28 Mobilizing 200 WAAC Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps

29 Mobilizing 400 Most successful of the bond salesman during WWII. Bugs Bunny

30 Mobilizing 600 Leader of the naval buildup in the US? Featured in the “weakly reader” as being “out to launch”. Henry J. Kaiser

31 Mobilizing 800 Code name for the atomic program in the US? Manhattan Project

32 Mobilizing 1000 Wrote the famous letter to Roosevelt encouraging him to pursue a Nuclear Program Albert Einstein

33 Mobilizing for the War War in Europe/N.Africa Wars End in Europe War in Pacific Wars End 200 400 400 600 800 1000

34 War in Europe/N.Africa: 200 Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Germany

35 War in Europe/N.Africa 400 Key turning point in war between Germany and Soviet Union Stalingrad

36 War in Europe/N.Africa 600 After Pearl Harbor the focus of the US Germany

37 War in Europe/N.Africa 800 Operation ________ Torch

38 War in Europe/N.Africa 1000 Leader of North African Forces Dwight D. Eisenhower

39 Wars End in Europe 200 D-Day, _______ Beach Omaha

40 Wars End in Europe 400 DAILY DOUBLE D-Day’s Invasions Decoy Calais

41 Wars End in Europe 600 Battle of October 1944, that stopped Hitler's last offensive Battle of the Bulge

42 Wars End in Europe 800 Discovered by stunned Soviet soldiers in Poland Concentration Camps

43 Wars End in Europe 1000 5/8/1945 VE Day

44 War in Pacific 200 Island where Japanese Civilians jumped off cliffs rather than face the Americans Saipan

45 War in the Pacific 400 US war strategy in Pacific Island Hopping

46 War in the Pacific 600 Soldiers of the Divine Wind Kamikaze

47 War in the Pacific 800 Battle where Japan lost four aircraft carriers Battle of Midway

48 War in the Pacific 1000 Daily Double The bloody battle seen as the precursor to the war in the Japan, convinced Truman to pursue the atomic bomb. Okinawa

49 Wars End 200 Enola Gay Dropped atomic bombs on Japan

50 Wars End 400 Cities that saw atomic bombs in Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki

51 Wars End 600 Peace conference that saw Germany divided into occupied zones. Yalta

52 Wars End 800 War trials for the war crimes of the holocaust Nuremberg trials

53 Wars End 1000 Leader of occupied Japan after WWII Douglas MacArthur

54 Final Jeopardy “The established or fixed allotment of goods deemed necessary during times of war”. Rationing

55 Final Jeopardy Iwo Jima

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