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Page 1 of 4 NOTE: This graphic representation of PLS001 is a summary of the detailed Product Line Standard 001 document prepared by the Circuit Breaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 of 4 NOTE: This graphic representation of PLS001 is a summary of the detailed Product Line Standard 001 document prepared by the Circuit Breaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 of 4 NOTE: This graphic representation of PLS001 is a summary of the detailed Product Line Standard 001 document prepared by the Circuit Breaker Product Line Management Team in Cedar Rapids. It does not include all information found in that document. For details, and for revision history, please refer to that document.

2 Page 2 of 4

3 Page 3 of 4 GAS, F/K/U, M/NB V RT To more installed options (Page 4)

4 Page 4 of 4 HD C Y P L J More Installed Options GENAREC has a specific order for building the new catalog numbers. Maintaining a sequence of options eliminates the possibility of having two or more Bills of Materials for what amounts to the same product. The following order should be used when building a new catalog number: first down the left column, then down the right. 1. 80%/100% rating16. Special terminations 2. Trip system13. Plug-in and Drawout options 3. Rating Plug14. Disconnecting blocks 4. Communications15. Lug options 5. Programmable Contackts16. Key interlock 6. Calibration17. Special ambient 7. I-LINE phasing18. Ammeter 8.Powerlink introducer19. Special options 9. Auxiliary switches20. Z (Bulk-pack intra-company) 10. Alarm switches / / RP (Returnable Packaging) over current trip switch 11. Shunt trip 12. Undervoltage trip 13. VIGI module 14. Motor operator 15. Rotary handle

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