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United States Lesson #1 Geography. United States United States Map Quiz United States Map Quiz.

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1 United States Lesson #1 Geography

2 United States United States Map Quiz United States Map Quiz

3 United States Essential Questions 1) What are the geographic (land) features of the four regions of the United States? 2) How do geographic features affect where people live in the United States?

4 United States-Geography Vocabulary  Contiguous  Coastal plain  Swamp  Everglades  Hurricane  Tornado  Continental Divide

5 Do Now 1-9-15 ** Have your graphic organizer out and ready to be checked!!!

6 Contiguous Connecting to or bordering another state Connecting to or bordering another state

7 Coastal plain Low land that lies along the coast Low land that lies along the coast

8 swamp A low, wet area where trees and bushes grow; usually covered by shallow water at least part of the year A low, wet area where trees and bushes grow; usually covered by shallow water at least part of the year

9 everglades A swampy grassland, such as in southern Florida. A swampy grassland, such as in southern Florida. “RIVER OF GRASS”


11 hurricane A tropical storm that brings heavy rain, high seas, and winds 75 miles per hour or more A tropical storm that brings heavy rain, high seas, and winds 75 miles per hour or more


13 tornado A funnel shaped, spinning, windstorm, sometimes called cyclone or twister A funnel shaped, spinning, windstorm, sometimes called cyclone or twister


15 Continental Divide The crest of the Rocky Mountains that divide North America’s river systems into those that flow east and those that flow west. The crest of the Rocky Mountains that divide North America’s river systems into those that flow east and those that flow west.


17 United States- Geography Using the map on page A18-19 in your textbook or the Atlas at your table, label the states on your map. Using the map on page A18-19 in your textbook or the Atlas at your table, label the states on your map. Color the 4 regions of the United States on your map according to the map key on page A18. Color the 4 regions of the United States on your map according to the map key on page A18.

18 US- Geography Types of information to be included in foldable. (You will not find exact information for all regions) Types of information to be included in foldable. (You will not find exact information for all regions) 1) All states included in the region (REQUIRED) 2) Size of the region (if given) 3) Characteristics of the region a) major landforms, b) bodies of water c) popular cities d) Industries or businesses 4) Climate of the region ANY OTHER IMPORTANT FACTS ANY OTHER IMPORTANT FACTS

19 Northeast Region Smallest in size but large in population. Smallest in size but large in population. Nearly 60 million people live here. It has the largest population density (people per square miles) Largest cities include New York, Philadelphia and Boston. They are important centers of manufacturing and trade. Largest cities include New York, Philadelphia and Boston. They are important centers of manufacturing and trade. The Appalachian Mountains lay west of the coastline. More people live east of them than to the west. The Appalachian Mountains lay west of the coastline. More people live east of them than to the west.

20 South Region Two major landforms are Appalachian Mountains and Coastal Plains. Two major landforms are Appalachian Mountains and Coastal Plains. Contains some of the largest swamps such as the Florida Everglades (4,000 sq. miles). Contains some of the largest swamps such as the Florida Everglades (4,000 sq. miles). Some of the countries largest cities in Texas: Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Some of the countries largest cities in Texas: Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Warm temperatures, long summers, and frequent rainfall make it great agricultural region. Warm temperatures, long summers, and frequent rainfall make it great agricultural region.

21 South Region- cont’d. Cash crops, such as peanuts, cotton and citrus fruits. Cash crops, such as peanuts, cotton and citrus fruits. Farmers raise hogs, chickens, beef and dairy cattle. Farmers raise hogs, chickens, beef and dairy cattle. The warm climate and sandy beaches help the south attract visitors. The warm climate and sandy beaches help the south attract visitors. During the months from June through November, it is dangerous because of hurricanes that form along the coast. During the months from June through November, it is dangerous because of hurricanes that form along the coast.

22 The Middle West The major areas are the Interior Plains ( Central Plains and the Great Plains) The major areas are the Interior Plains ( Central Plains and the Great Plains) Central Plains begin in Ohio and run to the Mississippi River. Central Plains begin in Ohio and run to the Mississippi River. The Great Plains run west of Mississippi. The Great Plains run west of Mississippi. The Great Plains are a tough place to live because of the extreme hot and cold temperatures. The Great Plains are a tough place to live because of the extreme hot and cold temperatures. Known as the “Heartland” of the US. Known as the “Heartland” of the US.

23 The Middle West- cont’d. There is enough wheat produced here to meet the needs of the US and many other countries. There is enough wheat produced here to meet the needs of the US and many other countries. Tornado Areas Tornado Areas Much of this area lies in the drainage basin of the Mississippi River that is Much of this area lies in the drainage basin of the Mississippi River that is 2,348 miles. Great Lakes (five of the largest freshwater lakes in the world) Great Lakes (five of the largest freshwater lakes in the world) Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland are the largest cities in the Middle West. Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland are the largest cities in the Middle West.

24 The West Region Mountains are the most prominent landforms in the West. The Rocky Mountains are the largest at 3,000 miles long from Mexico to Alaska. Mountains are the most prominent landforms in the West. The Rocky Mountains are the largest at 3,000 miles long from Mexico to Alaska. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is a famous landform carved out by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is a famous landform carved out by the Colorado River. Death Valley is in the west and it is 282 feet below sea level. Death Valley is in the west and it is 282 feet below sea level. The mild, rainy climate is perfect for growing some of the world’s largest trees The mild, rainy climate is perfect for growing some of the world’s largest trees

25 The West Region- cont’d. The West contains Alaska and Hawaii. The West contains Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska has the lowest population density of any state because it is a difficult place to live. Alaska has the lowest population density of any state because it is a difficult place to live.

26 Guided Notes Answers From Sea to Shining Sea 3.6 million square Touch Northeast, South, Mid-West, West

27 Guided Notes Answers The Northeast smallest, population Atlantic Coast Population density Broad valleys

28 Guided Notes Answers The South Appalachian Swamps Florida, everglades Cash crops Visitors Dangerous hurricane

29 Guided Notes Answers The Middle West Farming center People, animals, crops, property Tornado Tributaries Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario

30 Guided Notes Answers The West landforms, Rocky Divides, 2 Grand Canyon, famous Death Valley, sea level Alaska, Hawaii Population Volcanoes

31 Summary- Key Points United States is in North America United States is in North America 48 contiguous states and Alaska and Hawaii 48 contiguous states and Alaska and Hawaii 4 regions- Northeast, South, Mid-West, and West 4 regions- Northeast, South, Mid-West, and West Northeast is smallest in size but largest in population Northeast is smallest in size but largest in population Write 1 fact about the other regions Write 1 fact about the other regions

32 Summary On the worksheet provided by Mr. Fisher, write a summary of Lesson #1.

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