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University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 1: Course Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 1: Course Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2014 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 1: Course Introduction

2 University of Colorado Boulder  Instructors ◦ Prof. Brandon A. Jones  Office: ECNT 420  Office Hours: Wed. 3-4pm, Thurs 11-12noon ◦ Prof. George H. Born  Office: ECNT 315  Office Hours: By appointment  Teaching/Course Assistants ◦ Eduardo Villalba  Office: ECAE 135  Office Hours: Tues. 2-3pm, Thurs 3-4pm  Office Hour Location: CCAR Meeting Room (3 rd Floor, ECNT) 2

3 University of Colorado Boulder  Brandon A. Jones ◦ Undergraduate: UT-Austin  Mathematics and Physics ◦ Contractor at NASA/JSC  Titan Corporation (now L-3)  Odyssey Space Research ◦ Graduate: CU-Boulder  M.S. and Ph.D.  Postdoc (2011-2013)  Assistant Research Professor (2013- present)  Orbit state and uncertainty prop.  Orbit determination and navigation  Multi-target, multi-sensor tracking 3

4 University of Colorado Boulder Course Textbook Tapley, B.D., B.E. Schutz, and G.H. Born, Statistical Orbit Determination, Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2004.

5 University of Colorado Boulder  Vallado and McClain, Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, Microcosm Press, 2013.  Montenbruck and Gill, Satellite Orbits: Models, Methods, Applications, Springer, 2005.  Ristic, et al., Beyond the Kalman Filter: Particle Filters for Tracking Applications, Artech House, 2004. 5

6 University of Colorado Boulder  Course website: ◦ Homework, project, and reference materials  Desire2Learn: ◦ Forums, Dropbox, Links, Quizzes, News, etc. ◦ Short quizzes summarizing material from previous week’s lectures  Details to come  Provides feedback on what you (as a collective) are getting out of lecture  Helps to illustrate key elements from the lectures 6

7 University of Colorado Boulder  Homework = 20% ◦ 11 assignments + Concept Quizzes ◦ Concept quizzes averaged to form a single homework  Full credit on each if completed, zero if not  Exams = 50% ◦ 2 in-class mid-terms ◦ 1 take-home final  Course Project = 30 % ◦ Due during finals week ◦ Details provided in October 7

8 University of Colorado Boulder  Uploaded to D2L as a searchable PDF ◦ Each homework has a folder on D2L with at least:  PDF copy of the assignment  Dropbox for uploading your mansucript ◦ Good opportunity to learn LaTeX (not required) ◦ Derivations may be scanned/photographed, but must be legible to receive credit  Software must be uploaded to D2L as appendix in assignment write-up ◦ Only.pdf files accepted ◦,.docx,.m, etc.  Plagiarism detection will be enabled! 8

9 University of Colorado Boulder  Each student is given one “freebie” ◦ First late assignment may be turned in up to a week late without penalty ◦ Intended to account for conferences, work requirements, etc.  Any late assignments after the freebie will be penalized 10% off maximum score per school day ◦ Late is defined by the time indicated on the assignment  Only exception: documented approval from instructor ◦ Documented approval defined as written acknowledgement (e-mail or typed) by assignment and/or university prescribed deadlines ◦ Meant to allow for concessions for religious holidays, medical emergencies, etc. 9

10 University of Colorado Boulder  Several homework assignments establish tools for final project: ◦ HW 1 ◦ HW 2 ◦ HW 7 ◦ HW 9 ◦ HW 10  Make sure you get these right! ◦ Final answers, but not full solutions (code, etc.), will be provided online 10

11 University of Colorado Boulder  You are expected to follow the Honor Code (details at  This course teaches you to navigate spacecraft. Spacecraft are worth many $Millions. Don’t crash them. It is not a good way to make the national news.  You can work together, but you are responsible for your own write-up and software.  D2L uses software to detect plagiarism. The Honor Code will be enforced. This software is surprisingly thorough!  If you’re concerned about your grade, please come talk to us rather than cheating. 11

12 University of Colorado Boulder  The university sets certain policies in regards to: ◦ Accommodations due to disability ◦ Medical conditions/injuries ◦ Religious observances ◦ Discrimination ◦ etc.  See syllabus and university guidelines for more information 12

13 University of Colorado Boulder  Full syllabus available online via D2L ◦ There will be time available in lecture on Wed. for syllabus questions 13

14 University of Colorado Boulder  Draft of lecture slides will be posted to the website in advance for you to print and take notes on ◦ There may be some changes to the slides between then and the lecture  The final version (with annotations) will be included on D2L for your reference 14

15 University of Colorado Boulder  This class is being recorded via CAETE ◦ You will have access to recordings through D2L ◦ If you miss class, use the recording as an opportunity to catch up! 15  You are also being recorded… ◦ Desktop microphones can be sensitive ◦ Please be careful not to add a creative soundtrack for those viewing the recordings…

16 University of Colorado Boulder  Text in blue is a question posed to you  A “cold call” is not beneficial to you or your fellow students  I will pause (a couple of seconds), let you think, and then call on a student ◦ What course is this? 16

17 University of Colorado Boulder 17 Introduction to Statistical Orbit Determination

18 University of Colorado Boulder  It is the process of estimating the state/orbit of a satellite using a collection of observations.  We never know where a satellite is. ◦ Launch errors ◦ Modeling errors ◦ Spacecraft performance errors  maneuvers, electromagnetic interactions with the environment, etc  Track a satellite ◦ Observation errors  Locations of tracking stations  Atmosphere  Hardware modeling ◦ Geometry issues 18

19 University of Colorado Boulder 19  These dots represent many measurements (with some error) of a single point. ◦ How would you estimate the true point? (Remember, blue font is a question to think about!) X Y

20 University of Colorado Boulder 20  These dots represent many measurements (with some error) of a single point. ◦ What about for this case? X Y

21 University of Colorado Boulder  How would you alter the method for a moving object?  Use numerous observations of a satellite and estimate its state using a filter. 21 Required skills: Astrodynamics, Linear Algebra, Probability/Statistics Data Analysis, Creativity Time

22 University of Colorado Boulder  Navigate satellites and spacecraft! ◦ A huge portion of the population of people in the world who navigate satellites learned their skills from Born, Tapley and Schutz. ◦ Commercial:  GEO communication sats  Human spaceflight ◦ Defense:  Spy satellites  Orbital debris ◦ Interplanetary:  JPL, Goddard, APL ◦ Human Exploration:  ISS, Orion  Missions to LEO, Moon, NEOs, Mars 22

23 University of Colorado Boulder  Low accuracy (~1 km) ◦ Low resolution imaging, space surveillance  Medium accuracy (~100 m) ◦ Medium resolution imaging, orbit prediction, laser tracking  High accuracy (<10 cm) ◦ Relative motion/formation flying ◦ Scientific studies of the Earth 23

24 University of Colorado Boulder 24

25 University of Colorado Boulder 25

26 University of Colorado Boulder 26  Exam Three – Take Home, Due: TBD  Project, Due : TBD (details in early-Oct.)

27 University of Colorado Boulder  I am away for a conference ◦ Lectures will be pre- or post-recorded and available online through the CAETE website ◦ I will e-mail day/time of recording session for those that would like to attend ◦ Lectures available through D2L ◦ My office hours are cancelled for that week 27

28 University of Colorado Boulder  Any Questions? 28

29 University of Colorado Boulder  What programming experience do you have? ◦ MATLAB? ◦ Python? ◦ C/C++/Fortran/Ada/… ◦ None?  Most students use MATLAB in this class, but you are free to choose! ◦ Would a MATLAB overview be useful on Wednesday? 29

30 University of Colorado Boulder  Due with Homework 1, but you could finish it today.  Introduction to numeric integ. ◦ Who has experience with ode45()? 30 ◦ Use ode45() to model the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator ◦ Assignment is more of a tutorial

31 University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 1: Problem 2:

32 University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 3: Problem 4:

33 University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 5: Problem 6:

34 University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 7: Solution method discussed next week!

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