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Texas Regions Powerpoint

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1 Texas Regions Powerpoint
Keese 2008

2 Can you name the Regions of Texas?

3 The regions of Texas are…
Gulf Coastal Plain North Central Plains Great Plains Mountains and Basins

4 Coastal Region

5 Location of Coastal Region
Covers 1/3 of the land of Texas Northeast border is the Sabine River Southeast border is the Gulf of Mexico West border is the Balcones Escarpment Most populated region in Texas

6 Coastal Climate……. Hot and damp, humid Tornadoes, hurricanes
30-55 inches of rain per year

7 Coastal Cities…… Austin Houston
Dallas (on the border of Central Plains) San Antonio Texarkana Corpus Christi Brownsville

8 Way of life…. The gulf coast is a major center of economic activity. The marshlands provide breeding grounds for ocean life, which make the fish and shrimp businesses very important. The port of Houston is one of the 10 busiest ports in the world.

9 OIL AND GAS….. Along the coastal region you will find many oil rigs that are on-shore and off-shore…. The ocean gives easy access to ship the oil and gas to where it needs to go..

10 PLANTS The land along the Gulf Coast is very near sea level. It is hard for water to drain off the land, since there is nowhere lower for the water to go. Much of the coast of Texas is made up of marshes----wetlands where a variety of tall grasses grow.

11 Coastal Animals…. Many kinds of animals live in the coastal region… To name a few… Quail Hawks Owls Hundreds of other birds Bald eagle White tail deer Foxes Skunks River otters Bobcats Alligators in the marshes!!! Some weigh up to 500 lbs!!!


13 STOP……………. Our next region we will look at is….. NORTH CENTRAL PLAINS

14 North Central Plains

15 Location of Central Plains
The Great Plains include the Llano Estacado, the Panhandle, Edwards Plateau, Toyah Basin and the Llano Uplift. It is border on the east by the Caprock Escarpment in the panhandle and by the Balcones Fault to the southeast. Picture of Edwards Plateau

16 Central Plains Climate
Central Texas is shaped by its many rivers and hills. The climate is subtropical. In a single year the region can receive up to 48 inches of rain, and flooding is common near rivers and in low lying areas.

17 Central Plain Cities….. Austin Waco Fredericksburg Llano
The Hill Country is a popular name for the area of hills along the Balcones Fault and is a transitional area between the Great Plains and the Gulf Coastal Plains.

18 In the summer, one of the favorite activities is floating down a creek or river in an inner tube. Spring is a time for residents to drive the winding back roads and take in the rainbow of colors produced by the blooming wildflowers, including Bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush. In the fall and winter, hunters visit in hopes of taking home a white-tailed deer. Some of the favorite local cuisines are barbecue and a variation on traditional Mexican food affectionately referred to as Tex-Mex..

19 Central Plain - Plants Blue bonnets Indian Paintbrush Texas Oak Trees
Mesquite Trees Baldcypress Trees

20 Indian Blanket Standing Cypress Blue Sage

21 Central Plain - Animals
Bobcat White-tailed deer Turkeys Screech Owl Mexican Freetail Bat Cliff Swallow


23 STOP……………. Our next region we will look at is….. Great Plains

24 High Plains “aka” Great Plains

25 Great Plains Cities Amarillo Lubbock Abilene San Angelo Wichita Falls

26 Location of Great Plains
Northeast Texas Colorado and Red Rivers are the borders. Geographic Features Rolling grassy lands Thick grasses Cross Timbers area - large areas of hardwood trees Limestone rock Higher elevation because limestone doesn't wear down easily

27 Climate Dry air Tornadoes 20-30 inches of rain per year

28 Way of Life Farming - fruits, vegetables, watermelons, oats
Ranching - cattle, angora goats (mohair) Cedar trees - fenceposts Oil and gas

29 Plants Prickly pear Yucca Indian Paintbrush Cactus

30 Animals Pronghorn Prarie Dog Snakes Horny Toad

31 Welcome to the Mountains and Basins!!

32 Location Far west Texas East border near Pecos River
South border is the Rio Grande North border is New Mexico Contains Guadalupe Peak, Big Bend National Park, and Rio Grande

33 Cities El Paso Pecos Kermit & Monahans in Permian Basin area
Fort Davis, Marfa, & Alpine in Mountain area

34 Climate Driest part of state
8 inches of rain per year, 20 in mountains Hot days, cool nights

35 Way of Life Ranching - cattle, sheep, goat
Farming - cotton, fruits, vegetables, cantaloupes (irrigation in El Paso and Pecos River Valley) Oil and gas - part of Permian Basin

36 Plants IT IS FLAT!!!!! Some sagebrush

37 Animals

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