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Why create a Gandhara What is it expected to do that the library catalog is not doing? What other benefits can it offer to users? Think of Gandhara as.

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Presentation on theme: "Why create a Gandhara What is it expected to do that the library catalog is not doing? What other benefits can it offer to users? Think of Gandhara as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why create a Gandhara What is it expected to do that the library catalog is not doing? What other benefits can it offer to users? Think of Gandhara as an extension to, not a replacement for, the {fill-in-the-blank}

2 Gandhara vs. the Catalog We must first determine: –what the library catalog is doing –what the anticipated needs are –whether what it is doing is what is needed –if the library catalog can be made to do what is needed

3 What the catalog is doing (1) providing access to the print collection – good providing access to ‘most’ of the e- resource collection (databases, e-journals, e-books, websites, etc.) – not as good as it should controlling inventory – fairly good

4 What the catalog is doing (2) costing a lot to maintain – bad changing slowly relative to information change and growth – bad becoming sidelined by other more visible tools which are easier to use – bad

5 What are the needs of a catalog (traditional) find identify select interpret navigate obtain

6 What are the (new) needs of a catalog (1) faceted searching grouping of related works recognition & deduping of the same work easier advanced search options more precise results searches across multiple silos without the slowness of federated searching models

7 What are the (new) needs of a catalog (2) interactive suggestions for alternative searches/spellings interactive suggestions for other related resources greater browsability across multiple facets (subjects, formats, dates, numbers, avilability, location, etc.) personalization (myOPAC)

8 What are the (new) needs of a catalog (3) folksonomy support user-contributed reviews, comments, etc. RSS feeds for new content by user- specified criteria customized views based on format other personalized services such as blogs or communities

9 What are the (new) needs of a catalog (4) connections to other technologies and tools such as iCalendars, podcasting, citation control (RefWorks, etc.), class room curriculum management, reserves, etc. increased visibility

10 Gandara and New Services (1) provides fast search services across “collections” increasing visibility & usage –multiple OPACs –electronic reference logs –library website –Digital Archive

11 Example: Digital Archive imported Digital Archive XML records to Gandhara after wrapping them in Gandhara XML, placed them in a Web accessible filestore requested Google to index the filestore saw a jump in usage of the Digital Archive shortly thereafter – from well under 10,000 searches per day to over 10,000 searches per day, an increase of about 6%

12 Gandhara and New Services (2) doesn’t care what the harvested metadata or data looks like –MARC –MARCXML –MODS –DC –EAD & DACS –HTML

13 Gandhara and New Services (3) don’t need to validate the harvested data and metadata could be used to enrich harvested data and metadata

14 Gandhara more nimble able to add features much more quickly in the Gandhara environment able to change underlying architecture much more easily because of separated model-view-controller layers very scalable

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