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Https:// Travis Pollok Brighton High School ’08 BS Aerospace Engineering Texas A&M University ‘12.

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// Travis Pollok Brighton High School ’08 BS Aerospace Engineering Texas A&M University ‘12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Travis Pollok Brighton High School ’08 BS Aerospace Engineering Texas A&M University ‘12

2 So why is this guy here?

3 Background  Born in San Antonio, Texas 1990  Moved to Colorado 1999  Brighton High School 2004-2008 AP Classes, Drama, Yearbook  University of Colorado 2008-2009  Texas State University 2010  Texas A&M University 2010-2013 Bachelor of Science Aerospace Engineering, Physics Minor  Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company 2014

4 CU Boulder Project  Gateway to Space ○ Build and launch balloon satellite

5 Texas A&M Projects  AggieSat Lab Electrical and command and data handling design, assembly, and test

6 Texas A&M Projects (Cont.)  Senior Design – Deep Space Explorer  Propulsion and power production design

7 Lockheed Martin  Sunnyvale, CA Military Space ○ Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) ○ Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF)  Systems Integration and Test Engineer Associate Mechanical Test Operations Specialize in propulsion

8 Lockheed Martin (Cont.)  Littleton, CO Civil Space ○ Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-Series (GOES-R)

9 MUOS-3 Launch on ATLAS 5 from Cape Canaveral 1/20/15

10 Videos Final Space Shuttle Launch, Atlantis STS-135 ○ Saturn V F-1 Test ○

11 The Basics: Newton’s Laws  Newton’s First Law Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion ins a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.  Newton’s Second Law Force is equal to the change in momentum per change in time. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration.  Newton’s Third Law For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. -NASA Glenn Research Center: Newton’s Laws of Motion

12 Thrust Equation  Start with Newton’s 2 nd Law  Do not assume constant mass  Basic thrust equation  Not so basic thrust equation

13 Calculating the variables

14 What’s left?

15 Combustion  Definition? Type of chemical reaction where a fuel and an oxidizer react to produce energy and new products  What happens? Ignition Break bonds New bonds Energy released ○ Heat, light, sound

16 Space Shuttle Main Engine

17 LM A2100 Satellite

18 Hypergolics  Huper – Greek for above  Ergon – Greek for work  Oleum – Latin for oil  Fuel and ox that ignite on contact  No ignition (work) required

19 Demonstration A = 14 B = 4 C = 16 D = 5 E = 7 F = 7

20 Questions? About school, careers, life, the universe? Travis Pollok

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