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1 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS.  MIT – Materials Information Tracking (Field Version) Used by WisDOT/Consultant/& Municipal staff in the field to enter a.

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1 1 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

2  MIT – Materials Information Tracking (Field Version) Used by WisDOT/Consultant/& Municipal staff in the field to enter a limited number of test prefixes as well as DT 1310 forms  MTS – Materials Tracking System (LAN Version) Used by WisDOT Materials Labs, IA Specialists, & Materials Engineers/Coordinators to enter test or documentation data  MRS – Materials Reporting System Used by the contractor to enter concrete, nuclear density, pavement thickness, & IRI QC test data 2

3 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS3 NumberDescriptionNumberDescription 101Steel bars for concrete reinforcement177Corrugated polyethylene drainage pipe 103Steel wire and mesh for concrete reinforcement180Concrete brick, block, and pipe 105Steel plate beam guard217Aggregates 106Uncoated steel strands for prestressed concrete225Aggregate quality 112Steel sheets for culverts230Soils 115High strength bolts, nuts, and washers232Soils nuclear density 120Chain link fence fabric250Asphalt mix design 121Rolled formed sections for chain link fence254Asphaltic mix verification 122Pipe for chain link fence257Asphalt mix testing 123Tension wire for chain link fence259Asphalt mix field changes 126Woven wire fence fabric262Asphaltic pavement nuclear density 127Barbed wire- 2 strands310Glass beads 128Smooth wire for woven fence fabric321 Pavement marking paint- white, water based 130Concrete cylinders330Performance graded binder 131Water for concrete332Emulsified asphalt 140Concrete curing compound334Asphalt cement 150Portland cement801Aggregate gradation 151Ground granulated blast furnace slag802Portland cement concrete mixtures 152Fly ash803Asphaltic pavement density testing 155Miscellaneous materials804Asphaltic concrete mixtures 162Fine & coarse aggregates for concrete805IAP soils nuclear density 170Geotextiles900Reference report 172Geogrid

4 Used to record important bulleted information on QC/QV activities and acceptance methods for the various QMP Specifications QMP Summary is created using the department’s statewide QMP Summary templates & the prefix 155 report in MIT or MTS. 4

5 Base Aggregates Ancillary Concrete Items PCC Pavement PCC Structures HMA Nuclear Density HMA Mixtures IRI Base Aggregate Compaction (under development) 5

6  Record of external acceptance documentation.  Found in the Final Materials Records.  It is used for listing references to all Materials acceptance related records/paperwork, such as Certificate of Compliance, Certified reports of test or analysis, and shop inspections.. 6

7 All external materials documentation used for acceptance:  Certifications  Certified test reports  Product data sheets/catalog cut sheets  Buy America statements  QMP acceptance documentation  Shop inspections  Regional or central office reviews  MSDS data submitted for materials acceptance purposes  Required forms completed by the contractor  Diary entries, approved list, tickets, shop drawings, other evidence of conformance, WisDOT tests, etc. can also be referenced 7

8 The Legislative Audit Bureau - Materials Audits WisDOT Bureau of Technical Services – Material Audits WisDOT Region Staff - Materials Reviews & Historical Information Records Coordinators – Open Records Requests 8

9  Some construction products simply require visual inspection or verification of the use of an approved product. This acceptance method requires notation in the Materials Records and is known as a “diary entry.”  To create a 905 diary entry report, it is important to understand the purpose of the report and to have general knowledge of information needed.  The CMM 8-45.3 contains a detailed list of some examples including: Asphalt Surface, PCC Curing Compound, or Paint. 9

10  One point of reference for all Materials acceptance related records/paperwork  This information is used during reviews, BTS & LAB audits, or open records requests 10

11  Standard Specifications  Plan notes and details  Contract Special Provisions  SPV Items  Part B of each special provision defines and lists materials requirements 11 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

12  8-45.2 ACCEPTANCE TYPES o Central Laboratory Verified Tests o Approved Products, Manufacturers, and Suppliers Lists Includes product acceptance programs, e.g. Portland Cement, Asphalt Binder, Secondary Bridge Metal items, Prestressed Concrete items o Shop or Source Inspection o Field Sampling and Testing o Manufacturer’s Certification of Compliance o Certified Report of Test or Analysis 12 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

13  Construction Materials Manual (CMM) o CMM 8-45 Materials Testing and Acceptance o CMM 8-50 Materials Testing and Acceptance Guide  E-Guide- Web based project specific materials sampling and testing guide 13 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

14  Materials Tracking System(MTS/MIT) Prefix 155 QMP Structures Summary 14 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

15 1-Name of Manufacturer or supplier 2- Name and use of product 3- Statement of specification 4- Lot, batch, Heat numbers etc. 5- Tests results, physical and chemical as applicable 6- Signature and title of person in responsible charge of the testing facility(Certifies to the results) 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS15

16 1-Name of Manufacturer or supplier 2- Name and use of product 3- Statement of specification 4- What is missing? 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS16

17 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS17 Certifications must be evaluated for: Promptness Adequacy Completeness Compliance with spec Reviewer will make appropriate notations, initial, and date the document at the time the review is completed.

18  Sample MTS Prefix 900/905 report 18 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

19  8-45.6 MATERIALS TEST RECORD  The test report record is a summary of all major testing and materials inspection accomplished on a project.  The Materials Testing and Acceptance Guide enumerates those items that are to be included in the report.  The test report record is to be kept for all contracts let to bid or entered into with the counties. 19 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

20  8-45.6 MATERIALS TEST RECORD  A draft is to be compiled and kept current during the progress of a project for the following purposes: - It will serve as a documentation that all materials have been and are being adequately tested and inspected. - Concerned personnel will be able to review project materials control quickly and easily. - If the engineer is reassigned elsewhere on another contract, that person's successor will have adequate records available. - It will make possible the prompt submittal of the report in its final form after completion of the project 20 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

21  Summary from Atwood Systems Information Browser 21 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

22  Summary from MTS LAN 22 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

23  8-45.7 CMM MATERIALS CERTIFICATION  Required for all contracts let to bid or entered into with counties  Enter electronically in the MTS/MIT  Deviations must be noted on the form or referenced attachment  Project Manager approves and signs final document  Additional signatures are being added  Hard copy in files 23 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

24 24 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

25  Example report 25 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

26 26 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS Each special provision (SPV) defines and lists materials requirements in which Part of the specification: a)Part A b) Part B c)Part C d)Part D

27 27 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS The form DT 1310 requires: a) Noting material deviations on the form or referenced attachment c) Project Manager approves and signs final document d) All of the above b) All contracts let to bid or entered into with counties

28 28 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS How would you verify that the listed values on the Certified report of test or analysis comply with the specification? a)Check the Standard specifications or special provisions c) Contact the region materials unit for assistance if needed d) All of the above b) Check the appropriate ASTM or AASHTO specifications

29 29 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS On the Certified report of test or analysis what number should be compared to the field delivered materials? a)Lot c) Heat d) All of the above b) Batch

30 30 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS Certifications must be evaluated promptly for adequacy, completeness, and compliance with applicable specifications. The certification reviewer will: a)Make appropriate notations on the document c) Date the document d) All of the above b) Initial the document

31 o IRI o Activity Reporting System o FIT o MIT  Note: Need IE-10 to run, coming in March 31 8/29/2015WisDOT BTS MMS

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