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N EW W ORLD Chapter 1. S HAPING OF N ORTH A MERICA Supercontinent Contained all dry land Began to drift away Rocky Mtn. = “Roof of the America” Lake Bonneville.

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1 N EW W ORLD Chapter 1

2 S HAPING OF N ORTH A MERICA Supercontinent Contained all dry land Began to drift away Rocky Mtn. = “Roof of the America” Lake Bonneville Utah, Nevada, and Idaho Drained to the Pacific Ocean through Snake and Columbia Rivers Great Lake Remained


4 P EOPLING THE A MERICAS 35,000 yrs ago Bering Strait Eurasia = North America Migratory herds Nomadic Asian hunters

5 C ONT. 54 million people inhabited America’s Split into tribes 2,000 languages = diverse Incas = Peru Aztecs = Mexico 20 million Elaborate cities Commerce

6 E ARLIEST A MERICANS Agriculture Size Sophistication of culture Corn = Staff of Life Spread across America Transformation Pueblo Rio Grande = Irrigation Adobe Terraced buildings

7 C ONT. Matrilineal cultures Three-sister Farming Beans, corn, squash Endowed nature

8 I NDIRECT D ISCOVERIES Scandinavia – 1000 B.C. New Foundland Crusaders Exotic Goods Silk, drugs, perfumes, spices, sugar Less Expensive Route

9 E UROPEANS Caravel = ship Sail more closely into the wind Portuguese Trading posts along African shoreline Slaves / Gold Slave Brokers Sugar plantations Shape the New World


11 C ONT. Spain takes over Ferdinand / Isabella Race for wealth Portugal dominated Africa Spain looked westward

12 C OLUMBUS Renaissance = 14 th century Compass Columbus = sailed for Spain 3 ships 6 weeks Oct. 12, 1492 Bahamas Global economic system emerged Europe, Africa, and New World

13 W ORLDS COLLIDE Columbian exchange New World Exotic animals Rattle snakes, iguanas Plants Corn, tomato, potato, tobacco Most important gift Changed economy Old World crops / animals / disease Seedlings of sugar cane, dandelions, daisies Horse

14 C ONQUISTADORES 1500’s Spanish Explorers dominant power Fanned out across Americas Treaty of Tordesillas Dividing Portugal and Spain

15 E XPLORERS Vasco Nunez Balboa 1513 Panama Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan 1519 Tip of South America to Philippines 1 st to sail around the world


17 E XPLORERS Juan Ponce de Leon 1513 and 1521 Florida Francisco Coronado 1540 – 1542 Arizona / New Mexico / Kansas Grand Canyon / Rio Grande / Colorado River Buffalo Hernando de Soto Gold seeking / 600 men Mississippi

18 E XPLORERS Hernan Cortes 1519 Mexico Interpreters - Malinche Aztecs Noche triste – June 30, 1520 Disease Temples destroyed

19 S PANISH A MERICA 160,000 Spaniards subjugated millions of Indians Printing Press Cathedrals English John Cabot 1497 Northeaster Coast of North America

20 C ONT. Battle of Acoma – 1599 Pueblo Brutal to survivors New Mexico Capital = Sante Fe – 1609 Christianity / Missionaries Pope’s Rebellion – 1680 Pueblo Destroyed every Catholic Church Killed priests and Spanish settlers

21 C ONT. 1716 Settlements in Texas San Antonio = Alamo Black Legend False concept about conquerors Mestizo Erected colossal empire California to Florida to Tierra del Fuego

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