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Population Change in the United States: Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University A presentation by Dr. Judith Dykes-Hoffmann Using data prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Change in the United States: Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University A presentation by Dr. Judith Dykes-Hoffmann Using data prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Change in the United States: Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University A presentation by Dr. Judith Dykes-Hoffmann Using data prepared by former Texas State Demographer: Steve H. Murdock, Director Hobby Center for the Study of Texas and Allyn and Gladys Cline Professor of Sociology Rice University

2 Demographic Transition Model

3 Source:

4 Total Population and Percent Population Change in Texas and the United States, 1850-2010 Total Population Percent Change YearTexasU.S. TexasU.S. 1850 212,592 23,191,876--- 1860 604,215 31,443,321184.235.6 1870 818,579 39,818,44935.526.6 1880 1,591,749 50,155,78394.526.0 1890 2,235,527 62,947,71440.425.5 1900 3,048,710 75,994,57536.420.7 1910 3,896,542 91,972,26627.821.0 1920 4,663,228 105,710,62019.714.9 1930 5,824,715 122,775,04624.916.1 1940 6,414,824 131,669,27510.17.2 1950 7,711,194 150,697,36120.214.5 1960 9,579,677 179,323,17524.219.0 1970 11,196,730 203,302,03116.913.4 1980 14,229,191 226,545,80527.111.4 1990 16,986,510 248,709,87319.49.8 2000 20,851,820 281,421,90622.813.2 2010 25,145,561 308,745,53820.69.7 Source: Derived from the U.S. Census Bureau decennial census April 1 of reported year. Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

5 Components of Change, U.S. and Texas, 2000-2009 United States Texas ComponentNumeric Change Percent of Total Change Numeric Change Percent of Total Change Total Change25,584,644100.03,930,482100.0 Natural Increase15,875,57962.12,124,12454.0 Net Domestic Migration-------848,70221.6 Net International Migration9,709,06537.9957,65624.4 Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau of the Census.

6 Change 2000-2010 State 2000 Population 2010 PopulationNumericPercent United States281,421,906308,745,53827,323,6329.7 Texas20,851,82025,145,5614,293,74120.6 California33,871,64837,253,9563,382,30810.0 Florida15,982,37818,801,3102,818,93217.6 Georgia8,186,4539,687,6531,501,20018.3 North Carolina8,049,3139,535,4831,486,17018.5 Arizona5,130,6326,392,0171,261,38524.6 Virginia7,078,5158,001,024922,50913.0 Washington5,894,1216,724,540830,41914.1 Colorado4,301,2615,029,196727,93516.9 Nevada1,998,2572,700,551702,29435.1 Ten States in the United States with the Largest Numeric Population Increase 2000-2010 Population values as of April 1, 2000 and April 1, 2010. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

7 Population of the United States by Regions, 1910-2010 Population values as of April 1, 2000 and April 1, 2010. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population in Thousands (Thousands) United States/ Regions19001950196019701980199020002010 United States76,212151,326179,323203,302226,546248,710281,422308,746 Regions Northeast27.626.124.924.121.720.419.017.9 Midwest34.529.428.827.925.924.022.921.7 South32.231.230.730.933.334.435.637.1 West5.713.315.617.

8 Place PopulationChange 2000 2010Number Percent New York, NY8,008,2788,175,133166,8552.1 Los Angeles, CA3,694,8203,792,62197,8012.6 Chicago, IL2,896,0162,695,598-200,418-6.9 Houston, TX1,953,6312,099,451145,8207.5 Philadelphia, PA1,517,5501,526,0068,4560.6 Phoenix, AZ1,321,0451,445,632124,5879.4 San Antonio, TX1,144,6461,327,407182,76116.0 San Diego, CA1,223,4001,307,40284,0026.9 Dallas, TX1,188,5801,197,8169,2360.8 San Jose, CA894,943945,94250,9995.7 Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171. Population 2000 and 2010 and Population Change 2000-2010 for the Ten Most Populous Incorporated Places in the United States

9 Change Percent of Population Race/ Ethnicity*20002010NumericPercent20002010 NH White (Anglo)10,933,31311,397,345464,0324.252.445.3 Hispanic6,669,6669,460,9212,791,25541.832.037.6 NH Black2,364,2552,886,825522,57022.111.311.5 NH American Indian68,85980,58611,72717.00.3 NH Asian554,445948,426393,98171.12.73.8 NH Hawaiian/Pac. Isldr.10,75717,9207,16366.60.1 NH Some Other Race19,95833,98014,02270.30.1 NH Two or More Races230,567319,55888,99138.61.11.3 Total20,851,82025,145,5614,293,74120.6100.0 ________ Source: U.S. Census 2010, P.L. 94-171. *Hispanic includes Hispanic persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are non-Hispanic (non-Hispanic White[Anglo], non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic American Indian, non-Hispanic Asian, non-Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic Some Other Race, non-Hispanic Two or More Races). Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Total Population by Race/Ethnicity for the State of Texas, 2000 and 2010



12 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non-Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Total Population by Race/Ethnicity for the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity*20002010NumericPercent Percent of Total Change20002010 NH White194,552,774196,817,5522,264,7781.28.369.163.7 Hispanic (All Races)35,305,81850,477,59415,171,77643.055.512.516.3 NH Black33,947,83737,685,8483,738,01111.013.712.112.2 NH Asian10,123,16914,465,1244,341,95542.915.93.64.7 NH Other7,492,3089,299,4201,807,11224. Total281,421,906308,745,53827,323,6329.7100.0

13 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non-Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Population 18 and Older by Race/Ethnicity for the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity*20002010NumericPercent Percent of Total Change20002010 NH White150,525,687157,100,9906,575,3034.425.972.067.0 Hispanic (All Races)22,963,55933,346,70310,383,14445.240.811.014.2 NH Black23,337,57327,323,6653,986,09217.115.711.211.6 NH Asian7,702,89511,288,9953,586,10046.614.13.74.8 NH Other4,598,3805,503,718905,33819. Total209,128,094234,564,07125,435,97712.2100.0

14 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non-Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Population Under Age 18 by Race/Ethnicity for the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity*20002010NumericPercent Percent of Total Change20002010 NH White44,027,08739,716,562-4,310,525-9.8-228.460.953.5 Hispanic (All Races)12,342,25917,130,8914,788,63238.8253.717.123.1 NH Black10,610,26410,362,183-248,081-2.3-13.114.714.0 NH Asian2,420,2743,176,129755,85531. NH Other2,893,9283,795,702901,77431. Total72,293,81274,181,4671,887,6552.6100.0





19 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non-Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Population Under Age 18 by Race/Ethnicity for Metropolitan Central City Counties in the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity* 2000 2010 Numeric Percent Percent of Total Chg 2000 2010 NH White 30,849,68327,506,006-3,343,677-10.8-172.455.948.2 Hispanic (All Races) 10,972,72315,001,6124,028,88936.7207.719.926.3 NH Black 8,908,6018,775,212-133,389-1.5-6.916.215.4 NH Asian 2,275,8742,973,879698,00530.736.04.15.2 NH Other 2,144,2582,833,831689,57332. Total 55,151,13957,090,5401,939,4013.5100.0

20 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non- Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Population Under Age 18 by Race/Ethnicity for Metropolitan Suburban Counties In the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity* 2000 2010 Numeric Percent Percent of Total Chg 2000 2010 NH White 3,777,8313,750,909-26,922-0.7-5.878.070.7 Hispanic (All Races) 406,567731,989325,42280.070.58.413.8 NH Black 450,858481,08030,2226. NH Asian 59,990101,09841,10868. NH Other 145,255237,25491,99963.319.93.04.5 Total 4,840,5015,302,330461,8299.5100.0

21 *Hispanic includes persons of all races. All other race/ethnicity categories shown here are Non-Hispanic. Non-Hispanic Other includes persons identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic Some Other Race, or Non- Hispanic and a combination of two or more races. Source: U.S. Census 2000 & 2010, P.L. 94-171 Prepared by the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University Population, Population Change, and Proportion of the Population Under Age 18 by Race/Ethnicity for Non-Metropolitan Counties in the United States, 2000 and 2010 PopulationPopulation Change Percent of Total Population Race/Ethnicity* 2000 2010 Numeric Percent Percent of Total Chg 2000 2010 NH White 9,399,5738,459,647-939,926-10.0-183.176.471.8 Hispanic (All Races) 962,9691,397,290434,32145.184.67.811.9 NH Black 1,250,8051,105,891-144,914-11.628.210.29.4 NH Asian 84,410101,15216,74219. NH Other 604,415724,617120,20219.923.44.96.1 Total 12,302,17211,788,597-513,575-4.2100.0

22 Percent of United States Population by Age Group and Ethnicity, 2010 Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

23 Percent of United States Population by Age Group and Ethnicity, 2050 Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

24 Projections of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050 Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University


26 Total and Percent of the United States Population in Poverty and Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity, 1999 and 2009 1999 2009 Population in Poverty% Median Household Income* Population in Poverty% Median Household Income Anglo15,414,1198.1$58,52319,462,96610.0$54,671 Hispanic7,797,87422.6$43,44211,130,89623.5$39,923 Black8,146,14624.9$37,9569,407,95525.8$33,463 Asian1,257,23712.6$66,9611,539,22611.4$68,780 Other1,284,43618.5NA1,327,12018.4NA Total 33,899,81212.4$54,172 42,868,16314.3$50,221 *In 2009 Dollars Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 and American Community Survey, 2009 Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

27 Educational Attainment for the Texas Population Age 25 and Older by Race/Ethnicity, 2009 Race Ethnicity Population Age 25 and Older Less than high school High school diploma Some college or associates degree Bachelor or more Non-Hispanic White8,026,0498.325.332.533.9 Black1,705,70915.030.436.518.1 Hispanic*4,876,51742.525.221.410.9 Asian580,15914.215.417.253.2 Total15,361,55720.125.428.925.5 ________ Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 2009. *Includes Hispanic persons of all races.

28 Educational Attainment for the United States Population Age 25 and Older by Race/Ethnicity, 2010 Race Ethnicity Population Age 25 and Older Less than high school High school diploma Some college or associates degree Bachelor or more Non-Hispanic White139,695,3589.329.330.031.4 Black23,530,64618.131.732.317.9 Hispanic*27,313,99637.826.522.713.0 Asian9,964,40414.616.019.649.9 Total204,288,93314.428.528.928.2 ________ Source: U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 2010. *Includes Hispanic persons of all races.

29 Average (Mean) SAT Scores for College Bound Seniors in the United States in 2001 by Selected Characteristics Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University


31 Percent of Projected Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States by Race/Ethnicity, 2000-2050

32 Percent of Net Change in Elementary and Secondary School, Community College and Public University Enrollment in the United States Due to Each Race/Ethnicity, 2000-2050

33 TEXAS EDUCATION Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University

34 Enrollment and Change in Enrollment of Economically Disadvantaged and All Students by Ethnicity in Texas Public Schools, 1999-2000 and 2009-2010 School Years Enrollment10-Year ChangeProportion Race/Ethnicity1999-20002009-2010NumericPercent 1999- 2000 2009- 2010 Economically Disadvantaged White359,510443, 93384,42323.518.415.6 African American369,393475,994106,60128.918.916.7 Other36,73466,87430,14082.01.92.3 Hispanic1,190,3631,866,376676,01356.860.865.4 Total1,956,0002,853,177897,17745.9100.0 Total White1,727,7331,615,459-112,274-6.543.233.3 African American576,977679,351102,37417.714.414.0 Other114,979198,99284,01373.12.94.1 Hispanic1,582,5382,354,042771,50448.839.548.6 Total4,002,2274,847,844845,61721.1100.0 Source: Texas Education Agency, Enrollment in Texas Public Schools, 2009-10

35 District/County/School Year White (%) African American (%)Hispanic (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Native American (%) Total Enrollment Houston ISD (Harris) 2000-200110.,462 2010-20117.826.,245 Dallas ISD (Dallas) 2000-20017.835.954.51.40.4161,548 2010-20114.625.,162 Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (Harris) 2000-200158.510.,497 2010-201131.015.542.58.00.2106,097 Northside ISD (Bexar) 2000-200136.76.654.32.20.263,739 2010-201120.,581 Austin ISD (Travis) 2000-200133.715.747.82.50.377,816 2010-201124.39.560.33.40.385,697 Fort Worth ISD ( Tarrant) 2000-200121.430.945.42.10.279,661 2010-201114.323.459.21.80.381,651 Fort Bend ISD (Fort Bend) 2000-200137.828.,999 2010-201120.329.425.921.40.668,948 North East ISD (Bexar) 2000-200149.19.438.82.50.250,875 2010-201132.07.354.13.60.366,604 Arlington ISD (Tarrant) 2000-200147.321.324.06.80.658,866 2010-201126.,484 El Paso ISD (El Paso) 2000-200115.24.878.51.20.362,325 2010-201110.,330 Total Public School Students by Race/Ethnicity in the 10 Largest* School Districts in Texas, 2000-2001 and 2010-2011 *Largest enrollment based on 2010-2011 school year Source: Data compiled by the Texas State Data Center from Texas Education Agency, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) District Profiles

36 Texas Higher Education Enrollment in Public Universities, Public 2-year Colleges and Health-related Institutions by Race/Ethnicity, 2000 and 2008 Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Public Univ Public 2-year Colleges Health-related Institutions 2000 Enrollment White (%)58.452.861.3 African American (%)9.811.04.9 Hispanic (%)19.628.912.6 Asian (%)5.73.914.6 American Indian (%).5 International (%) Unknown (%).7.51.3 Total 2000 Enrollment414,626447,99813,806 2008 Enrollment White (%)50.445.251.3 African American (%)11.611.86.6 Hispanic (%)24.334.113.8 Asian (%) American Indian (%).5.6 International (%) Unknown (%).91.73.5 Total 2008 Enrollment509,136617,50720,421 Source: Data compiled by the Texas State Data Center using data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)

37 Public Elementary and Secondary Public Community College, and Public University Enrollment in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections to 2040 Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to 1990-2000 (1.0 Scenario)

38 Percent of Public Elementary and Secondary, Public Community College and Public University Enrollment in Texas by Race/Ethnicity in 2000 and Projections to 2040 Assuming Rates of Net Migration Equal to 1990-2000 (1.0 Scenario)


40 Projections of the Civilian Labor Force of the United States from 2001 to 2050 by Race/Ethnicity from the Middle Projection Scenario

41 Percent of the Projections of the Civilian Labor Force of the United States from 2001 to 2050 by Race/Ethnicity for the Middle Projection Scenario

42 Percent of Net Change in the U.S. Civilian Labor Force from 2000-2050 Due to Each Race/Ethnicity Group Under Middle Scenario

43 Average Annual Household Income in Texas and the United States by Educational Attainment of Householder in 2000*

44 Source:

45 The mark of a truly educated man is to be moved deeply by statistics. George Bernard Shaw

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