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Study Tips Some tips to help you succeed in Biology (or any other) class.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Tips Some tips to help you succeed in Biology (or any other) class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Tips Some tips to help you succeed in Biology (or any other) class.

2 Note Taking Remember that notes can be your biggest asset or your biggest waste of time. Remember that notes can be your biggest asset or your biggest waste of time. Its all in how you make them and use them. Its all in how you make them and use them. More time doesn’t necessarily make your notes better. More time doesn’t necessarily make your notes better. More thought is what makes notes better. More thought is what makes notes better. Think about the material, and how to arrange it to help you understand. Think about the material, and how to arrange it to help you understand.

3 Note Taking Follow these steps when making notes. Follow these steps when making notes. 1. Read the textbook first. No notes at this time just read it. 1. Read the textbook first. No notes at this time just read it. 2. During your second time through take notes. 2. During your second time through take notes. 3. Review your notes. If any part of them does not make sense return to your textbook and redo them until they do. 3. Review your notes. If any part of them does not make sense return to your textbook and redo them until they do. 4. Add to your textbook notes with any material presented during class or lab. 4. Add to your textbook notes with any material presented during class or lab. 5. Study your notes until you’ve mastered the material. 5. Study your notes until you’ve mastered the material.

4 Note Taking Notes should not be material copied from the text. Notes should not be material copied from the text. It should be a synthesis and analysis of the material in the text. It should be a synthesis and analysis of the material in the text. If someone who doesn’t speak English could pick up the textbook and reproduce your notes then you are doing them incorrectly. If someone who doesn’t speak English could pick up the textbook and reproduce your notes then you are doing them incorrectly. Notes need to show your own understanding of the material. Notes need to show your own understanding of the material.

5 Note Taking Notes can be in any format you like or that your teacher assigns. Notes can be in any format you like or that your teacher assigns. The best notes are in multiple formats. The best notes are in multiple formats. Outlines, Cornell notes, diagrams, drawings, concept maps, tables, color coded lists, just about any method of organizing information that helps you learn it is great. Outlines, Cornell notes, diagrams, drawings, concept maps, tables, color coded lists, just about any method of organizing information that helps you learn it is great. What works for one person might not work for others. What works for one person might not work for others.

6 Note Taking If your notes aren’t helping you then Try Something Else!! If your notes aren’t helping you then Try Something Else!! Albert Einstein once said that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Albert Einstein once said that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Don’t be insane…. Don’t be insane….

7 Textbook Your textbook is a storehouse of valuable information that most students don’t know how to use properly. Your textbook is a storehouse of valuable information that most students don’t know how to use properly. Yes you should read your textbook. Yes you should read your textbook. In a perfect world you would read each chapter more than once before the test. In a perfect world you would read each chapter more than once before the test. The pictures and diagrams in the text arent there just to make it pretty. The pictures and diagrams in the text arent there just to make it pretty. They are there to pass on important information. Study Them Too!! They are there to pass on important information. Study Them Too!!

8 Textbook At the end of each section of your textbook there are a few practice questions. At the end of each section of your textbook there are a few practice questions. If you can’t answer them…. You need to reread the section. If you can’t answer them…. You need to reread the section. At the end of each chapter there is a chapter review that covers the main topics of each section. At the end of each chapter there is a chapter review that covers the main topics of each section. Main topics are very important things (read between the lines and think “Main topics are often test questions.” Main topics are very important things (read between the lines and think “Main topics are often test questions.”

9 Textbook Also at the end of each chapter is a test your knowledge section that is filled with practice test questions. Also at the end of each chapter is a test your knowledge section that is filled with practice test questions. Make sure you can answer these. Make sure you can answer these. The trepidatious student then asks “But teacher how do I know if I can answer these if I don’t have the right answers?” The trepidatious student then asks “But teacher how do I know if I can answer these if I don’t have the right answers?” The teacher sagely responds “Ahh my pupil, the answers are at the back of your textbook.” The teacher sagely responds “Ahh my pupil, the answers are at the back of your textbook.”

10 Online Textbook Another resource that many of your are not taking full advantage of is the online textbook. Another resource that many of your are not taking full advantage of is the online textbook. It has a digital copy of your textbook so you don’t have to carry yours home at the end of the day. It has a digital copy of your textbook so you don’t have to carry yours home at the end of the day. It also has lots of animations, diagrams, and digital activities to help you practice the topics covered by the various sections of your text. It also has lots of animations, diagrams, and digital activities to help you practice the topics covered by the various sections of your text. Explore it, the more time you spend with material, the greater your familiarity with it, the better your chances of succeeding on the test. Explore it, the more time you spend with material, the greater your familiarity with it, the better your chances of succeeding on the test.

11 Online Textbook To access the online textbook follow these steps. To access the online textbook follow these steps. 1. Go to _concepts_5th.html 1. Go to _concepts_5th.html _concepts_5th.html _concepts_5th.html 2. Choose Student Registration 2. Choose Student Registration 4. Click I Accept at the bottom of the License Agreement page 4. Click I Accept at the bottom of the License Agreement page


13 Online Textbook 6. Account Information – complete or verify your name & school information 6. Account Information – complete or verify your name & school information 7. Confirmation & Summary – list of websites where you can now login 7. Confirmation & Summary – list of websites where you can now login

14 Closing Comments Remember that your teachers can and will teach but it is up to YOU to LEARN. Remember that your teachers can and will teach but it is up to YOU to LEARN. Your teachers are your most valuable learning tool. Your teachers are your most valuable learning tool. If you don’t understand something go see them. If you don’t understand something go see them. A half hour with an expert is sometimes worth more than hours and hours by yourself. A half hour with an expert is sometimes worth more than hours and hours by yourself. Study hard, learn well, and when you’re a rich and famous business tycoon, doctor, lawyer, or inventor, don’t forget to send your wonderful teachers some cash, preferably lots. Well, letters of appreciation are okay too. Study hard, learn well, and when you’re a rich and famous business tycoon, doctor, lawyer, or inventor, don’t forget to send your wonderful teachers some cash, preferably lots. Well, letters of appreciation are okay too.

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