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EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Status of the TPS Control System Kuo-Tung Hsu NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Status of the TPS Control System Kuo-Tung Hsu NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Status of the TPS Control System Kuo-Tung Hsu NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan

2 2 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Taiwan Photon Source Project  TPS: Taiwan Photon Source  200 million USD project  Accelerator system 150 MeV linac Booster synchrotron Circumference: 496.8 m Storage ring Nominal energy: 3 GeV Circumference: 518.4 m 24-cell DBA lattice – baseline design Long Straight: 12 m x 6 (for long ID, injection, laser slicing, rf deflecting cavity..) Standard straight: 7 m x 18 (for future chicane options) Emittance less than 2 nm-rad in low emittance mode (distributed dispersion in ID straights)  Commissioning schedule ~ 2013

3 3 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 You Are Here Taiwan

4 4 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Hsinchu

5 5 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Hsinchu Science Park

6 6 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Site of NSRRC TPS TLS

7 7 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 TPSTPS officeActivity center & guest house Main entranceService entrance Utility building no.3 Service entrance Aerial view Taiwan Photon Source Project – cont. Taiwan Light Source 1.5 GeV 120 m Dedication in 1993 North

8 8 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Planning for the TPS Control System  Control system frame works => EPICS toolkit.  Commitment to the funding agency and budget consideration: Acquire as many of parts from local vendors as possible => No VME related manufacture in Taiwan (~ 35 VME crate system are used at Taiwan Light Source) Give up VME/VME64x/… solutions for IOC layer. => Adopt cPCI/PXI, AdvancedTCA, and another embedded solutions for IOC layer.  Borrow available resources from another labs.  Goals of 2008: Control system planning and refine the design. Setup EPICS test bed. Training EPICS staffs.

9 9 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 PC/Linux Control Ethernet Consoles and Servers Hard/Soft IOCs - cPCI, aTCA IOCs - Intel CPU/Linux (fully preemptive kernel ) - Hard/soft real-time - High volume I/O - High speed serial connection (GbE, … etc.) cPCI IOC Embedded IOCs - Pentium/XScale/ARM/IXP/IOP Linux - Soft real-time system - GPIB/IEEE-488 Instruments - RS-232/422/485 Devices - CCD camera server - PLC (safety type system) - Bunch-by-bunch feedback system interface - Special applications DB Server, Beam Physics Server, Alarm Server, AP Server, … etc. Storage Server IOC (Input Output Controller) aTCA IOC Signal Conditioning Embedded IOC TPS Control System Infrastructure PLC Safety Type System Network attached EPICS Devices (e.g. EPICS oscilloscope, … etc.)

10 10 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Candidates of EPICS IOC - Hardware Building Blocks RS232/422/485 Interface ACQ IOC (Linux) Intel IOP + ADC 128 Bits DI/DI cPCI CPU board CompactPCI IOC (Linux) aTCA IOC (Linux) MOXA IOC (Linux) Intel XScale IXP BI, BO, AI, AO, Timing Network attached devices BI, BO, AI, AO, Timing, Network attached devices Compute Blade Switch Blade Libera IOC (Intel XScale, Linux) MRF’s EVG/EVR ADC Custom Designed Power Supply Controller (~ 20 bit DAC performance) Power supply, Network attached devices, Feedback engine DAC In Developing DAC In Developing Main Power Supply

11 11 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Software Environment Control system framework: EPICS toolkit High level physics applications: => Depend upon machine physicists’ preference => Matlab/Accelerator Toolkit/Matlab Middle Layer another framework (e.g. XAL frameworks) is also in study => Setup virtual accelerator to support high level application development is in planning. Many items are still in study => Relation database => Technical system interface => Documentation, E-log => Machine status broadcasting: web, IPTV, … etc. What are our major focus now: 1.We are no real experiences on EPICS => Do our best to increase slope of the EPICS toolkit learning curve. 2.Work out on device/driver support for various selected hardware..

12 12 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Proposed Interface Standard cPCI I/O modules - 32/64/96 channel 16 bits AI (with transient signal capture capability) - 32 channel AO - 128 bit DI, 128 bit DO - EVG, EVR (cPCI & PMC form factor), Fine delay module - 32/64 channel 24 bits AI (with transient signal capture capability, in study) - 16 channel 20/21 bits AO (in study) - In house design electrical/optical fanout Main power supply control interface GbE interface, waveform support for the booster synchrotron main power supply Small power supply control interface GbE interface Feedback enable Booster energy ramping support (optional) Fast waveform capture Scope IOC Camera Firewire or GigE Vision

13 13 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Proposed Interface Standard – cont. Ethernet and LXI Compliant devices Power supply (feedback enable) Diagnostics Electronics instruments, DMM, temperature,.. Motion control Ethernet based motion controller Interlock PLC RS-232C/422/482 devices Ethernet to RS-232/422/482 serial device servers or IOC GPIB/IEEE-488 LAN/GPIB gateway Miscellaneous Interface …

14 14 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Possible Power Supply Control Interface If PSI type digital power supply is selected => Next Gen PSI power supply control interface (FOFB enable) DPC - Dataconcentrator Digital power supply #1 Digital power supply #2 Digital power supply #n Control System Link (GbE link) FOFB Link (Rocket I/O) Concepts of the PSI team

15 15 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Possible Power Supply Interface – cont. RocketIO Block PPC Or MicroBalzer Compact Flash System Ace EPROM Virtex V FPGA GbE Transceiver GbE Transceiver Fast Corrector Setting (10 KHz rate, >> 10 kHz rate for booster corrector ramping) Single UDP/IP package working in multi-cast mode to control all fast correctors with address offset. PS Control (10 Hz rate) Batch Data Transfer (TCP/IP) Configuration modules Alternative Interface Solution for Small Power Supply Control (FOFB Enable) Trigger PS #1 PS #2 PS #3 PS #4 PS #5 PS #6 PS #7 PS #8 Set Register PS #1 PS #2 PS #3 PS #4 PS #5 PS #6 PS #7 PS #8 Read Register RocketIO Block PS module #1 PS module #2 PS module #8 (16?) 20 Bit DAC 24 Bit ADC (> 18 bits ENOB) DI + DO Interface Mezzanine - Analogue and digital interface

16 16 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Possible RF Control System Interface Control Consoles * Control and monitoring * Status display * Conditioning & RF processing * Operation sequence * Data logger & browser * Alarm & reports * … etc. Cryomodule TPS Control Network LHe pressure regulator HEX gas flow regulator Signal Conditioning Cryogenic Electronics SRF Cryogenic Electronics LHe level regulator Control Console Ethernet Switch Fabric SRF Cryogenic Plant Monitor and Archive PC NSRRC Intranet PLC Transmitter Master Oscillator Low Level RF System (LLRF) IOCs CESR type or KEKB type

17 17 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 TPS Control Ethernet Ethernet based Motion Controller Interlock PLC Power Supply Auxiliary Encoder 128 Bits DI/DIcPCI CPU board CompactPCI IOC (Linux) Insertion Devices IOC 32 Ch ADC/ 16 Ch DAC ID gap/phase information To dedicated global compensation node (>100 update/sec) Motor Driver EncoderLimit Switches Proposed Insertion Devices Control Interface Encoder update rate (100 ~ 200 Hz ?)

18 18 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Proposed Superconducting Insertion Devices Interface TPS Control Ethernet Power Supplies 128 Bits DI/DI cPCI CPU boardCompactPCI (Linux) Insertion Devices IOC Interlock PLC 32 Ch ADC (10 kS/sec with average output) /16 Ch DAC MOXA RS-232/422/485 Serial Device Servers Cryogenic Electronics Temperature, LN2 Level, LH Level, … etc. Coil current Liquid level Gas pressure Temperature Quench detection Beam current Quench Detector Remark: ADC with buffer and trigger capability to capture trip event for post-mortem analysis.

19 19 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Turnkey System Interface  Many of turnkey systems compliant with EPICS based controls.  Possible turnkey systems included: Linac RF transmitter Outsource insertion devices Monochromator and other beamline components ………. etc.  Possible turnkey EPICS devices included: BPM electronics, Scope IOC, Motion control solution, …  Measures to minimize amount of workload for integration support and maintenance Standard components should be chosen to get consistency of hardware EPICS development environment and documentation on the TPS application development process TPS PV name convention

20 20 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Proposed Linac Control Environment TPS Control Network cPCI CPU board Modulator #1 Linac Control Ethernet Switch Modulator #2Gun Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Control Panel Power Supply Event Receiver + Delay generator (Electrical, Optical Output) DI/DI (Optional) ADC/DAC (Optional) CompactPCI IOC Fedora Core Linux or MontaVista Linux (real-time) Diagnostic IOCs (Transient Digitizer,, FireWire or GigE Vision Camera, … etc.) EPICS LXI Oscilloscope Modulator #3 RF Vacuum Interlock …etc. EPICS OPI cPCI IOC TPS Control Environment Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Control Panel Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Control Panel Local Controller (PLC,..etc.) Local Control Panel +

21 21 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Miscellaneous System Interface  Vacuum system BI, BO, AI, AO, serial links,..etc.  Diagnostics BPM electronics: Ethernet. BI, BO, AI, AO, counter  Machine protection Dedicated PLC system with fast link Ethernet to control system.  Personnel protection Dedicated PLC system with fast link Ethernet to control system.  Feedback system interface  …

22 22 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 Post-mortem Diagnostic Supports  BPM electronics: 16 k samples or more post-mortem buffer (turn-by-turn), dedicated fast data capture nodes to capture more than 5 seconds.  cPCI ADC module with post-mortem buffer: Up to 10  sec time resolution for more than 5 seconds.  Transient and waveform diagnostic: High timing resolution (~ nsec) with segmented sweep, multiple-trigger capability.  Beam trip trigger is planned to distribute via event system.

23 23 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008  Cultivate EPICS peoples.  Define standard hardware, work out on EPICS Device/driver supports.  Define software standard (EPICS toolkit).  Planning for various issues (name convention, networking, …).  Setup test bed in 2008: Training system Pulse magnet control IOC K2 solid state modulator IOC (test) BPM system for TLS (gateway to TLS control system) Power supply control interface prototype Transient and waveform IOC Various EPICS clients applications RDBMS OPI  Work out a solid plans for the TPS control system: Limited budget, limited manpower, schedule … Works in Proceed

24 24 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008 1 m EPU MicroIOC and Motion Controller MEDM Control Page Targeted cPCI and aTCA platform in testing cPCI aTCA Works in Proceed – cont. EPICS Training Setup EPICS learning system and test bed

25 25 EPICS 2008 Meeting, Shanghai, March 12-14, 2008  The design of the TPS control system is on going.  All major components for control system are in intensive study.  Standardization hardware and software are the current focus.  EPICS toolkit training - a series training activities will be arranged.  Set up EPICS test-bed  Single kind of operating system solution for IOCs and consoles are preferred => Linux.  Economy design without scarify performances and reliability are the goals.  Select possible outsourcing items  Learn experiences from another labs  Help from the EPICS community is absolutely essential! Device/driver support, Timing system support, Control system infrastructure, Training,... etc. Summary

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