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P.E.T.S Precise Electronic Tracking System A standardized communication network for a quick and comprehensive recovery in placement of pets CS410 Red Team.

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Presentation on theme: "P.E.T.S Precise Electronic Tracking System A standardized communication network for a quick and comprehensive recovery in placement of pets CS410 Red Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 P.E.T.S Precise Electronic Tracking System A standardized communication network for a quick and comprehensive recovery in placement of pets CS410 Red Team Professor Janet Brunelle Feasibility Presentation March 18, 2010

2 Red Team Or’Sasha Brooks Project Manager Mark Hall Financial Specialist Christopher Meir Documentation Specialist John Sofranac Web Developer Eli Leyman Hardware Specialist Katherine Kenyon Marketing Specialist Adam Heishman Software Specialist Ralph Horn Animal Control Officer Anne Wheeler Front Desk SPCA Lei Chris 8/29/20152

3 Best For The Position Or‘Sasha Brooks - Project Manager – Leadership Certificate (April 2009), previous management experience, is organized and responsible Adam Heishman - Software Specialist -Architecture and design knowledge Katherine Kenyon – Marketing Specialist - Quantitative analysis, good research skills Mark Hall - Financial Specialist - Great researching skills, good with numbers Ely Leyman- Hardware Specialist - Architecture and design knowledge John Sofranac -Web Developer -Experience with HTML, CSS Christopher Meier - Documentation Specialist - Creative, Experience with CS4 8/29/20153

4 Societal Problem: It is difficult to find homes for lost or abandoned pets that end up in animal control facilities or shelters 8/29/20154

5 Problem Characteristics Defined and Identified Pets only held for 11 days with ID (7 Days Without) Most pets in shelters never find homes Lack of standardization between entities 8/29/20155

6 Animal Control SPCA Humane Society Pet Owners Identification of Customer Base Preliminary Customer- Tidewater Region 8/29/20156 Source:

7 Process Flow For Problem in Customer Domain 8/29/20157

8 P.E.T.S P.E.T.S provides a standardized communication network for a quick and comprehensive recovery in placement of pets while reducing costs and suffering 8/29/20158

9 Solution Goals and Objectives Increase the number of pets in homes, decrease the number of pet deaths due to euthanasia Increase efficiency of animal care entities (i.e. Animal Control & SPCA) Education 8/29/20159

10 Solution modifications to process flow 8/29/201510

11 Major Functional Diagram 8/29/201511

12 Identification of Software Development 8/29/201512

13 Proposed Solution 8/29/201513

14 What Will the Solution Need to Do? Hardware – provide central storage device and a method of physical access to that storage Software – provide a standardized method of storage and interface to the stored information 8/29/201514

15 What Hardware and Software Will be Required to Build it? Hardware – High speed internet connection to physically access data – Storage device that can serve simultaneous requests for access Software – Database software that can store and retrieve information on storage device – Web interface to information stored in database 8/29/201515

16 What Will the Customer Need in Order to Use this Product? Hardware – needs a device with an internet connection Software – needs a web browser with support components used in website 8/29/201516

17 Description of what proposed solution will not do Can’t find pets missing over 1 year Won’t cost a lot 8/29/201517

18 Financial Estimates CurrentlyWith P.E.T.S. Dollars 8/29/201518

19 P.E.T.S Is The Answer 8/29/201519

20 Benefits to the Customer base Pets are reunited Pets are rescued from death Animal control save money SPCA saves money Educating the customer base 8/29/201520

21 Animal Control Benefits $1960-2940/year per officer $58,800-88,200/year per city Animal tracking Reduce volume of calls Based on estimated four to six percent reduction in time dealing with lost animals 8/29/201521

22 SPCA Benefits Reduce Overcrowding Reduce time pets are missing Saves cost on food supplies and medicine Reduce demands to staff Lighten overall paperwork load 8/29/201522

23 Customer Benefits Quick and Easy Pet Retrieval Fast updating of lost pets to shelters and Animal Control Save money on shelter impoundment Reduce amount of time looking for pets 8/29/201523

24 Customer Risks 8/29/201524

25 Technical Risks Accidental deletion Hardware incompatibility Hacking 8/29/201525

26 Schedule Risks 8/29/201526

27 Financial Risks 8/29/201527

28 Team Collaboration Google Groups Chat Telephone Face to Face Meetings 8/29/201528

29 Reference Horn, Ralph. Personal Interview; Animal Control Officer, Mathews County Animal Control, Mathews, VA, March 15, 2010. Wheeler, Anne. Portsmouth Humane Society, Portsmouth, VA. March 16,2010. N.A. Kris Norfolk SPCA, Norfolk, VA, Foster Care and PetSmart Adoption Coordinator & Veterinary Assistant. March 16, 2010. 8/29/201529

30 Save the Animals 8/29/201530

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