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PA GIS Conference 2004 Homeland Security GIS Jim Knudson Director, Geospatial Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "PA GIS Conference 2004 Homeland Security GIS Jim Knudson Director, Geospatial Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 PA GIS Conference 2004 Homeland Security GIS Jim Knudson Director, Geospatial Technologies

2 PA Homeland Security GIS Overview and HS Framework PEMA PEIRS – Enterprise Incident Reporting DEP PAIRS Health NEDSS PSP IIMS DMVA EOC Agriculture BAHDS (Being Developed) OHS Fusion Center (Future) Summary Q&A

3 PA Homeland Security GIS Pennsylvania’s Homeland Security Information Technology Objectives –Develop a Homeland Security Information Technology strategy to direct current and future technology investments –Identify and leverage the technology investments and capabilities that have already been made and align with the strategy –Fund only new homeland security technology projects that support the strategy –Create a governance structure for on-going coordination of the technology strategy to prevent redundancy, inconsistency and overlapping development

4 Strategy for Pennsylvania's Homeland Security Technology Intelligence Capabilities Incident Tracking & Management Response Systems Infrastructure Support Information Sources

5 Strategy for Pennsylvania's Homeland Security Technology Intelligence Capabilities Incident Tracking & ManagementResponse Systems Infrastructure Support Information Sources o Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PACIC) o Intelligence Strategy development o Fusion Center o Centralized incident tracking and management fed by decentralized agency sources o GIS critical infrastructure maps according to HSIP standards o Begin coordination of GIS activities across the Commonwealth agencies and begin to address local government initiatives o Continuity of Government readiness o Statewide radio network 800MH o Cyber Security o Notification o Training Communication and Coordination o Credentialing o Agency datao Incident datao External data

6 Governance Committee Community of Practice groups Technology Workgroups Funding Approval Cross-Department Coordination HHS Public Safety Environment Continuity of Government Incident Tracking GIS Maps Governors Office Cabinet Secretaries CIO

7 Homeland Security GIS Current Status

8 PA Homeland Security GIS Current Status Multiple systems, silos Little integration GIS use inconsistent Lack of common operating picture Changes occuring Development of new geospatial technologies enterprise architecture and data architecture for Homeland Security


10 PA Homeland Security GIS PEMA PEIRS The Pennsylvania Emergency Incident Reporting System (PEIRS) establishes standard-reporting criteria, consolidates reporting requirements. PEIRS provides reporting criteria for county emergency management coordinators, communications centers, 911 centers, commercial and industrial facilities, volunteer agencies and state and federal agencies to report emergency incidents which may affect the safety, health, or welfare of citizens of the Commonwealth, or require multi-jurisdictional response to the emergency incident.

11 PA Homeland Security GIS PEMA Pennsylvania Emergency Incident Reporting System (PEIRS) –PEIRS is the Commonwealth’s Enterprise Incident Reporting system –PEIRS is a web based system, incorporating messaging, incident entry, analysis and reporting –Other systems tie into PEIRS DEP PAIRS New Wireless 911 legislation indicates participation in PEIRS incident reporting to have W911 county plan approved for funding Other systems will be added in the future Potentially, all incidents will flow into PEIRS to the new Fusion Center

12 PA Homeland Security GIS


14 PA Homeland Security GIS PEIRS Current Status PEIRS application is currently undergoing several upgrades and modifications to current Geospatial Data Layers. PEMA is currently in the process of integrating 911 CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) into PEIRS through an XML Schema, which will use the incident location as one of the required fields for identification of a county incident to assist in dispatch, response, recovery and mitigation of emergency incidents. PEIRS is being evaluated and modified to ensure it is flexible and robust enough to support future developments and support the Commonwealth in the development of fusion center. The current application allows a user to do several different GIS options. 1.Plot an incident location, then be able to identify critical facilities in and around a facility. 2.An user can retrieve key information relevant to those facilities.

15 PA Homeland Security GIS PEIRS Screen Shot


17 PA Homeland Security GIS DEP Pennsylvania Incident Reporting System (PAIRS) Building Enterprise-wide GIS Applications

18 PA Homeland Security GIS DEP Pennsylvania Incident Reporting System (PAIRS) –PAIRS is the Commonwealth’s Agency Incident Reporting system –PAIRS is a web portal system, incorporating messaging, incident entry, GIS, analysis, reporting, and public/media outreach –Used by DEP to manage emergency environmental incidents – spills, contamination, toxic leaks, etc. – air, soil, water –Primary Agency Partners: Health Agriculture –Other systems tie into PAIRS PEMA PEIRS

19 PA Homeland Security GIS PAIRS Tracks: –Diseases affecting agriculture and humans –Environmental conditions – short and long term –Contamination of food supplies


21 DEP PAIRS Building on experience and reusing ESRI code from the West Nile Virus (WNV) application, DEP began by linking PEMA, Agriculture, Health and DEP Agency Partners can: –Enter incident information from remote sites across the Commonwealth –Send statewide notifications to other agencies –Send and Receive information from state labs –View real-time reports and maps of the incidents –Add additional information/query an incident –See patterns between incidents/across political boundaries PA Homeland Security GIS

22 Who it is 4 State Agencies –DOH, DEP, PDA, PEMA 1 Testing Lab 2 Federal Agencies 96 Individual Users Where it is Operational Data & Communication System Transitioning administrative responsibilities Data system refinements and enhancements PA Homeland Security GIS DEP PAIRS

23 Meteorological Data Accessed through PAIRS Portal on 9/22/03 Similar to data accessed by DEP and PAIRS users for Hurricane Isabel PA Homeland Security GIS DEP PAIRS

24 PA Homeland Security GIS DEP PAIRS Accessing the USGS National Map through the PAIRS Gateway Portal

25 PA Homeland Security GIS DEP PAIRS Census Tiger Data accessed through PAIRS Gateway Portal Allowing additional event analysis through demographic information

26 DEP PAIRS Existing capabilities of WNV have been/are being installed into PAIRS. These include: –Laboratory data entry (associating samples with incidents). Relies on WNV designed concept using intelligent barcodes –Linking to existing databases (local, state, federal) –Modeling incidents (plume analysis/fate and transport) –Sharing summary data with the public at the right time Goal: Complete integration of data tied to GIS from the field to the media outlets PA Homeland Security GIS

27 PA Homeland Security GIS DEP PAIRS WNV/PAIRS components have been used in other state agency applications –Point locator –Web services gateway

28 Health PA-NEDSS

29 PA Homeland Security GIS What is NEDSS? NEDSS is a national initiative driven by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to improve the timeliness, completeness, accuracy, and uniformity of surveillance data. The “NEDSS vision” includes use of the Internet for data collection and transmission, collection of data as close to the source as possible, incorporation of electronic laboratory reporting and use of uniform coding schemes and data transmission protocols. Pennsylvania’s Electronic Disease Reporting project, PA-NEDSS, is Pennsylvania’s response to this national initiative. PA-NEDSS is a new way to report diseases and investigative findings to the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) via the Internet. It replaces the card and form-based methods. As of November 16th, 2003, PA-NEDSS is the mandatory electronic disease reporting application for Pennsylvania.

30 PA Homeland Security GIS PA-NEDSS Functionality PA-NEDSS establishes a near real-time, secure communication link between laboratories, hospitals, individual medical practices, and the PA DOH. While the reporting process remains unchanged, PA-NEDSS seeks to improve the timeliness and accuracy of disease reporting and expand the public health infrastructure to improve response to possible bioterrorism attacks. PA- NEDSS provides the following core features: Web-based reporting for labs, hospitals, and physicians Integrated electronic lab reporting (ELR) Integrated Health Alert Network (HAN) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) and report extracts for CDC Graphical reporting/ analytical tools Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping tools used to plot cases on a map Comprehensive and integrated system for all program areas including Case Management for Epidemiology (EPI), Tuberculosis (TB), Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), and Elevated Blood Lead Level (Lead) program areas

31 PA Homeland Security GIS PA-NEDSS Users –Hospitals (539) –Labs (519) –Physicians (550) –Public Health Staff (county – 487)

32 PA Homeland Security GIS Schematic Diagram of GIS –The purpose of PA-NEDSS GIS is to perform spatial analysis on the patient and the patient’s contact data within PA-NEDSS. The main components of PA-NEDSS GIS are: GIS Query Forms Map Viewer ArcIMS Map Services ArcSDE Spatial Features SDE I/O – Spatial Feature Update

33 PA Homeland Security GIS PA-NEDSS The Basic Map Query displays points representing reports or investigations according to a query specification. Users can define the level of granularity utilizing zoom functions.

34 PA Homeland Security GIS PA-NEDSS Social Relationship Mapping is particularly useful for Sexually Transmitted Diseases Contacts/Associates mapping of PA-NEDSS disease data.

35 PA State Police Incident Information Management System (IIMS)

36 PA Homeland Security GIS Consolidated Dispatch Environment: –CAD –WebCAD –GIS/AVL –Dispatch Telecommunications –Dispatch Radio Communications Mobile Office Environment (In Car systems and mapping) Records Management System Data Warehouse PSP IIMS

37 PA Homeland Security GIS Geospatial data Seamless Statewide Geospatial Data Vendor – GDT – Contracted through Lockheed Martin – Quarterly Updates – Standard Layers and PSP Unique Layers Used Within All IIMS Components – Dispatching – AVL displayed – Receiving Dispatches – Routing – Crime Mapping PSP IIMS

38 South Central Dispatch Region with One County Buffer

39 Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)

40 Routing to an Incident

41 PSP Station Layer Information Displayed

42 Crime Mapping – Plotting Incidents

43 Incidents Displayed for Analysis

44 Department of Military and Veteran’s Affairs Emergency Operations Center

45 PA Homeland Security GIS FIG Guard EOC. On screen are PA Armory locations. At this early stage, GIS is simply used as visual aid Have plans to expand once basic supporting capabilities are achieved (fiber network, personnel, licensing)

46 Agriculture Bureau of Animal Health Diagnostic Services (BAHDS) Animal Information Management System (AIMS) Consolidated Database Emergency Management Response System Animal Tracking System

47 PA Homeland Security GIS Database Consolidation Project – 22 databases, different platforms Integration with Ag Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Tracking of premises, herds, individual animals, diseases and tests Leading U.S. in assigning national premise IDs to PA animal operations premises Need for the next Avian Flu outbreak (February 2004 – Lancaster County) Ag BAHDS

48 PA Homeland Security GIS A need for this project has existed for quite some time –Existing data is fragmented and located in antiquated systems such as DEC and is often redundant across multiple databases This limits the usefulness of the data It also creates a lack of confidence in data accuracy The new system will create a more efficient method of data retrieval and reporting –There is a strong need for this system based on Homeland Security issues regarding food safety and the health of our livestock Ag BAHDS

49 PA Homeland Security GIS Project will consolidate all BAHDS databases into one MS SQL Server application –Will also link to the Ag Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for animal disease test results –Will provide for a GIS interface that will allow for the spatial analysis of infected livestock operations and other premises –Provide the ability to track animal movement across the Commonwealth –An Emergency Management Response System will also be created for incident resource tracking –Future development is being laid out for the tracking of animal movement into/across the state using web based technology to provide outside access to authorized users such as private veterinarians Ag BAHDS

50 PA Homeland Security GIS BAHDS AIMS EMRS Tracks Animal Diseases: BSE Brucellosis … Used By: Vets Labs County Extension

51 PA Homeland Security GIS Phase One of project was completed as a Needs Analysis Phase Two is currently underway –The selected vendor has just completed the requirements gathering –Mock up screens have been created and reviewed –A prototype review and sign-off will occur at the end of May –Completion date is August 31 st Ag BAHDS

52 Office of Homeland Security Fusion Center (Future)

53 PA Homeland Security GIS OHS Fusion Center –The objective of the fusion center is to create a command and control facility and a set of processes that will allow agencies to share critical information in a real-time mode, before during and after a terrorist event, natural disaster or other crisis. –The first phase of the fusion center initiative will be the development of a blueprint that will lay out the technical infrastructure, the data sources and processes and the organizational structure and personnel requirements necessary for proper support. –The Center will be located at an alternate site location with security level clearance required –Many data feeds – DHS, PEIRS, PACIC, FBI, etc.

54 PA Homeland Security GIS OHS Fusion Center The PA agencies that will be participating in the first phase are: –Governor’s Office –Office of Homeland Security –Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency –Pennsylvania State Police –Department of Veterans and Military Affairs –Department of Health –Department of Environmental Protection –Department of Agriculture –Department of Transportation –Office for Information Technology

55 Regional Counter Terrorism Task Forces

56 PA Homeland Security GIS 9 Regions Receive DHS/ODP Funding $44M in 2004 County plans Lots of boots and suits, starting to look for technology for planning and response GIS, data, imagery Services Pictometry

57 Homeland Security GIS Task Force

58 PA Homeland Security GIS Homeland Security GIS Task Force –Formed in 10/2003 –State GIS Coordinator is chair –Made up of agencies and counties –Meet monthly –Data needs, prioritization, and implementation strategies –Think tank for Homeland Security, Incident Response, Technology and Data assessments

59 Summary

60 PA Homeland Security GIS Summary –Lots going on in state agencies on HS and Incident response –Designation of PEIRS as enterprise incident reporting system –Will be better coordinated for back-end GIS in the future, Common Operating Picture –State GIS Coordinator supports all first response agencies, and RCTTF regions –Homeland Security GIS Task Force is looking at broad needs and working with multiple groups

61 Questions?

62 Contact Information: Jim Knudson Director, Geospatial Technologies Office for Information Governor’s Office of Administration 210 Finance Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 346-1538

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