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 A interactive notebook (INB) your own personalized DIARY of learning about science  A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great.

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3  A interactive notebook (INB) your own personalized DIARY of learning about science  A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & test  A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes.  Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST !



6 The Left SIDE “LOVES” student work. This is the side that you can use to show me your creativity. This is the “output” or product side. The Right side is “RESTRICTED” and contains only information given by the teacher. Nothing else should be placed on the RIGHT SIDE!! The notebook is divided into TWO sections.

7 LEFT side “loves ” STUDENT work = OUTPUT RIGHT side is “restricted” to TEACHER INPUT WARMUP #1 Fill in the missing word. Decomposer Producer Consumer Plants are ____. Lions, tigers, and bears are ____. Worms and mushrooms are____

8  The LEFT SIDE belongs to you.  It contains your interpretation of the teacher pages.  On this page you may include diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! ODD PAGES =1, 3, 5, 7, 9…YOU GOT IT..

9 The day’s lesson is placed on the LEFT or OUTPUT side of the notebook. The RIGHT or INPUT entails hands on, tactile learning.

10 Graphic Organizers Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Rap Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU WANT TO BE




14  The RIGHT SIDE belongs to me and should only contain information given or “input.. Nothing else should be placed on this page!  The RIGHT SIDE will contain all the TESTABLE material. Even Pages = 2,4,6,8..YOU KNOW IT.

15 The RIGHT side of the notebook contains information given to you. This is the ESSENTIAL information that will DEFINITELY be on a quiz or test. Nothing else should go on this side.

16 Scissors colored pencils Erasable pens & pencils 3 Ring Binder Glue or glue stick HIGHLIGHTER


18 Creating your Author page Your author page should have the following: -Pictures, sketches -hobbies, sports, activities you like to do

19 Starting with the 1 st page, number the first 50 pages. The 1st page is 0. Numbers should be small and at the top outside corner of every page. 2 1 AUTHORS PAGE “ALL ABOUT YOU PAGE” 0

20 Sample Author P a g e

21 No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners No DOODLING that doesn’t relate to science Notebook should be used for SCIENCE CLASS ONLY DATE AND NUMBER each page BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK

22  Many thanks to these wonderful teachers for creating wonderful POWERPOINT slides from  Annette Holder, rockin’ Science Annette Holder  Doug Saunders, bringing History Alive! Doug Saunders , great resource  Mr. Taft, student quotes Mr. Taft

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