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IDENTIFYING LEARNING STYLES PASS 0900 1 How Would You Do It?  Cooking a new dish for dinner…  Read a recipe (from a cookbook or online).  Watch and.

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Presentation on theme: "IDENTIFYING LEARNING STYLES PASS 0900 1 How Would You Do It?  Cooking a new dish for dinner…  Read a recipe (from a cookbook or online).  Watch and."— Presentation transcript:



3 How Would You Do It?  Cooking a new dish for dinner…  Read a recipe (from a cookbook or online).  Watch and listen to someone (in person or on TV).  Just get in the kitchen and get to it! 2

4 Learning Styles  A learning style is the way someone takes in, remembers, and gives information in a learning context.  Visual = Seeing  Auditory = Hearing  Kinesthetic = Doing  There is no one right way to learn!  Almost everyone uses each of the different ways, but most people have a strong preference for one or two! 3

5 What Is Your Learning Style…?  There are several different instruments out there because psychologists and educators have been studying learning styles for years  VARK is a 16-question survey that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences (the way they want to take in and give out information)  Visual = Seeing something  Auditory= Hearing something  Read/Write = Reading/Writing something  Kinesthetic = Doing something  Multi-Modal = A combination of two or more of the above  Approximately 15,000 people take VARK every month 4

6 Ask VARK! Go to…http://www.vark-learn.com On the website, click “Questionnaire.” Or go to the Learning Styles Inventory Link in Your PASS 0900 D2L Course Once you have completed the questionnaire, copy and save your results to a word file and submit it in the drop box. Then continue with the power point. 5

7 Visual Learners Characteristics:  Sense of sight is primary way of learning  Like to read directions or watch someone do something before trying it  Like pictures and illustrations  Attracted to bright, colorful things  Remember things by making visual connections College Success Tips:  Sit near the front of the classroom so you can see the teacher and the board / projector  Pay close attention to visual aids (charts, illustrations, etc.)  Create your own visual aids like flow charts and sample problems  Use flash cards to review things you need to memorize  Visualize information = see it in your mind’s eye 6

8 Aural / Auditory Learners Characteristics:  Sense of hearing is primary way of learning  Like to talk  Like to read aloud  Find repetition helpful College Success Tips:  Sit near the middle of the classroom so you can hear everything (lecture, questions, discussion, etc.)  Ask questions  Organize a study group  Tape record lectures to listen to again later  Try audio books (but be careful of movie versions) 7

9 Reading/Writing (R&W) Learners Characteristics:  Learn by reading/writing  Like lists, headings, glossaries, manuals  Often try to take notes verbatim  Often re-write notes College Success Tips:  Sit near the front of the classroom so you can see the board/projector clearly  Re-write and re-read lecture notes  Turn visual aids (charts, diagrams, etc.) into words and statements 8

10 Kinesthetic Learners Characteristics:  Prefer hands-on learning  Learn best by doing  Like to just jump right in and try new things  Concentrate more easily when doodling or fidgeting  Associate info to be memorized with physical activity  Like to take frequent breaks when studying to move around College Success Tips:  Sit in the middle of the classroom so you can be involved in everything  Ask questions and discuss  Participate as much as possible (ex. assist in labs or go to the board to solve a problem)  Make charts or models to bring the content to life  Work with classmates in learning teams or study groups  Use interactive computer software if available  Read while exercising (treadmill or stationary bike) 9

11 Multi-Modal Learners Characteristics:  Have multiple preferences College Success Tips:  Review Study Strategies for each (V, A, R, and/or K) to see what works best for you 10

12 Conclusion  Remember, there is no right way to learn!  Different styles work for different people at different times.  Try changing your study methods based on the VARK preferences you learned about today!  Use the suggested success tips and study strategies.  Talk and share ideas with other students who have the same learning style. 11

13 Questions/Discussions 12

14 References  Austin Peay State University First-Year Planning Committee. “Understanding the Way You Learn.” Your First-Year Experience. 2 nd ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2006.  Fleming, Neil. VARK. 2008. 27 January 2009. 13

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