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On an Academic Journey Transitioning from High School to College.

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Presentation on theme: "On an Academic Journey Transitioning from High School to College."— Presentation transcript:

1 On an Academic Journey Transitioning from High School to College

2 Visualization Exercise  What would you like your life to be like 10 years from now?  Where are you working and what are you doing?  Where are you living?  Who are your friends?  Are you married?  Do you have children?  What do you do in your free time?  How has your college degree helped you?

3 Your Academic Success Plan  What, when, where, and how you will study for each course.  What does studying mean?  Where should you study?  How long and how much should you study?  What are the benefits of using rewards and having cheerleaders?  Why should you focus on a grade goal?

4 Support Services  When should you use these services?  Why should you use these services?  Are there other services that you can think of?  Update throughout the semester as needed.

5 Learning Your Grades  Why is it important to know your grades?  How will you find your grades?

6 Calculating Your GPA  Once you have a grade goal for each course, use the GPA Calculator to determine what your GPA would be.  Recalculate your GPA every time your grade for each course is updated so you know where you stand in each course, then if needed you can use your support services.  Use the paper version or go online at

7 Time Management  You are now in charge of your time.  Weekly Time Management Plan  Daily Planner  To-Do Lists

8 Time Management “Learning to manage time effectively, to balance different demands, responsibilities, temptations, and enticements can be one of the most important outcomes from your college experience.” - Chickering & Schlossberg, 2001, p. 169

9 Study Tips  Class Attendance  Reading  Note Taking  Studying/Test Preparation  General Test Taking Tips  Test Anxiety

10 You Can Do It! You are here because you have what it takes to succeed as a college student. We are here to help you succeed. You must supply the motivation, dedication, and hard work needed to succeed.

11 Any Questions?

12 Ready for More Sessions?  The First Test: Sink or Swim  Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say: Learn Positive and Effective Communication Skills  FREE Pizza Lunch at 1:30!

13 We need your feedback. Please fill out the evaluation form. Place on the front table. Grab your free gift. Thank you for attending!

14 References Chickering, A. W. & Schlossberg, N. K. (2001). Getting the most out of college (2 nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Gardner, J. N. & Jewler, A. J. (1989). College is only the beginning (2 nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Hirsch, G. (2001). Helping College Students Succeed: A Model for Effective Intervention. Minneapolis, MN: Brunner-Routledge. Nist, S., Ph.D. & Holschuh, J. P., Ph.D. (2002). College rules! How to study, survive, and succeed in college. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. Treuer, Paul (2002). Retrieved September 14, 2004, from University of Minnesota-Duluth Study Strategies Homepage Web site:

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