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Microbiologists aspect of STI’s
By Vicki Parr-Gallant & Jaime Tracey
Review Virus Bacteria Above Left-Virus Middle-Cocci Shaped
-Particles of nucleic acid, protene and some lipids -can only reproduce by infecting living cells -composed of core DNA or RNA surrounded by capsid -Capsid binds to receptors on cell and tricks cell to letting it inside -It then destroys host cell Two types of infection 1)Litic-Virus enters cell, makes copies of cell, which causes cell to burst 2)Lysogenic-Integrates it’s DNA into DNA of host cell and replicates along with the host cell. Dosen’t kills host cell right away. Bacteria Prokaryotes -unicellular organisms that lack nucleus. -Typically range from 1-5 micrometers. -Can be bacilli (rod shaped), cocci (spherical), spirilla (spiral and corkscrew shaped) -Two kingdoms of prokaryotes. 1st Kingdom—Eubacteria -Larger of the prokaryotes -Live in fresh water, saltwater, on land and in human body ie-ecoli -Usually surrounded by cell wall -Cell wall contains peptoglandins. Some have a second membrane. 2nd Kingdom--Archaebacteria -lack nuclei, have cell walls. -Lack peptoglandin. -DNA sequences are more like those of Eukaryotes. -Live in Harsh environments. Some live oxygen free and some live in boiling point water. **Who can explain the gram stain? Done for the identification of bacteria. Empirical method of differentiating bacterial specis in two large groups-Gram positive and gram negative. Gram Stain Technique 1.Smear culture on glass slide, heat to fix smear to slide. 2. Add crystal violet stain for 1 min then rinse with water. 3. Add iodine solution for 1 min and rinse with water. 4. Add acetone plus ethyl alcohol rinse with water. 5. Add safranine-which is counter stain for 1 min and rinse with water. 6. Gram positive stain has thick cell wall, no outer membrane and is stained purple. Gram negative cells-thin cell wall, inner and outer membranes and stain pink. Above Left-Virus Middle-Cocci Shaped Above Right-Spirilla Bottom Right-Bacilli
Viral Infections Hepatovirus hepatitis
Herpesviridae-Herpes Simplex Virus Papillomavirus-warts and genital warts Human immunodeficiency virus Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Who can name the different types of Hepatitis? ABCDEFG
Hepatovirus hepatitis
Disease Caused-Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E,F,G Characteristics of Organisms- Virus Related Disease-Liver Failure, Cancer, Serosis Symptoms and disease development-Jaundice, Fatigue, Loss of Appetite Diagnosis- Blood test looking for antibodies and/or antigens
Hepatitis Chart Hepatitis Incubation Period Route of Transmission
Onset Severity Chronic Age-Group Affected Vaccine A 30 days Fecal, oral, parenteral, sexual Acute with fever Mild No Children and young adults Yes B days Parenteral, sexual Insidious Severe Any C 35-60 days Parenteral Mild to severe D days Fecal, oral, sexual (parenteral?) Yes – Hep B vaccine E 15-60 days Fecal, oral Acute Severe in pregnant women G Unknown
Simplexvirus Herpes Simplex Virus
Characteristics of Organisms- Lytic Related Disease-Eye infections, Infection to infant during birth Disease development-Initial breakout, lies dormant in nerve cells until next breakout Diagnosis- Looking at sores, Blood test for antibodies Incidence- Class exercise Transmission- Skin to skin contact Treatment-No cure/Antiviral may help with breakouts Symptoms HSV1-Coldsores on mouth or genitals HSV-Blisters on genitals or mouth *Discuss how transmission occurs via mouth and genitals *During times of stress or fatigue a breakout may occur *******What causes immunosuppression?-Illness, colds, drugs, lack of nutrition, stress *Cesarean sections is sometimes required and antiviral medication is always given during the end of pregnancy is HSV 2 is known. ** Do count in class have every 5th student stand to show prevelance.
Papillomavirus Disease Caused-Warts and Genital Warts
Related Disease-Cervical Cancer, Anal & Penile Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer Symptoms and disease development-Warts, Abnormal Pap Smear Diagnosis-Physical Exam, Pap Smear, Biopsy Incidence-Class exercise Transmission-Skin to skin contact Treatment-Removal of visible lesions or prescribe cream, No cure for virus itself Prevention-Gardasil & Cervarix – Protect against 4 of 20 strains found. Suspected 200 strains. -have class count out in 1,2,3,4 and have 123 stand up…..they all have HPV Men and Women can take gardasil Age for gardasil??-9-26 Why is immunization important to women?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Disease Caused- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Related Disease-Fungal disease, Bacterial Diseases, Protozoal Diseases, Viral, Malignancies Diagnosis-Blood test Incidence-On the rise Transmission-Intercourse, Injection Drug uses, Blood to Blood contact, Mother to fetus, Via Breast Milk Treatment-HIV Cocktail to slow disease progression Prognosis-No Cure Fungal-Candida—Yeast Bacterial-TB, Bacterial Pneumonia Protozoal-Toxoplasmosis Viral-Herpes Malignancies-Karposi sarcoma (this was known as “gay cancer” prior to HIV/AIDS gay men who frequented bath houses in San Fransisco were all developing Karposi sarcoma—this prompted the center for communicable disease to start running tests which lead to the discovery of AIDS)-The band played on *Between HIV increased by 14% **Total of 60,160 from
HIV Trajectory HIV attacks CD4+ cells (also some macrophages and all T- helper cells). Causes death of T-helper cells, via apoptosis, and cell lysis. **Does anyone know the definition of apoptosis? A type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cell machinery to kill itself, in other words cell suicide. CD8 T-cells (cytotoxic) will also kill infected CD4 T-cells. Flu like acute symptoms as initial HIV spike occurs. Has long latent phase (~10 years). AIDS occurs when CD4+ count < 200 cells/mm3
Attache to T-cell lymphocytes and macrophages (large glycoproteins)
HIV virion: Attache to T-cell lymphocytes and macrophages (large glycoproteins) Fuse with host cell (small gp glycoprotein) and viral capsid enters cell Uncoats (break-down of capsid) in the host cell cytoplasm When uncoated, ‘Reverse transcriptase’ is produced results in dsDNA being formed by the ssRNA of the Virus dsDNA – Provirus; enters host nucleus and is inserted (integrated) into a human chromosome under the action of viral ‘Integrase’ Once integrated, provirus is part of host cell – for ever! Integrated HIV provirus can replicate and be transcribed using host cell systems May remain dormant (Latent) [hours, months, years] or become activated Role of other cells in skin, mucosa, smooth muscle, dendritic cells as “antigen presenting” cells and B cell lymphocytes which carry virus to lymphoid tissue] Assembly: Provirus transcribes mRNA – translation into viral proteins (e.g. capsomeres, Gp 120 and Gp 41 glycoproteins, reverse transcriptase, integrase. and protease) Two molecules of genomic ssRNA incorporated into new virion Release of virion from cell membrane – process of “budding” Does not become virulent until capsid is assembled and protease becomes active AIDS: First reported in USA (1981)
Bacterial Infections Chlamydia trachomatis-Chlamydia
Treponema Pallidum-Syphilis Neisseria Gonorrhoeae-Gonorrhea
Chlamydia trachomatis
Disease Caused-Chlamydia Characteristics of Organisms-Gram Negative Related Disease-Urethritis, Proctitis, Infertilitiy, PID Symptoms and disease development- Asymptomatic, Onset of symptoms may take months. Discharge, Pain with urination, abdominal paid. Diagnosis- Cervical swab, Swab or urethra. Urine tests are now avaialable. Incidence-Fredericton has the highest rate in all of Canada Transmission-Vaginal, Anal or Oral Sex/Mother to Infant transmission Treatment-Antibiotics Prognosis-Curable with no damaging effects if caught early. **What kind of cell wall will it have? A. Gram-negative bacteria, therefore its cell wall components retain the counter-stain saffarin and appear pink under a light microscope C. trachomatis is an obligate intracellular pathogen (i.e. the bacterium lives within human cells) and can cause numerous disease states in both men and women.[1] Both sexes can display urethritis, proctitis (rectal disease and bleeding), trachoma, and infertility. **Most reported STI in Canada -Chlamydia is the most widespread of sexually transmitted diseases. -In 2004 alone there were cases 2/3 of all reported cases were between 15-24 -BUT, this is only an estimate because chlamydia is difficult to detect and often goes without notice. -All sexually active people, regardless of their sexual preference, can get the disease. -Chlamydia is very common in the sexually active teenage population. About 45% of sexually active teenagers are exposed to the disease What happens in men? 50% will show no symptoms. Chlamydia causes something called NON-SPECIFIC URETHRITIS (if you really want to impress someone, call it NSU for short). If you get this, you will see or feel: discharge from the penis the testes swelling up (which if not treated can lead to infertility-can't have kids anymore) pain when you urinate What happens in women? 75% of the women can't even tell or feel that they have the infection. If they do feel something, it happens within 3 weeks after getting the infection. If women do feel something, it is usually: a yellow vaginal discharge pain during urination may have lower abdominal pain that doesn't go away pain during sexual intercourse spotting between periods may also have nausea and fever It can also lead to cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) about 5-13% of the women in the U.S. who get Chlamydia get cervicitis It can also cause salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes)
Treponema Pallidum Disease Caused-Syphilis
Characteristics of Organisms- Bacteria Infection, Helical Coil, Posses Flagella, Reproduces by asexual transverse fission Related Disease-Dementia, Paralysis, Numbness, Blindness, Cardiovascular disease Symptoms and disease development- Diagnosis-Diagnosis is made by dark-field microscopy of genital ulcers in primary syphilis and by serology in all stages (blood test) Incidence-3.5/100,000 (highest in BC due to sex trade workers) Transmission-Direct contact with Syphilis sore, occurs during vaginal, anal or oral sex Treatment-Antibiotics (IM injection of penicillin) Prognosis-Can be cured if caught early, can be re infected Over the last five years, the most significant change in the rate of reported infectious syphilis has been seen in men aged 20 to 24 (a 3.8-fold increase). However, the rate is increasing in all age groups in males. If untreated, the infection progresses through five stages: primary, secondary, early latent (asymptomatic syphilis <= 1 year), late latent (asymptomatic syphilis > 1 year) and tertiary syphilis. Tertiary syphilis involves the cardiovascular, neurological and musculoskeletal systems. Infection during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and congenital infection. Infectious syphilis refers to the primary, secondary and early latent stages. Estimated 2-5 fold increase risk of inquiring HIV if syphilis infection present Transverse Fission –divides across its width into two distinct organisms
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Disease Caused-Gonorrhea Characteristics of Organisms-Gram-negative cocci , intrecellular and typically appear in pairs Related Disease-Conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, proctitis, urethritis, prostatis, orchitis Symptoms and disease development- Women-PID, Cervical infection/irritation, Urinary freq., Discharge, Spotting. Men-pain with urination, discharge Diagnosis- Urine screening, Sample of discharge, High White Blood Cell Count Incidence-28.9/100000 Transmission-Sexual Intercourse/Mother to Baby Treatment-Antibiotics Prognosis-95-99% Cure Rate, May lead to sterility **Discuss suffex and ending of each word IE-Conjunc-Eye, itis –Infection Proctitis-Anus Cunjunctivitis-aka pink eye Pharyngitis-throat orchitis –testies *Second most reported STI in Canada Symptoms are also related disease
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