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邯郸学院 Handan College 刘景慧 Liu Jinghui 《新视野大学英语 读写教程》 Book 1 Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班.

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Presentation on theme: "邯郸学院 Handan College 刘景慧 Liu Jinghui 《新视野大学英语 读写教程》 Book 1 Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班."— Presentation transcript:


2 邯郸学院 Handan College 刘景慧 Liu Jinghui 《新视野大学英语 读写教程》 Book 1 Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班

3 分小组合作学习 三课堂模式 无纸化考试(网考) 第一课堂 第二课堂(英语角、朗诵 比赛、歌曲大赛、演讲比 赛、大学生英语竞赛等) 网络课堂 邯郸学院大学英语教学模式

4 Unit overview –Introduction –Teaching objectives –Teaching plan Demo class Unit 3 A Good Heart to Lean on 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 NHCE Book 1 Unit 3

5 Unit overview Introduction –Students Freshmen of Non-English Majors Differences in Language Proficiency –Materials Book 1 Unit 3 Section A Section B 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 NHCE Book 1 Unit 3 The passage describes the author’s memory of his crippled father. We should live our daily lives with the goal of helping others, and provide support without thinking of our own gains.

6 Time Allocation (One Unit) 1 st sectionLead in activities; Global reading activities; Structured writing 100 M 2 nd sectionVocabulary practice; Intensive reading activities ;Speaking practice 125 M 3 rd sectionExtensive reading activities; Exercises 75 M 4 th sectionListening practice and speaking practice 100 M

7 Unit overview Teaching objectives –Knowledge learning Develop vocabulary Learn writing structure –Emotion experiencing Share your idea of the positive influence from Father or Mother Learn to make life better for others 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 Lean on, severe, inward, coordinate, adjust to, despite, cling to, subject, stress, precise, etc. General point+ Examples Tell a story between your father/mother and you. NHCE Book 1 Unit 3

8 1. To train students to grasp topic- related vocabulary &sentences. 2. To train students to read for the main information and identify the general statement plus examples pattern in paragraph writing. 3. To enable students to write a paragraph with this pattern and learn to polish words. Teaching objectives (skills)

9 Unit 3 Demo teaching

10 Teaching procedure 4 Checkup 1 2 3 Structured writing 5 Idea sharing Fast reading & Global reading Lead in

11 Demo class Pre-class Online Activities Preview the vocabulary online so that you can get scores in checkup activities. Please get yourself familiar with any information about the disabled and think of the meaning of a good heart so that you can take part in the discussion. Suppose you are going to write an article about your father, which word do you want to center on? 外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班 NHCE Book 1 Unit 3

12 Pair work Checkup Activities 5min

13 Word guessing Checkup 10min 暂停,中止 halt Hint: stop; pause 暂停,中止 halt Hint: stop; pause

14 Lead-in activities(15 min) N H C E Listening Let’s enjoy a song. Please pay attention to what it is about and take notes of the lyrics, then have a group discussion. Remember, you might be the one to report the discussion to the class. Group discussing & Reporting

15 It is about love between ________. The son ______his father very much. We can find it from the lyrics “_________________________” (Urge Ss to say more) 1. What is the song about? Lead-in Tips N H C E Tips father and son missed Dance with my father again.

16 2. Work in groups and tell your group members “What kind of father is your father?” (Ask Ss to list words to describe their fathers before showing tips for them. ) Lead-in N H C E Tips: considerate patient a great helper generous hard-working honest

17 The text tells a man’s memory of his father. Please scan the text quickly and match each part with its topic. If you find them out, please come to the blackboard to write them down. Remember, there is only one chance for each group. Scanning for the topic Fast reading activities 10 min Group competition

18 ____ Paras. 1 — 2 ____ Paras. 3 — 4 ____ Paras. 5 — 7 ____ Paras. 8 — 11 ____ Paras.12 — 13 d. How my father went to work. c. My father participated in many things in some way. b. I miss my father very much. e. I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. a. What my father looked for was a good heart, not pity. e d a c b Find the topic Fast reading activities 10min

19 Text understanding Global reading activities 40min Q-A activities (pair work) There are some questions for you to understand the text. Please answer these questions according to the hints.

20 1. How did the writer feel to be seen with his father when he was young? Why? 2. What did the father always say when he started out with his son? embarrassed, crippled, unwanted attention set the pace, adjust to Paras. 1—2 I was embarrassed to be seen with my father who was severely crippled. People would stare at us when he kept balance with my help. That was unwanted attention for me. Global reading—Understanding

21 Please sum up the main idea of the whole passage according to that of each part. Work together with your group and report it in the class. Summary (the main idea) Global reading

22 Sample 1: Sample 2: Sample 3: The whole class evaluate these samples together and decide which one is the best. Summary (reference) Global reading

23 The story includes some paragraphs in which the writer starts with a general point and then presents a number of examples to support his point. Look at one of the paragraphs. Read for the structure Global reading

24 Example 1 Example 2 A general point: My father tried to participate in many activities in some way. keep the team going as a manager go to dances and parties Text Study—Structure analysis Paras. 8—9

25 The general point examples Now, it’s your turn to find this writing pattern in paragraph 11. Text Study—Structure analysis

26 Example 3 A general point: I now know he _________ some things _________, his only son. visited his office Example 1 Example 2 played ball joined the Navy Text Study—Understanding Para. 11 participated in through me

27 From Reading to Writing A logical writer An active reader A general statement – examples structure

28 Think – Pair - Share Topic: My father is_________. A general statement: My father is patient. Examples: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Structured writing

29 Polish the words When I was growing up, I didn’t want to be seen with my father. He was disabled and very short, and when we walked together, he put his hand on me, people would stare. was embarrassed severely crippled my arm for balance

30 Assignments 1. Logical writing: My father is _________. 1) Apply a general statement plus examples structure in your writing 2) Polish the words.

31 A good heart Idea sharing (15’)

32 How do people treat crippled people? What about you? (pair work) Idea Sharing Tips for talk

33 fairly, look down upon, normal, prejudice, unwanted attention, goodwill, good intension, ill will, ill intension, treat sb. as..., Tips for talk I would treat him as normal as everybody else… A lot of people would regard them abnormal. They look down upon the disabled. Idea Sharing

34 分小组讨论(每组由一至两个组长组织讨论,讨论时注意做 笔记,教师可提供一些表达用语,并参与部分学生的讨论, 最后请四至五个小组的代表在班上做总结发言,教师反馈总 结) What is a good heart? As a college student, how can you have a good heart? Discussion

35 Video-Watching & Discussion Back summary Having a good heart involves ___________________. With a good heart, you may offer all kinds of help to those________________, have the courage to do _______________and think more of ______than ________and find _________ in________. N H C E much devotion to others in trouble or in danger whatever is right others yourselfexcellence others

36 What have we learned or practiced today? Reflection

37 Please find out at least ten important words or phrases from the text. Study them hard online so as to get scores next class. Please finish the structured writing. Please finish all the exercises of Section A online. Assignments

38 Thank you ! Have a safe trip home!

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