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Effective Communicating Tony Sheppard A case study from Lodge Park Technology College.

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2 Effective Communicating Tony Sheppard A case study from Lodge Park Technology College

3 Hell-Desk (n): A helpdesk that has so many (l)users that it feels like everyday is a journey into the Seven Hells

4 User (n): A person with any form of technical access.

5 (L)user (n): A user that is so much trouble you feel like you should remove all access to anything remotely technical.

6 “Bob” (n): A Technician or Engineer.

7 “BoFH” (n): If you need to ask you have obviously never annoyed one.

8 “Geek” (n): A nerd with social skills.

9 “Teacher” (n): A person who helps others learn.

10 “Manglement Speak” (n): The collection of phrases and buzzwords that rarely mean anything and just seem to confuse things, closely linked to initiative overload.

11 “Technobabble” (n): A string of highly specific and descriptive words that make little sense to those out of geekdom.

12 Confused? “A slight inclination of the cranium is as adequate as a single spasmodic movement of a solitary optic covering, to an equine quadruped utterly devoid of any visionary capacity!” - Gyles Brandreth

13 What’s in a few words... Verbal vs non-verbal Written vs Spoken Personal vs formal

14 What’s in a few words... Verbal vs non-verbal Verbal skills used to explain meanings Non-verbal used to convey feelings

15 What’s in a few words... Written vs spoken Spoken conveys both meaning and feeling but not reviewable Written conveys information that can be used multiple times

16 What’s in a few words... Personal vs formal Personal gives specific information to a person or group of people Formal can be generic information to assist anyone

17 What works best? A combination of all of them Use appropriate means to communicate Don’t be scared of asking people One job, multiple tools A never ending process

18 Resolving issues Communication is two-way Be prepared to ask for explanations Be ready to change your mind Be ready to stand your ground

19 Make it easy People want to communicate... People like to communicate... People hate a lack of communication...

20 Help the helpless FAQs Knowledge base Newsletters Handbooks Manuals ‘How-to’

21 Roles of the Help Desk A standard way of recording and logging incidents and requests How is not important... the fact that it is is a standard method is!! Various methods : paper forms, email forms, online form, online database.

22 Newsletters A monthly newsletter Tips and Tricks New facilities Advance warnings Humour

23 Handbook Facilities Guide AUP SLA Manuals Helpful URLs Teaching resources Methods of Communication Paper request forms Training materials User feedback Dynamic Document!

24 Wiki

25 Communication Online Help Desk ICT User Group Student Voice

26 Where does it lead? Becta /FITS ICT Mark ITIL Long term planning

27 Any Questions?


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