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Building Tools and Content for Global, Mobile Training A Case Study Based on

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2 Building Tools and Content for Global, Mobile Training A Case Study Based on

3 We hope you learn… Programs need to scale globally, but be relevant locally Content must be flexible, adaptable and timely Online learning programs likely need a mobile component

4 Overcome knowledge gap in the channel Support complex, global partner ecosystem Create brand and platform advocates Cost and scalability Business Goals Sales reps sell what they know

5 12 languages, 15 markets Deployed across Europe and Asia/Pacific 2004 Launched June, 2003 in the US Online learning for retail sales who sell Windows Mobile devices Windows Mobile Training Overview 46,000 registered users 3,100 certified Windows Mobile Specialists Over 200,000 online trainings completed Reduced cost/training by 50% two consecutive years

6 Portalization Engine Making it relevant locally

7 Product & Sales Training Engaging Highly interactive Localized

8 Technical Training How-To’s Knowledge Bank Device Demos Tips and Tricks

9 Tools for Retail Sales Reps Product database Industry news Sales tools and other downloads Useful links

10 Local Publishing Tools local, fast, flexibility Homepage Updates Content Publishing E-Mail Blasts Database Management

11 Rewards & Recognition Prize shop Specialist certification

12 DEMO Windows Mobile Training Site

13 Why M-Learning? New generation of Internet- enabled mobile devices User and partner feedback Serve changing program audience Support emerging markets

14 Windows Mobile Training Mobile Assess user needs Assess existing content & services Define solution –Intersection where mobile users needs = existing content –HTML browser based mobile portal How we approached the challenge

15 DEMO Mobile Portal Prototype

16 Prototype Walkthrough What is Windows Mobile? Product Data Knowledge Bank Tips and tricks News Home Page

17 Prototype Walkthrough What is Windows Mobile? Product Data Knowledge Bank Tips and tricks News Home Page

18 Prototype Walkthrough Information about Windows Mobile HTML and graphics formatted for mobile viewing What is Windows Mobile?

19 Prototype Walkthrough Real-time device specs Delivered to RSPs on the sales floor Product Data

20 Prototype Walkthrough Real-time device specs Delivered to RSPs on the sales floor Product Data

21 Prototype Walkthrough Live FAQ of Windows Mobile information Users can submit new questions Knowledge Bank

22 Prototype Walkthrough Live FAQ of Windows Mobile information Users can submit new questions Knowledge Bank

23 Prototype Walkthrough Live FAQ of Windows Mobile information Users can submit new questions Knowledge Bank

24 Prototype Walkthrough Cool things you can do with Windows Mobile devices Available to RSPs while they work with customers Tips and Tricks

25 Prototype Walkthrough Cool things you can do with Windows Mobile devices Available to RSPs while they work with customers Tips and Tricks

26 Prototype Walkthrough RSS feeds from localized sources Real-time content Gives users a reason to come back frequently News

27 What’s Next? User feedback on beta Launch HTML version across all markets Expand support for other devices/browsers Continue to evaluate new technologies for mobile learning –Flash based learning modules –Local applications for offline access –SMS for information alerts

28 Conclusions Global scope and local relevance Content is king The world is mobile

29 Discussion

30 Partner Ecosystem

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